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Physical Science. Semester 2 2012-13. Week of 1/28 – 2/1. Entry Task FOR THE WEEK. Write a sentence for each! Explain the difference between kinetic and potential energy. Trace the energy from the sun to solar panels to your morning toast. Give an example of chemical energy.
Physical Science Semester 2 2012-13
Week of 1/28 – 2/1 • Entry Task FOR THE WEEK. Write a sentence for each! • Explain the difference between kinetic and potential energy. • Trace the energy from the sun to solar panels to your morning toast. • Give an example of chemical energy. • How is energy different than matter?
Week of 2/4-2/8 • Entry Task FOR THE WEEK. • Monday – which energy forms are difficult for you to remember? • Tuesday – QUIZ – no entry task • Wednesday – Explain what you learned about energy transfers and tranformations this unit. • Thursday - When water changes to ice in a freezer, where does the kinetic energy of the molecules transfer to?
2/11/13 • Entry Task • Why is science important?
2/12/13 • Entry Task • What is a simple machine? • Read and take notes from pages 158-170. • Definition and Notes for EACH of the 6 simple machines: pulley, wheel/axle, ramp, wedge, screw, lever
2/13/13 • Entry Task • Give an example of a simple machine you have used recently (has to be one of the 6 - pulley, wheel/axle, ramp, wedge, screw, lever)
2/14/13 • Entry Task • Describe the simple machines in a can opener. Yes, there is more than one. • Watch a movie including a simple machine. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K_U1OSZCgs
2/19/13 • Entry Task • Find and write down a definition of WORK from your physical science text book. • Watch and take notes on Energy and Simple Machines on C-Notes to staple IN YOUR NOTEBOOK !
Simple Machine? • Demonstration: Book – weight and inclined plane • Use string around book and spring scale; record force necessary to lift book • Predict – drag the book up this ramp, will it take more or less force? (get ramp from Mr. Mann) • Is this ramp a simple machine? Why?
2/20/13 • Entry Task • Find a definition of FORCE. Write the book definition. Rewrite in your own words. • Review ENERGY QUIZZES! • Complete a reflection if you would like a better score… • MANDATORY reflections for scores of 15 or less!
2/21/13 • Entry Task • If you know the effort force and you know the resistance force, how do you calculate the mechanical advantage? HINT: look at example on page 160.
Simple Machine? • Divide paper into 2 columns: machine and not machine • Rotate objects amongst the tables • sorting objects - scissors, pliers, can opener, screws, blunt knife, eraser, pencil, chalk, paper, ruler, ball, book, staple remover, C-clamp, jar lid • What criteria did you use to determine whether it is a machine?
Mechanical Advantage • Lift the book with the spring scale and record the resistance force. • Lift the book using a push or pull on a simple machine (lever, pulley, or inclined plane) and record the effort force. • Calculate mechanical advantage: MA = Fr/Fe • How many times easier was the task with the simple machine?
2/22/13 • Entry Task • Say Something Nice • Please turn in your entry task sheet!!
2/25/13 • Entry Task • Compare the FORCE IN NEWTONS of lifting the book WITHOUT a simple machine and WITH a simple machine?
Today’s Work • Finish Simple Machine Lab • For each simple machine you try, calculate the MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE = Fr/Fe • You will turn in a paper with at least 3 completed calculation of MA (lever, pulley, ramp) • Finished? Please read pages 1-6 in small green books “Force and Motion”
2/26/13 • Entry Task • What does SPEED mean? Write a book definition and then explain in your own words.
SPEED • Finish reading pages 1-6. • Answer all questions on page 6. • Extra time? Complete challenge assignment!
2/27/13 • Entry Task • How do scientific ideas change over time? What influences the ideas?
Discuss Answers • Scientists make predictions, conduct tests and share their results. • Some of the predictions have evidence to be correct and others have evidence to be incorrect. • Other scientists consider the results and conduct other tests and share those results. • Over a long number of years, the knowledge grows and changes.
Take Notes! • You will be making a timeline from the information in this movie. • NOTES: • WHO - people, • WHAT - contributionsto scientific ideasAND political issues/ gender constraints of the era • WHERE - countrywhere they conducted their work, • WHEN - YEAR(s) of effort • WHY – why was this discovery important?
2/28/13 • Entry Task • What is a TIMELINE?
Discuss Answers • A timeline is a graphic representation of the passage of time as a line. Either vertical like facebook or horizontal… • EXAMPLE • http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zr2Mh-uoWfg/T6BQf69mDLI/AAAAAAAACmk/l_QQlVJ-sis/s1600/Timeline_Inventions.jpg • Often, past on the left…current on the right. • Remember the spaces on the timeline should be even. For example if you want to span 200 years over 10 inches, every inch would be 20 years.
3/1/13 • Entry Task • Say Something Nice • Please turn in your entry task sheets!
3/4/13 • Entry Task • List THREE interesting people and their discoveries from the movie last week.
ANSWERS • EINSTEIN e = mc2 • Faraday – electromagnetism • Lavoisier – conservation of mass • Newton – developed formulas for FORCE and MOTION
Today’s Work • Complete movie. • Discuss notes. • Set up timeline. • Complete your timeline with your partner.
1812 – Michael Faraday, electricity/magnetism, London, only gentleman are scientists • 1885 Einstein as a child • 1771 – Antoine Lavoisier, France, Conservation of Mass, French Revolution, he gets guillotine—disliked tax collector • 1897 Einstein in high school, poor student, fascinated by light • 1846 – Faraday realizes electricity and magnetism are connected, invents electric motor, names the “invisible light” electromagnetism • 1722- Emilie du Chatalay, France, before her time, translated Newton’s principia and realized he had made an error, velocity should be squared, fell in love with poet Voltaire, died at 43 • 1905 – Einstein’s miracle year, Germany, 5 papers, including E=mc2 in 3 pages • 1919 – Fame finds Einstein and he divorces Mileva, marries cousin • 1907 – Berlin, Germany; Lisa Meitner becomes first professor (1912)of physics • 1920-30 “Golden Age of Nuclear Research” • 1930’s – Nazis drive out Jewish intellectuals; Einstein leaves in 1933; Meitner barely escapes in 1938 • 1938 – Sweden, Robert Frisch (nephew) and Meitner “split the atom” realizing that lost mass is converted directly to energy during nuclear fission • 1942 Manhattan Project in US; bombs contain only a couple pounds of Uranium and Plutonium
Gaps in your Notes • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/ancestors-einstein.html • TIMELINE SCALE: • 1 inch = 20 years • ½ inch = 10 years • ¼ inch = 5 years • TIMESPAN: 1722-1942
3/5/13 • Entry Task • Give a detailed example of how society influences science and technology and vice versa. • Finish movie • Add detail and color to timelines
3/6/13 • Entry Task • Look at the first column of the scoring rubrics for Conclusions and Plan an Investigation. • Which parts do you know best? Least? • For the ones you know the least, write an explanation of it here!
Today’s Work • Get back your Semester 1 benchmark tests. • DAY 1 – if you got 5 or less you are required to do a REFLECTION. • DAY 2 – if you got 6 or less you are required to do a REFLECTION • What do my grading marks mean? • Review answers. • Complete reflections… • Finished? Complete timelines OR work on crossword…
3/7/13 • Entry Task • In your scientific conclusions, where will the DATA come from? • How many of your conclusion points are related to DATA? • TODAY’S FOCUS – really practice getting all the points on this final practice session! • Use your rubric as you work…
ANSWERS • The DATA comes from your trials when you tested the manipulated variable and measured the responding variable. You put the data in the DATA TABLE! • 3 out of 4 points for the conclusion will be about DATA!
Today’s Work • Read through the scenario and consider the data table together. • Do the multiple choice AND • Write your conclusions. • Have your rubric next to you as you work. Aim for 4 points! • Write your name at the top of the rubric. • Trade and grade. Graders – sign your name at the bottom of the rubric • Finished early? Work on the crossword puzzle OR start tomorrow’s task “Plan an Investigation” based on a new question.
3/8/13 • Entry Task • Say Something Nice • Please turn in your entry task sheets!
9th Grade • REMINDER – reflections on benchmark needed from: • Day 1 - Teasha, Pai, Kristen, Nathan, Violet, Ethan, Dewey, Cydney, Yolanda, Alex, Monica • Day 2 - Teasha, Pai, Kristen, Adrian, Nathan, Violet, Ethan, Dewey, Cydney, Yolanda, Alex, Monica
8th grade Benchmark Reflections needed… • Day 1 – Sean, Devin, Jaiedyn, Chandler, • Bailey, Alex N, Shyann, Miguel, Kelcee, Alex Y, Burbs, Nick • Day 2 – Sean, Devin, Chandler, Alex N, Shyann, Nick
Today’s Work • Your reflection on benchmark Day 1 and Day 2 should be turned in!!! • Your conclusion from yesterday with graded, signed rubric should be turned in. • Your “plan an investigation” – completed today – should be turned in by end of Monday!!
3/11/13 • Entry Task • 2 points if you have turned in your reflection from Semester Benchmark day 1 or day 2.
Missing steps… • 1. Reflections Day 1 – Pai Kristen, Nathan, Alex, Violet, Yolanda, Monica, Ethan • 2. Reflections Day 2 – Teasha, Pai, Adrian, Nathan, Alex, Violet, Yolanda, Ethan, Monica • 3. Conclusion from last week – Teasha, Kristen, Jacob, Nathan, Alex, Violet, Yolanda, Lucas, Ethan, Monica • 4. Plan an Investigation – everyone! • 5. Finished early? Inquiry Skills Crossword • 6. Finished early? Read pages 11-16 in green books.
Missing Steps… • 1. Reflection Day 1 – Sean, jaiedyn, chandler, Bailey, Alex N, Shyann, Miguel, Kelcee, Alex Y, Burbs, Nick • 2. Reflection Day 2 – Sean, Devin, Chandler, Alex N, Shyann, Nick • 3. Conclusion from last week (about the flashlight and batteries) – Payton, Chandler, Shereen, Miguel, Anna, Akyah • 4. Plan an Investigation (about the watts and flashlight) • 5. Finished early? Inquiry Skills Crossword • 6. Finished early? Read pages 11-16 in green books.
Today’s Work • Finish “Plan an Investigation” with your rubric nearby. • Trade and grade – your name goes at the top. • Graders – sign your name at the bottom. • In the column, “What was written” write a few words which show how that person earned the point.
3/12/13 • Entry Task • Can you recall how speed is calculated? For example, how would you calculate the speed if someone traveled 10 miles per hour? • Complete steps from yesterday. • Finished early? Read pages 11-16 in green books.
Answers • Average SPEED = Distance/time or • distance PER time • The word per also means “divided by” • This is AVERAGE SPEED because it tells you nothing about acceleration during that time.
3/13/13 • Entry Task • If you move 50 meters in 10 seconds, what is your speed? • Read pages 11-16 in the green books. Answer questions 1-4 on page 16. • Finished early? Work on speed worksheet. You may ask for a calculator.
3/14/13 • Entry Task • Bill and Amy want to ride their bikes from their neighborhood to school which is 14.4 kilometers away. It takes Amy 40 minutes to arrive at school. Bill arrives 20 minutes after Amy. How much faster (in km/hour) is Amy’s average speed for the entire trip? • How would you change this to meters per second?
Today’s Work • Review answers to crossword • Review Answers to book questions and speed worksheet questions. • WORK TIME – You will either be working on one of the steps from last week • OR if you are finished with all your steps (Ms. Maring will check the gradebook), you can help construct an “air trolley”
3/15/13 • Entry Task • Say Something Nice • Please turn in your entry task sheets!