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Sampling Bayesian Networks. ICS 276 2007. Answering BN Queries. Probability of Evidence P(e) ? NP-hard Conditional Prob. P(x i |e) ? NP-hard MPE x = arg max P(x|e) ? NP-hard MAP y = arg max P(y|e), y x ? NP PP -hard Approximating P(e) or P(x i |e) within : NP-hard.
Sampling Bayesian Networks ICS 276 2007
Answering BN Queries • Probability of Evidence P(e) ? NP-hard • Conditional Prob. P(xi|e) ? NP-hard • MPE x = arg max P(x|e) ? NP-hard • MAP y = arg max P(y|e), y x ? NPPP-hard • Approximating P(e) or P(xi|e) within : NP-hard
Approximation Algorithms Structural Approximations • Eliminate some dependencies • Remove edges • Mini-Bucket Approach Search Approach for optimization tasks: MPE, MAP Sampling Generate random samples and compute values of interest from samples, not original network
Sampling • Input: Bayesian network with set of nodes X • Sample = a tuple with assigned values s=(X1=x1,X2=x2,… ,Xk=xk) • Tuple may include all variables (except evidence) or a subset • Sampling schemas dictate how to generate samples (tuples) • Ideally, samples are distributed according to P(X|E)
Sampling Fundamentals Given a set of variables X = {X1, X2, … Xn} that represent joint probability distribution (X) and some function g(X), we can compute expected value of g(X) :
Sampling From (X) A sample St is an instantiation: Given independent, identically distributed samples (iid) S1, S2, …ST from (X), it follows from Strong Law of Large Numbers:
Sampling Basics • Given random variable X, D(X)={0, 1} • Given P(X) = {0.3, 0.7} • Generate k samples: 0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1 • Approximate P’(X):
How to draw a sample ? • Given random variable X, D(X)={0, 1} • Given P(X) = {0.3, 0.7} • Sample X P (X) • draw random number r [0, 1] • If (r < 0.3) then set X=0 • Else set X=1 • Can generalize for any domain size
Sampling in BN • Same Idea: generate a set of samples T • Estimate P(Xi|E) from samples • Challenge: X is a vector and P(X) is a huge distribution represented by BN • Need to know: • How to generate a new sample ? • How many samples T do we need ? • How to estimate P(E=e) and P(Xi|e) ?
Sampling Algorithms • Forward Sampling • Gibbs Sampling (MCMC) • Blocking • Rao-Blackwellised • Likelihood Weighting • Importance Sampling • Sequential Monte-Carlo (Particle Filtering) in Dynamic Bayesian Networks
Forward Sampling • Forward Sampling • Case with No evidence E={} • Case with Evidence E=e • # samples N and Error Bounds
Forward Sampling No Evidence(Henrion 1988) Input: Bayesian network X= {X1,…,XN}, N- #nodes, T - # samples Output: T samples Process nodes in topological order – first process the ancestors of a node, then the node itself: • For t = 0 to T • For i = 0 to N • Xi sample xit from P(xi | pai)
r 0 0.3 1 Sampling A Value What does it mean to sample xit from P(Xi | pai) ? • Assume D(Xi)={0,1} • Assume P(Xi | pai) = (0.3, 0.7) • Draw a random number r from [0,1] If r falls in [0,0.3], set Xi = 0 If r falls in [0.3,1], set Xi=1
Forward sampling (example) X1 X3 X2 X4
Forward Sampling-Answering Queries Task: given T samples {S1,S2,…,Sn} estimate P(Xi = xi) : Basically, count the proportion of samples where Xi = xi
Forward Sampling w/ Evidence Input: Bayesian network X= {X1,…,XN}, N- #nodes E – evidence, T - # samples Output: T samples consistent with E • For t=1 to T • For i=1 to N • Xi sample xit from P(xi | pai) • If Xi in E and Xi xi, reject sample: • i = 1 and go to step 2
Forward sampling (example) X1 X3 X2 X4
Forward Sampling: Illustration Let Y be a subset of evidence nodes s.t. Y=u
Forward Sampling –How many samples? Theorem: Let s(y) be the estimate of P(y) resulting from a randomly chosen sample set S with T samples. Then, to guarantee relative error at most with probability at least 1- it is enough to have: Derived from Chebychev’s Bound.
Forward Sampling - How many samples? Theorem: Let s(y) be the estimate of P(y) resulting from a randomly chosen sample set S with T samples. Then, to guarantee relative error at most with probability at least 1- it is enough to have: Derived from Hoeffding’s Bound (full proof is given in Koller).
Forward Sampling:Performance Advantages: • P(xi | pa(xi)) is readily available • Samples are independent ! Drawbacks: • If evidence E is rare (P(e) is low), then we will reject most of the samples! • Since P(y) in estimate of T is unknown, must estimate P(y) from samples themselves! • If P(e) is small, T will become very big!
Problem: Evidence • Forward Sampling • High Rejection Rate • Fix evidence values • Gibbs sampling (MCMC) • Likelihood Weighting • Importance Sampling
Forward Sampling Bibliography • {henrion88} M. Henrion, "Propagating uncertainty in Bayesian networks by probabilistic logic sampling”, Uncertainty in AI, pp. = 149-163,1988
Gibbs Sampling • Markov Chain Monte Carlo method (Gelfand and Smith, 1990, Smith and Roberts, 1993, Tierney, 1994) • Samples are dependent, form Markov Chain • Sample from P’(X|e)which converges toP(X|e) • Guaranteed to converge when all P > 0 • Methods to improve convergence: • Blocking • Rao-Blackwellised • Error Bounds • Lag-t autocovariance • Multiple Chains, Chebyshev’s Inequality
Gibbs Sampling (Pearl, 1988) • A sample t[1,2,…],is an instantiation of all variables in the network: • Sampling process • Fix values of observed variables e • Instantiate node values in sample x0 at random • Generate samples x1,x2,…xT from P(x|e) • Compute posteriors from samples
Ordered Gibbs Sampler Generate sample xt+1 from xt : In short, for i=1 to N: Process All Variables In Some Order
Gibbs Sampling (cont’d)(Pearl, 1988) Markov blanket:
Ordered Gibbs Sampling Algorithm Input: X, E Output: T samples {xt } • Fix evidence E • Generate samples from P(X | E) • For t = 1 to T (compute samples) • For i = 1 to N (loop through variables) • Xi sample xit from P(Xi | markovt \ Xi)
Answering Queries • Query: P(xi |e) = ? • Method 1: count #of samples where Xi=xi: Method 2: average probability (mixture estimator):
Gibbs Sampling Example - BN X = {X1,X2,…,X9} E = {X9} X1 X3 X6 X2 X5 X8 X9 X4 X7
Gibbs Sampling Example - BN X1 = x10X6 = x60 X2 = x20X7 = x70 X3 = x30X8 = x80 X4 = x40 X5 = x50 X1 X3 X6 X2 X5 X8 X9 X4 X7
Gibbs Sampling Example - BN X1 P (X1 |X02,…,X08 ,X9} E = {X9} X1 X3 X6 X2 X5 X8 X9 X4 X7
Gibbs Sampling Example - BN X2 P(X2 |X11,…,X08 ,X9} E = {X9} X1 X3 X6 X2 X5 X8 X9 X4 X7
Gibbs Sampling: Burn-In • We want to sample from P(X | E) • But…starting point is random • Solution: throw away first K samples • Known As “Burn-In” • What is K ? Hard to tell. Use intuition. • Alternatives: sample first sample valkues from approximate P(x|e) (for example, run IBP first)
Gibbs Sampling: Convergence • Converge to stationary distribution * : * = * P where P is a transition kernel pij = P(Xi Xj) • Guaranteed to converge iff chain is : • irreducible • aperiodic • ergodic ( i,j pij > 0)
Irreducible • A Markov chain (or its probability transition matrix) is said to be irreducible if it is possible to reach every state from every other state (not necessarily in one step). • In other words, i,j k : P(k)ij > 0 where k is the number of steps taken to get to state j from state i.
Aperiodic • Define d(i) = g.c.d.{n > 0 | it is possible to go from i to i in n steps}. Here, g.c.d. means the greatest common divisor of the integers in the set. If d(i)=1 for i, then chain is aperiodic.
Ergodicity • A recurrent state is a state to which the chain returns with probability 1: nP(n)ij = • Recurrent, aperiodic states are ergodic. Note: an extra condition for ergodicity is that expected recurrence time is finite. This holds for recurrent states in a finite state chain.
Gibbs Convergence • Gibbs convergence is generally guaranteed as long as all probabilities are positive! • Intuition for ergodicity requirement: if nodes X and Y are correlated s.t. X=0 Y=0, then: • once we sample and assign X=0, then we are forced to assign Y=0; • once we sample and assign Y=0, then we are forced to assign X=0; we will never be able to change their values again! • Another problem: it can take a very long time to converge!
Gibbs Sampling: Performance +Advantage: guaranteed to converge to P(X|E) -Disadvantage: convergence may be slow Problems: • Samples are dependent ! • Statistical variance is too big in high-dimensional problems
Gibbs: Speeding Convergence Objectives: • Reduce dependence between samples (autocorrelation) • Skip samples • Randomize Variable Sampling Order • Reduce variance • Blocking Gibbs Sampling • Rao-Blackwellisation
Skipping Samples • Pick only every k-th sample (Gayer, 1992) Can reduce dependence between samples ! Increases variance ! Waists samples !
Randomized Variable Order Random Scan Gibbs Sampler Pick each next variable Xi for update at random with probability pi , i pi = 1. (In the simplest case, pi are distributed uniformly.) In some instances, reduces variance (MacEachern, Peruggia, 1999 “Subsampling the Gibbs Sampler: Variance Reduction”)
Blocking • Sample several variables together, as a block • Example: Given three variables X,Y,Z, with domains of size 2, group Y and Z together to form a variable W={Y,Z} with domain size 4. Then, given sample (xt,yt,zt), compute next sample: Xt+1 P(yt,zt)=P(wt) (yt+1,zt+1)=Wt+1 P(xt+1) + Can improve convergence greatly when two variables are strongly correlated! - Domain of the block variable grows exponentially with the #variables in a block!
Blocking Gibbs Sampling Jensen, Kong, Kjaerulff, 1993 “Blocking Gibbs Sampling Very Large Probabilistic Expert Systems” • Select a set of subsets: E1, E2, E3, …, Ek s.t. Ei X Ui Ei = X Ai = X \ Ei • Sample P(Ei | Ai)
Rao-Blackwellisation • Do not sample all variables! • Sample a subset! • Example: Given three variables X,Y,Z, sample only X and Y, sum out Z. Given sample (xt,yt), compute next sample: Xt+1 P(yt) yt+1 P(xt+1)
Rao-Blackwell Theorem Bottom line: reducing number of variables in a sample reduce variance!
Blocking vs. Rao-Blackwellisation • Standard Gibbs: P(x|y,z),P(y|x,z),P(z|x,y) (1) • Blocking: P(x|y,z), P(y,z|x) (2) • Rao-Blackwellised: P(x|y), P(y|x) (3) Var3 < Var2 < Var1 [Liu, Wong, Kong, 1994 Covariance structure of the Gibbs sampler…] X Y Z