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Tuition Academy is a children education service based in Kent. The Academy handles children education needs with genuine concerns
11 Plus tutors Kent has one of the highest concentrations of grammar schools available in the country, and in order for a child to be qualified to relate for a place they must have approved the Kent/Medway Test. In addition to this we provide 11 plus tutors which helps your kids in their 11 plus. http://tuitionacademy.co.uk/
gcse maths tutor • Key Stage 4 is debatably the most challenging two years in a student’s school career as it is of course geared towards entry into a range of external examinations, most often being their GCSE’s. • We provide classes for both Year 10 and 11 student in English, Maths and all three Sciences, cuisine for a range of capabilities. http://tuitionacademy.co.uk/
Private Tutor maidstone • At our academy we help kids to gain our students confidence and educational information as we support the fundamental structure blocks of their education. From Maths and English classes as well as the Sciences, our enthusiastic staff are on hand to help our students attain their true potential. http://tuitionacademy.co.uk/
SATs Preparation • During the final year of Key Stage 2, all Year 6 students will have to give National Curriculum Tests, basically known as SATS, in English . • Some of them also give test science and all results much essential as they are used to not only evaluate the presentation and growth of the students. We provide classes to crack such test. http://tuitionacademy.co.uk/
Visit us • Address :Maidstone East Station StationRoad, MaidstoneKent. ME14 1QN • Contact no: 01622 685 600, 07734 955 495 • Email us : maidstone@tuitionacademy.co.uk http://tuitionacademy.co.uk/