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The QCD Phase Diagram in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

The QCD Phase Diagram in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions. Chiho NONAKA, Nagoya University. October 24, 2011@KMI Inauguration Conference. Strongly Interacting QGP. RHIC:2000. Relativistic hydrodynamics Recombination model Jet quenching Color Glass Condensate. 高. T.

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The QCD Phase Diagram in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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  1. The QCD Phase Diagram in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Chiho NONAKA, Nagoya University October 24, 2011@KMI Inauguration Conference

  2. Strongly Interacting QGP RHIC:2000 • Relativistic hydrodynamics • Recombination model • Jet quenching • Color Glass Condensate 高 T Heavy Ion Collisions: LHC,RHIC sQGP Property of QGP LHC: Energy frontier RHIC, SPS: energy scan FAIR, NICA:high density Quark-Gluon Plasma QCD Critical Point 陽子、中間子など Hadron Phase Color Super Conductor μB

  3. Our Approach ? QCD Experiments lattice QCD effective theory AGS, SPS, RHIC, LHC RHIC, LHC… Phenomenological analyses relativistic hydrodynamic model event generator statistical model… Realistic dynamical model QGP signal?

  4. Strongly Interacting QGP • Phenomenological analyses • Relativistic hydrodynamics • Recombination model • Lattice QCD: hadron property 高 T Heavy Ion Collisions: LHC,RHIC sQGP Quark-Gluon Plasma QCD Critical Point 陽子、中間子など Hadron Phase Color Super Conductor μB

  5. UrQMD Full 3-d Hydrodynamics EoS :1st order phase transition QGP + excluded volume model Hadronization Cooper-Frye formula final state interactions Monte Carlo TC TSW t fm/c TC:critical temperature TSW:Hydro  UrQMD Multi Module Modeling • Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions • 3D Ideal hydro + UrQMD model hydro hadronization freezeout collisions thermalization

  6. Highlights of 3D hydro+UrQMD Nonaka and Bass PRC75:014902(2007) @RHIC

  7. Strongly Interacting QGP • Phenomenological analyses • Relativistic hydrodynamics • Recombination model • Lattice QCD: hadron property 高 T Heavy Ion Collisions: LHC,RHIC sQGP Quark-Gluon Plasma QCD Critical Point 陽子、中間子など Hadron Phase Color Super Conductor μB

  8. Quark Number Scaling • Elliptic flow • Quarks • Hadrons (meson) • Quark number scaling meson baryon R.J. Fries, C. Nonaka, B. Mueller & S.A. Bass, PRL 90 202303 (2003) R.J. Fries, C. Nonaka, B. Mueller & S.A. Bass, PRC 68 044902 (2003) C. Nonaka, R.J. Fries & S.A. Bass, Phys. Lett. B583 73-78 (2004) C. Nonaka, B. Mueller, M. Asakawa, S.A. Bass & R.J. Fries, PRC 69 031902 (2004)

  9. Mesons Baryons Elliptic Flow Meson Baryon Quark number scaling: Nuclear modification factor Hadron ratios

  10. Multi Module Modeling • Our plan hydro hadronization freezeout collisions thermalization Initial fluctuation hydrodynamic model final state interactions + viscosity Targets: higher harmonics, jets in medium and so on @QM2011

  11. Strongly Interacting QGP • Phenomenological analyses • Relativistic hydrodynamics • Recombination model • Lattice QCD: hadron property 高 T Heavy Ion Collisions: LHC,RHIC sQGP Quark-Gluon Plasma QCD Critical Point 陽子、中間子など Hadron Phase Color Super Conductor μB

  12. J/Y Suppression • QGP signature in heavy ion collisions • Current situation • Experiments: SPS, RHIC, LHC • Lattice QCD: hc, J/Y survive at T ~1.7Tc, Asakawa,Hatsuda,Umeda,….. • Relativistic heavy ion collisions Matsui and Satz, Miyamura… ‘86 Hadron QGP D J/Y J/Y J/Y open charm D space-time expansion @ RHIC temperature ~ 200 MeV charmonia ~ 3.0 GeV Charmonium spectral functions at finite momenta

  13. Charmonia in Heavy Ion Collisions • Spectral functions with finite momenta • Ill-posed problems correlators on lattice spectral function kernel noisy, discrete continuous Maximum Entropy Method

  14. Maximum Entropy Method Asakawa, Hatsuda, Nakahara • Bayes’ theorem • MEM solution: maximum of • Error analysis : essential in MEM analysis C: lattice data H: all definitions and prior knowledge Shannon-Jaynes entropy c2-likelifood function m: default model

  15. Parameters • Actions • standard plaquette action, Wilson fermion • quenched approximation  heavy flavor • Lattice sizes • anisotropic lattice: x=as/at=4 • b=7.0, at=9.75×10-3 fm • large spatial volume: Ns X Nt=643X Nt, Pmin~0.5 GeV Asakawa and Hatsuda, PRL PACS-CS@Tsukuba Blue Gene@KEK f@Nagoya heat bath : overrelaxation=1:4 1000 sweeps between measurements

  16. hc at T=0.78Tc k=0.08285 hc • The first peak ~ 2.9(2)GeV • Consistent with experimental value • Other structure: lattice artifact

  17. hc at T=0.78Tc

  18. hc at T=0.78Tc

  19. hc at T=0.78Tc

  20. hc at T=0.78Tc

  21. hc at T=0.78Tc

  22. Melting Temperature hc melts between T=1.62 Tc and T=1.70 Tc.

  23. Check List MEM: statistical analyses • Error analyses • Nt dependence • Default model dependence

  24. Error Analyses hc melts between T=1.62 Tc and T=1.70 Tc.

  25. Nt Dependence correlator 3 3 max. 39 MEM

  26. Nt Dependence 1st peak • Large Nt: strong and clear • signal • Average value of r is • almost the same. • Smaller Nt calculation • has larger error. • The shape of spectrum • itself changes. Enough number of Nt is indispensable for reliable MEM analyses.

  27. Default Model Dependence Nt=39 m0=1.15 PQCD (w>>1 GeV)

  28. Default Model Dependence • 2nd ,3rd peaks: • lattice artifact • 1st peak: • Error bars suggest • that m0 is the best • choice.

  29. Check List MEM: statistical analyses • Error analyses • Nt dependence • Default model dependence

  30. Temperature Dependence of r 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 w (GeV) Asakawa and Hatsuda, PRL The mass of hc increases with temperature.

  31. Spectral functions at P≠0 (T=1.62Tc) Pmin~0.5 GeV Qualitatively the shape of spectra functions at p≠0 is almost the same.

  32. 1st peak at finite momenta T=1.62Tc • hc is stable even at • higher momentum. • The strength of the peak • becomes smaller • at higher momentum. • The peak shifts to larger • w at high momentum.

  33. Dispersion Relations at T<Tc T=0.78Tc free bosons: Pmin~0.5 GeV The dispersion relation at T=0.78Tc on the lattice is consistent with that of vacuum.

  34. Dispersion Relation @T=1.62Tc p=1 free bosons: • The deviation from dispersion relation at vacuum • starts to appear around p~3.0 GeV. •  medium effect • different from dispersion relation at T<Tc p=7 p=8 p=6

  35. Summary The QCD phase diagram in relativistic heavy ion collisions • Phenomenological analyses • Construction of a realistic dynamical model • Lattice QCD: heavy flavor • MEM analyses check • Error analyses • Nt dependence • Default model dependence • hc (PS channel) at P=0 • hc melts between T=1.62 Tc and T=1.70 Tc • Mass of hc increases with temperature (T < 1.7 Tc) • hc at finite momenta • At T=1.62 Tc medium effects appears in dispersion relations

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