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Assist. Director Fatma Kiongosya from Ministry of Planning, Economy & Empowerment in Dar es Salaam outlines the finalization of JAS Document, Memorandum of Understanding, JAS Monitoring Framework, and more at the Consultative Meeting.
JAS - The Way Forward Presentation by Assistant Director Fatma Kiongosya, Ministry of Planning, Economy and Empowerment, Dar es Salaam JAS Consultative Meeting
Presentation Outline • Finalisation of JAS Document • Memorandum of Understanding • JAS Monitoring Framework and Action Plan • JAS Implementation Structure • Conclusion JAS Consultative Meeting
1. Finalisation of JAS Document • Draft JAS Document will be finalised by GOT after this meeting • Final draft JAS Document will be submitted to Cabinet for approval in May 2006 • JAS is expected to start implementation in July 2006 JAS Consultative Meeting
2. Memorandum of Understanding • The need to formulate an MOU is still debatable considering the following: • JAS Document will be passed by Cabinet and will constitute GOT commitment on the JAS • Importance of including all Development Partners • All issues of the JAS Document will be included in the Action Plan and will be monitored - JAS monitoring framework and Action Plan will not be based on only a few issues raised in the MOU • A JAS Action Plan with specific targets and a strong monitoring framework is sufficient to give JAS implementation more focus and to encourage DPs to move forward on the JAS • DPs have already internationally agreed on the Paris Declaration – this should be sufficient to convince headquarters to change behaviour • GOT principles for an MOU are that (1) Entire DPG is able to sign up to it (2) Agreement reflects acceptance of the key issues in the JAS Document JAS Consultative Meeting
3. JAS Monitoring Framework and Action Plan • JAS Action Plan and Monitoring Framework will cover both GOT and DP actions / performance • JAS Action Plan will specify how and in which process issues that are outlined in general terms in the JAS Document (alignment, capacity development / TA, division of labour, aid modalities, commitments and disbursements, procurement, accounting and auditing, dialogue etc.) will be implemented and will set specific targets with timeframes • Preparation will begin immediately after this meeting and should be completed by end of first quarter of FY 2006/07 • Preparation will be undertaken jointly by GOT and DPs JAS Consultative Meeting
4. JAS Implementation Structure • JAS Group (all MDAs at DPP level and DPG) as main dialogue and decision making forum for JAS implementation, to oversee JAS implementation and review its progress (drawing on other existing processes) • PMO-RALG/Director of Sector Coordination (DSC) to coordinate the implementation at LGA level and represent LGAs in the JAS Group • Meet twice a year (fully to be integrated in other processes) • TOR to be prepared jointly by GOT and DPs • Expected to start operation in July 2006 JAS Consultative Meeting
4. JAS Implementation Structure • JAS Working Group (drawing members from GOT and DPs) to guide and coordinate the JAS process and provide technical support to JAS Group • DP membership in JAS Working Group: 6 DPs (including UN, one other multilateral partner, one bilateral technical cooperation agency, non-JAS Core Group members) • JAS Working Group to be formalised after this meeting • TOR of JAS Working Group to be prepared jointly by GOT and DPG • Initial task is to facilitate and coordinate the preparation of the JAS Monitoring Framework and Action Plan (including proposal of specific arrangements for integrating JAS in existing processes) • Meet on quarterly basis once JAS Action Plan and Monitoring Framework are in place JAS Consultative Meeting
4. JAS Implementation Structure • Small JAS secretariat on GOT side to consist of MOF and MOFEA (RGZ) • Secretariat will support JAS Working Group and JAS Group in administrative matters and information sharing, prepare inputs for JAS Working Group and JAS Group meetings and follow up on JAS implementation JAS Consultative Meeting
5. Name for JAS • Need to agree on official name that differentiates our JAS from joint assistance strategies in other countries • New name proposed is Joint Assistance Strategy for Tanzania (JAST), in Kiswahili Mkakati wa Pamoja wa Misaada Tanzania (MPAMITA) JAS Consultative Meeting
6. Conclusion • We need to agree on way forward on : 1. JAS Document finalisation 2. Memorandum of Understanding 3. JAS Monitoring Framework and Action Plan 4. JAS implementation structure 5. Name of JAS JAS Consultative Meeting