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Distributed Algorithms 2g1513

Distributed Algorithms 2g1513. L16 – by Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi Failure Detection. Failure Detection. Failure Detector a module which uses timeouts to detect failures Useful abstraction for building systems Programming becomes easier May give false positives

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Distributed Algorithms 2g1513

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  1. Distributed Algorithms2g1513 L16 – by Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi Failure Detection

  2. Failure Detection • Failure Detector a module which uses timeouts to detect failures • Useful abstraction for building systems • Programming becomes easier • May give false positives • Process A wrongly thinks process C is dead • Process B thinks process C is alive • We will not care what crashed processes failure detectors think! Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  3. Different Failure Scenarios • Failure Pattern, F • Actual view of crashed processes at a certain time • Monotonic • F(1)=, F(2)=, F(3)={P2}, F(7)={P2,P4} P1 P2 P3 P4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 time Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  4. Detections • Suspicions, H • What a detector thinks at process P and time t • Process 3 thinks at time 8 • H(3, 8)={1,4} • Erroneously thinks 1 has crashed, detected 4’s crash, have not detected 2’s crash P1 P2 P3 P4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 time Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  5. Completeness and Accuracy • Two important types of requirements • Completeness • The detector will detect a crashed process • Accuracy • The detector will not detect a non-crashed process • Trivial to satisfy only one requirement (how?) • Both impossible in an asynchronous system! Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  6. Practical Requirements • Strong Completeness • Every crashed process is eventually detected by all processes • For all failure patterns • For all possible behaviors of a detector • There exists a time t, whereafter all crashed processes are detected by all processes • We will only study detectors with this property Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  7. Practical Requirements • Strongly Accurate • No process is every suspected unless it has crashed • For all failure patterns • For all possible behaviors of a detector • For all correct processes P and Q, P will never suspect Q • Quite strong assumption • No premature timeouts Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  8. Practical Requirements • Weakly Accurate • There exists a correct process which is never suspected by anyone • For all failure patterns • For all possible behaviors of a detector • There exists a correct process P • All correct processes will never suspect P • Quite strong assumption • No premature timeouts Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  9. Practical Requirements • Eventually Strongly Accurate • After some finite time, t, the detector is strongly accurate • Eventually Weakly Accurate • After some finite time, t, the detector is weakly accurate • After some time, the requirements are fulfilled • Prior to that, any behavior is possible! • Weak assumptions • Think about Eventually Weakly Accurate! Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  10. Four Established Detectors • Perfect Detector (P) • Complete, Strongly Accurate • Strong Detector (S) • Complete, Weakly Accurate • Eventually Perfect Detector (P) • Complete, Eventually Strongly Accurate • Eventually Strong Detector (S) • Complete, Eventually Weakly Accurate Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  11. Programming Difference (1/2) • Programming without failure detectors • Can never receive from all processes (might block because of a failure) • General technique • Assume only t nodes can fail • Broadcast to all nodes • Receive N-t messages • See the Initially Dead Consensus Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  12. Programming Difference (2/2) • Programming with failure detectors • General technique • Broadcast • Receive from all nodes • Failed nodes will timeout (completeness) • Code: if collect<msg, par> from q print(q+” said “+msg); else print(q+” looks dead!”); Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  13. Pitfalls with Detectors • Two pitfalls: • A tries to send a message to all, fails halfway through. B might get the message, C mot not! • A sends a message to all, B gets it, but C erroneously detects A as dead Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  14. Consensus: Rotating Coordinator for S xi = input for r:=1 to N do if p=r then forall j do send <value, xi, r> to j; if collect<value, x’, r> from prthen xi = x’; end decide xi How many failures can this tolerate? Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  15. Tolerance of Eventuality (1/3) • Eventually perfect detector, cannot solve consensus with resilience t > n/2 • Proof by contradiction: • Assume it is possible, and assume N=10 and t=6 • The P detector initially tolerates any behavior Red nodes dead. green nodes alive. Detectors behave perfectly. Consensus will be 1 some time t1 1 1 1 1 Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  16. Tolerance of Eventuality (2/3) • Eventually perfect detector, cannot solve consensus with resilience t > n/2 • Proof by contradiction: • Assume it is possible, and assume N=10 and t=6 • The P detector initially tolerates any behavior Red nodes dead. Blue nodes alive. Detectors behave perfectly. Consensus will be 0 at some time t0 0 0 0 0 Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  17. Tolerance of Eventuality (3/3) • Eventually perfect detector, cannot solve consensus with resilience t > n/2 • Proof by contradiction: • Assume it is possible, and assume N=10 and t=6 • The P detector initially tolerates any behavior For t1time, green nodes think blue and red nodes are dead… Hence, agreement on 1 For t0time, blue nodes think green and red nodes are dead… Hence, agreement on 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  18. Consensus: Rotating Coordinator for S • For the eventually strong detector • The trivial rotating coordinator will not work • Why? • “Eventually” might imply no consensus in first round! • Trivial solution: • Rotate forever • Eventually all nodes collect one coordinator: consensus • Problem? • Termination: How do we know when to finish? Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  19. Idea for termination • Bound the number of failures • Less than a third might fail (t < n/3) • Similar to rotating coordinator for S: • 1) Everyone send vote to coordinator c • 2)R picks majority vote V, and broadcasts V • 3) Every node get broadcast, change vote to V • 4) Change coordinator c and goto 1) Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  20. Consensus: Rotating Coordinator for S xi := input r=0 while true do begin r:=r+1 c:=(r mod N)+1 { rotate to coordinator c } send <value, xi, r> to pc { all send value to coord } Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  21. Consensus: Rotating Coordinator for S xi := input r=0 while true do begin r:=r+1 c:=(r mod N)+1 { rotate to coordinator c } send <value, xi, r> to pc { all send value to coord } if i==c then { coord only } begin msgs[0]:=0; msgs[1]:=0; { reset 0 and 1 counter } for x:=1 to N-t do begin receive <value, V, R> from q { receive N-t msgs } msgs[V]:=msgs[V]+1; { increase relevant counter } end if msgs[0]>msgs[1] then v:=0 else v:=1 end { choose majority value } forall j do send <outcome, v, r> to pj { send v to all } end Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  22. Consensus: Rotating Coordinator for S xi := input r=0 while true do begin r:=r+1 c:=(r mod N)+1 { rotate to coordinator c } send <value, xi, r> to pc { all send value to coord } if i==c then { coord only } begin msgs[0]:=0; msgs[1]:=0; { reset 0 and 1 counter } for x:=1 to N-t do begin receive <value, V, R> from q { receive N-t msgs } msgs[V]:=msgs[V]+1; { increase relevant counter } end if msgs[0]>msgs[1] then v:=0 else v:=1 end { choose majority value } forall j do send <outcome, v, r> to pj { send v to all } end if collect<outcome, v, r> from pcthen { collect value from coord } begin xi := v { change input to v } end end Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  23. Loop Invariant • If kN-t agree on a value V before a round • Then at least k nodes agree on V after the round • Why? • At most t did not vote V • Will only change value X if X proposed by coord • Coord only propose X if majority of N-t voted X • N-t > 2N/3, Majority of N-t is more than N/3 nodes • More than N/3 voted X • X has to be V Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  24. Enforcing Decision • Coordinator checks if all N-t voted same • Broadcast that information • If coordinator says all N-t voted same • Decide for that value! Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  25. Consensus: Rotating Coordinator for S xi := input r=0 while true do begin r:=r+1 c:=(r mod N)+1 { rotate to coordinator c } send <value, xi, r> to pc { all send value to coord } if i==c then { coord only } begin msgs[0]:=0; msgs[1]:=0; { reset 0 and 1 counter } for x:=1 to N-t do begin receive <value, V, R> from q { receive N-t msgs } msgs[V]:=msgs[V]+1; { increase relevant counter } end if msgs[0]>msgs[1] then v:=0 else v:=1 end { choose majority value } if msgs[0]==0 or msgs[1]==0 then d:=1 else d:=0 end{ all same? } forall j do send <outcome, d, v, r> to pj { send v to all } end if collect<outcome, d, v, r> from pcthen { collect value from coord } begin xi := v { change input to v } if d then decide(v) { decide if d is true } end end Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  26. Liveness: Decide will happen • Eventually some node q will not be false detected • Eventually q is coord • Everyone collects its vote V • Everyone decides V • From now all k nodes will vote V • Next time q is coord, d=1 • Everyone decides Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  27. Summary • Failure Detectors simplify programming • Can solve consensus any many other problems • Two main requirements • Completeness (detecting failed processes) • Accuracy (not detecting alive nodes) • Two main classes, • Those that behave well always • Those that eventually behave well Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

  28. Summary • Failure Detectors • Simple abstraction • Characterization • Completeness • Accuracy (strongly vs. weakly) • Four important classes of detectors • Can be used to solve consensus with high resilience Ali Ghodsi and Seif Haridi

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