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1. How do we increase internal involvement and participation? Development area: increase involvement and participation among employees. 2. How do we create internal spaces for cooperation and good communication ?
1. How do weincrease internal involvement andparticipation? Development area: increaseinvolvement andparticipation amongemployees
2. How do wecreate internal spaces for cooperation and goodcommunication? Developmentarea: increaseinternal cooperation and improveinternal communication
3. How do weensuregoodanchoring, participation, transparence and follow-up? Developmentarea: clarify decision processes when new support systems areintroduced
4. What sort ofuniversity college is MDH? Development area: clarifyMDH’sroleregionally, nationally, internationally
5. MDH:s internationella roll 5. How do weclarifyour international strategy? Development area: clarifyMDH’s international role
6. WhateducationprofileshouldMDH concentrate on? Development area: clarifyMDH’srelationship toVocationalHigherEducation programmes
7. How do weincludebroadenedrecruitment in student recruitment ? Development area:create the prerequisites for broadenedrecruitment
What do wemean by benefit, value and other terms? Development area: clarifyMDH’sterminology
9. Cooperation v. Co-production Development area: clarify the difference
10. Howarecooperationprojectscoordinated? Development area: clarifyeveryone’sresponsibility and howeach and everyonecancontribute
11. HowshallMDH’scooperation be communicated?Development area:strengthenMDH’svision as a co-producing University
12. WhatdoesMDH’splan for skillssupply and continuingprofessionaldevelopment look like? Development area: clarifyMDH’spersonnel policy
13. Whatpersonnel policy benefits MDH? Development area: clarifypersonnelpolicy
14. What is the roleoflecturersat MDH?Development area: investigate the questionofthe roleoflecturers
Vad betyder det rent konkret? 15. Whatdoes the requirement of a research basis mean? Developmentarea: clarifywhat it means for MDH
16. How do wemaintain the balance between Eskilstuna and Västerås? Development area: revive a clear campus balance
17. How is research and cooperation presented at www.mdh.se? Development area:improve the presentation of MDH
18. How is the internal distribution ofresourceslinkedtogetherwithMDH’sgoals? Development area: clarifyand create consensus concerningMDH’s internal distribution ofresources
The employees’ approach to FUSEN(Research and EducationStrategy) A lotof the opinions and thoughts from kraftsamling@mdhconcerned the choice ofwords and the meaningofimportant terms. Hereare a few examples: • ”Skill” insteadof ”talent” • ”Value and benefit” insteadof”benefit” • ”Society” insteadof”industry” • ”Sustainabledevelopment” insteadof ”growth” • ”Work” insteadof ”jobs”
Differencebetweencooperation and co-production Co-production • Mutual need, value and benefit • Mutual skills • Responsibility rests bothwith MDH and co-producing partners • Activitiescarriedout by MDH and co-producingpartners • Project portfolio Cooperation • Can be a one-sided need, value and benefit • MDH’sownskills • MDH’sresponsibility • MDH’sactivity • Individualprojects