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Efficient Closed Pattern Mining in the Presence of Tough Block Constraints. Krishna Gade Computer Science & Engineering gade@cs.umn.edu. Outline . Introduction Problem Definition and Motivation Contributions Block Constraints Matrix Projection based approach
Efficient Closed Pattern Mining in the Presence of Tough Block Constraints Krishna Gade Computer Science & Engineering gade@cs.umn.edu
Outline • Introduction • Problem Definition and Motivation • Contributions • Block Constraints • Matrix Projection based approach • Search Space Pruning Techniques • Experimental Evaluation • Conclusions
Introduction to Pattern Mining • What is a frequent pattern ? • Why is frequent pattern mining a fundamental task in data mining ? • Closed, Maximal and Constrained Extensions • State-of-the-art algorithms • Limitations with the current solutions
What is a frequent pattern ? • A frequent pattern can be a set of items, sequence, graph that occurs frequently in a database • It can also be a spatial, geometric or topological pattern depending on the database chosen • For a given a transaction database and a support threshold min_sup, an itemset X is frequent if Sup(X) >= min_sup • Sup(X) is thesupportof X, defined as the fraction of the transactions in the database which contain X.
Why is frequent pattern mining so fundamental to data mining ? • Foundation for several essential data mining tasks • Association, Correlation and Causality Analysis • Classification based on Association Rules • Pattern-based and Pattern-preserving Clustering. • Supportis a simple, yet effective (in many cases) measure to determine the significance of a pattern, which also correlates with most of the other statistical measures.
Closed, Maximal & Constrained Extensions to Frequent Patterns • A frequent pattern X is said to be closed, if • no superset of X has the same supporting set. • It is said to be maximal, if • no superset of X is frequent. • It is said to be constrained, if • it satisfies some constraint defined on the items present or on the transactions that support it. • E.g., length(X) >= min_l
State-of-the-art algorithms for Pattern Discovery • Itemsets • Frequent : FP-Growth, Apriori, OP, Inverted Matrix • Closed : Closet+, Charm, FPClose, LCM • Maximal : Mafia, FPMax • Constrained : LPMiner, Bamboo • Sequences • SPAM, SLPMiner, BIDE etc., • Graphs • FSG, gFSG, gSpan etc.,
Limitations • Limitations of Support • May not capture the semantics of user interest. • Too many frequent patterns if the support threshold is too low. • Closed and Maximal frequent patterns fix this but there may be loss of information (in case of maximal). • Support is ‘a’ measure of interestingness of a pattern, there can be others such as ‘length’ etc. • E.g., One may be interested in finding patterns whose length decreases with the support.
Definitions • Block is a 2-tuple B = (I,T), consisting of itemset I and its supporting set T. • Weighted block is a block with a weight function w, where w: I x T ->R+ • B is a Closed block iff there exists no block B’ = (I’,T’) where I’ is the superset of I. (If such B’ exists then it is the super-block of B and B its sub-block.) • The size of the block B is defined as • The sum of the corresponding weighted block, is defined as
Example of a Block Example Database Matrix Representation of the Database B1 = ({a,b},{T1}), B2 = ({c,d},{T2,T4}) are examples of a block. Red sub-matrix is not a block.
Block Constraints • Let t be the set of all transactions in the database and m be the set of all items. • A block constraint C is a predicate, C : 2t x 2m -> {true, false} • A block B is a valid block for C if B satisfies C or C(B) is true. • C is a tough block constraint if there is no dependency between the satisfaction (violation) of by a block B and the satisfaction (violation) of its super or sub-blocks. • In this thesis explore 3 different tough block constraints. • Block-size • Block-sum • Block-similarity
Monotonicity and Anti-montononicty of Constraints • Monotone Constraint • C is monotone iff C(X) = true, then for every Y such that Y is a superset of X, C(Y) = true. • E.g. : Sup(X) <= v is monotone. • Benefit : Prune all Y if Sup(X) > v. • Anti-monotone Constraint • C is anti-monotone iff C(X) = true, then for every Y such that Y is a subset of X, C(Y) = true. • E.g. : Sup(X) >= v is anti-monotone. • Benefit : Prune all Y if Sup(X) < v.
Why Block-size is a tough constraint – An Illustration • For the constraint BSize >= 4, • ({b,c},{T1,T2} is a valid block, but ({b,c,d},{T2}) is invalid. • Block-size constraint is not monotone. • neither of ({b},{T1,T2}), ({c},{T1,T2,T4}) is valid. • Block-size constraint is not anti-monotone.
Block-size, Block-sum Constraints • Block-size Constraint • Motivation : Find set of itemsets each of which accounts for a certain fraction of overall number of transactions performed in a period of time. • Block-sum Constraint • Motivation : Identify product groups that account for a certain fraction of the overall sales, profits etc.
Block-similarity Definition • Motivation: Finding groups of thematically related words in large document datasets. • Importance of a group of words can be measured by their contribution to the overall similarity between the documents in the collection. • Here t is the set of tf-idf scaled and normalized unit-length document vectors and m is the set of distinct terms in the collection. • Block-similarity of a weighted block B is defined as • Loss in the aggregate pairwise similarity of the documents in t, resulting from zeroing-out entries corresponding to B. • BSim(B) = S – S’, where S, S’ are the aggregate pairwise similarities before and after removing B.
Block Similarity - Illustration ({b,c},{D1,D2}) is removed here to calculate its block-similarity, by measuring the loss in the aggregate similarity.
Block-similarity contd., • Similarity of any two documents is measured as the dot-product of their unit-length vectors. (cosine) • For the given collection t, we define a composite vector to be the sum of all document vectors in t. • We define the composite vector BI for a weighted block B = (I,T) to be the vector formed by adding all the vectors in T only along the dimensions in I. Then, • Block-similarity constraint is now defined as
Key Features of the Algorithm • Follows widely used projection-based pattern mining paradigm. • Adopts a depth-first search traversal on the lattice of complete set of itemsets, with the items ordered non-decreasingly on their frequency. • Represents the transaction/document database as a matrix, transactions (documents) as rows and items (terms) as columns. • Employs efficient compressed sparse matrix storage and access schemes like to achieve high computational efficiency. • Matrix-projection based pattern enumeration shares ideas from the recently developed array-projection based method H-Mine. • Prunes potentially invalid rows and columns at each node during the traversal of the lattice (shown in the next page) as determined by our row-pruning and column-pruning and matrix-pruning tests. • Adopts various closed itemset mining optimization techniques, like column fusing, redundant pattern pruning from CHARM and Closet+ to the block constraints. • The hash-table consists of only closed patterns hashed by the sum of the transaction-ids of the transactions in their supporting sets.
Pattern Enumeration • Visits each node in the lattice in a dept-first order. Each node represents a distinct pattern p. • At a certain node labeled p in the lattice, we report and storep in the hash table, as a closed pattern if p is closed and valid under the given block constraint. • We build a p-projected matrix by pruning any potentially invalid columns and rows determined by our pruning tests. Ø Level 1 a b c d Level 2 ab ac ad bc bd cd abc abd acd bcd Level 3 Level 4 abcd
Matrix-Projection given matrix • A p-projected matrix is the matrix containing only the rows that contain p, and the columns that appear after p, in the predefined order. • Projecting the matrix is linear on the number of non-zeroes in the projected matrix. {b}-projected matrix
Compressed Sparse Representation • CSR format utilizes two one-dimensional arrays : • First stores the actual non-zero elements of the matrix in a row (or column). • Second stores the indices corresponding to the beginning of each row (or column). • We maintain both row- and column-based representation for efficient projection and frequency counting.
CSR format for the example matrix Row-based CSR Pointer Array Index Array
Search Space Pruning {b}-projected matrix • Column Pruning • Given a pattern p and its p-projected matrix. • Necessary condition for the columns which can form a valid block with p. • Eliminate all columns in the p-projected matrix that do not satisfy it. • Block-Size • A= local supporting set of x. • rlen(t)= local rowlength of t. Let BSize >= 5 be the constraint. ‘d’ will get pruned as it can never form a block of size >= 5 with its prefix {b}, since the maximum block-size possible with ‘d’ is 4.
Search Space Pruning contd., • Column Pruning • Block-sum • rsum(t) = local rowsum of t. • Block-similarity • e = maximum value of vector D. • g = local maximum rowsum. • freq = frequency. • a = 2D.BP
Search Space Pruning contd., • Row Pruning • Smallest Valid Extension, SVE • SVE(p) is the length of the smallest possible extension q to p, such that resulting block formed by p and q, is valid. • Prune rows whose length is smaller than SVE in the p-projected matrix. • SVE for generic block constraint BSxxx is given below. • Block-size • z = size of the supporting set of p. • Block-sum • z = maximum column sum in the p-projected matrix. • Block-similarity • z = maximum column similarity in the p-projected matrix.
Search Space Pruning contd., {b}-projected matrix • Row Pruning Example • Matrix Pruning • Prune p-projected matrix if • Block-size • Sum of the row-lengths in the projected matrix is insufficient. • Block-sum • Sum of the row-sums and is insufficient. • Block-similarity • Sum of the column- similarities is insufficient. • to form a valid block with p. Let BSum >= 7 be the constraint. Since SVE >= 3, T1 gets pruned.
Pattern Closure Check and Optimizations • Closure Check • Hash-table consists of closed patterns • Hash-keys are sum of transaction-ids • At a certain node p in the lattice (shown before), • Column Fusing • Fuse the fully dense columns of the p-projected matrix to p. • Also fuse columns to one another that have identical supporting sets. • Redundant Pattern Pruning • If p is a proper subset of an already mined closed pattern with the same support, it can be safely pruned. Also any pattern extending it need not be explored as it has already been done. Hence p is a redundant pattern.
Experimental Setup Notation : CBMiner – Closed Block Miner Algorithm CLOSET+ - State-of-the-art closed frequent itemset mining algorithm CP – Column Pruning, RP – Row Pruning, MP – Matrix Pruning.
Experimental Results Comparisons with Closet+ on Gazelle
Experimental Results contd., Comparisons with Closet+ on Sports
Experimental Results contd., Comparisons of Pruning Techniques on Gazelle (left) and Pumsb*(right) No Pruning Gazelle : 1578.48 , BSize >= 0.1; Pumsb* = 1330.03 , BSum >= 6.0
Experimental Results contd., Comparisons Closed & All Valid Block Mining Big-Market
Experimental Results contd., Comparison of Pruning Techniques on Big-Market Scalability Test on T10I4Dx Time for No Pruning : 3560 seconds
Micro Concept Discovery • Scaled the document vectors using tf-idf. • Normalized using L2-norm. • Applied the CBMiner algorithm for each of the three constraints. • Chose the top-1000 patterns ranked on the constraint function value. • Compute the entropies of the documents that form the supporting set of the block. • Also ran CLOSET+ to get the top-1000 patterns ranked on frequency.
Micro Concept Discovery contd., • Average entropies of the four schemes are pretty low. • Block Similarity outperforms the rest as it leads to lowest entropies or purest clusters. • Block-size and itemset frequency constraints do not account for the weights associated with the terms and hence are inconsistent. • But, Block-sum performs reasonably well as it accounts for the term weights provided by tf-idf and L2-norm.
Conclusions • Proposed a new class of constraints called “tough” block constraints. • And a matrix-projection based framework CBMiner for mining closed block patterns. • Block Constraints discussed : Block-size, Block-sum, Block-similarity • 3 novel pruning techniques column pruning, row pruning and matrix pruning. • Order(s) magnitude faster than traditional closed frequent itemset mining algorithms • Finds much fewer patterns.