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Edith Hamilton’s Mythology

Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. The Twelve Olympians. The Twelve Olympians Greek/Roman Names. Zeus/Jupiter Poseidon/Neptune Hera/Juno Hades/Dis Hestia/Vesta Ares/Mars Athena/Minerva Hermes/Mercury Apollo/Phoebus Apollo Artemis/Diana Hephaestus/Vulcan Aphrodite/Venus.

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Edith Hamilton’s Mythology

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  1. Edith Hamilton’sMythology The Twelve Olympians

  2. The Twelve OlympiansGreek/Roman Names Zeus/Jupiter Poseidon/Neptune Hera/Juno Hades/Dis Hestia/Vesta Ares/Mars Athena/Minerva Hermes/Mercury Apollo/Phoebus Apollo Artemis/Diana Hephaestus/Vulcan Aphrodite/Venus

  3. Zeus/JupiterGod of Gods • Eagle, thunderbolts • Son of Cronus and Rhea; brother of Hades+Poseidon • Wrathful, lustful, not “all-knowing” • Married to Hera, ungodly marital behavior • Many children mostly out of wedlock

  4. Poseidon/NeptuneGod of the Sea • Trident • Brother of Zeus+Hades • Powerful, secretive • Son of Cronus & Rhea • Vengeful, usually argumentative with other gods

  5. Hades/DisGod of the Underworld • dark bearded, crown, scepter, key, helmet of invisibility, chariot • Rarely worshipped • Son of Cronus & Rhea; brother of Zeus+Poseidon (drew the short straw) • Cerberus

  6. Hera/JunoGoddess of Marriage Protector of Married Women • Peacock, cow, pomegranate • Powerful, bold, jealous • Daughter of Cronus & Rhea • Wife and sister of Zeus • Avenged infidelity often

  7. Hestia/VestaGoddess of Home and Hearth • Hearth fire • Good-natured, loving • Does not appear in myths at all…symbolic herself • Daughter of Cronus & Rhea • Seven Vestal Virgins oversee her fire

  8. Ares/MarsGod of War • Spear, vulture, dog • Boastful, loud, cruel • Son of Zeus and Hera • Terrorized mortals • 4 horses: Terror, Fire, Flame, Trouble • Relatives: Deimos(fear), Phobos(terror), Eris(discord)

  9. Athena/MinervaGoddess of the City, Wisdom, Handicrafts, War & Agriculture • Owl, olive • Wise, even-tempered, fierce in battle • Daughter of Zeus & Metis • Sprung from Zeus’ skull fully armed

  10. Hermes/MercuryGod of Travelers, Thieves & Shepherds • Winged sandals and hat, caduceus • Witty, happy, clever, friendly, helpful • Son of Zeus & Maia • Chief messenger, not the most honest god

  11. ApolloGod of Light & Purity • Mouse, sun dial, lyre • Cheerful, sometimes jealous • Son of Zeus and Leto • Perpetually young, handsome, wise • Teaches moderation

  12. Artemis/DianaGoddess of the Hunt & Moon • Cypress tree, wild animals, deer • Aloof, majestic, nature-loving, quick to anger, athletic • Daughter of Zeus & Leto • Twin of Apollo • Skilled archer, lived among virgin nymphs

  13. Hephaestus/VulcanGod of Fire & Forge • Fire, quail • Modest, helpful, prone to laughter • Son of Zeus & Hera • Ugly and lame • Helped by Cyclopes in underground forges • Taught men to use fire

  14. Aphrodite/VenusGoddess of Love • Dove, rose, apple • Seductive, irresistible, sometimes treacherous • The foam-risen goddess • Hephaestus won her hand, not heart, she’s in love with Ares • Led Paris to Helen

  15. The Myths God Teachers, Quests, Cycles, Metamorphoses, Losses of Innocence, Creation

  16. Prometheuspro ME thee us • Kind, clever, long-suffering • An original Titan • Benefactor of Mankind • stole fire from Zeus and gave it to the primitive mortals • Punished for thousands of years

  17. Demeter and Persephone • Demeter goddess of Agriculture • Loving but moody • Daughter Persephone kidnapped by Hades • Neglect of the Earth • Pomegranate seeds • Spring vs. Winter

  18. Dionysusdy o NY sis • God of the Vine • Grapes, panther, goat, dolphin • Joyful, pleasure-loving, dangerous when opposed • Son of Zeus & Semele • Turned kidnapping sailors into dolphins • Bacchantes ecstasy dancing

  19. Cupid and PsycheCUE pid and SY key • Cupid (Eros) Archer of Love • Psyche Greek Heroine • Punished for challenging Aphrodite (Eros’ mother) • Accidental love • Jealous sisters urge disobedience • Oil drip wakes Eros • Vengeful tasks of Aphrodite • Forgiveness and marriage

  20. Athena and Arachnea THEE nah and a RAK nee • Athena challenged Arachne • Arachne’s weaving was better • She hung herself after being beaten • Athena turned her into a spider

  21. Pygmalion and Galateapig MAIL yon and gal ah TAY ah • King of Cyprus • Sculpted a woman • Prayed to Aphrodite • Live statue • Love and marriage

  22. Apollo and Daphneah PAWL oh and DAF nee • Apollo taunted Eros • One arrow of gold one of lead • Pursuit and plea for help • Laurel tree transformation • Vow of fidelity

  23. PhaetonFAY tohn • Childish son of Apollo (Helios) • Proof of parentage • Wish granted to fly the chariot • Out of control flight • Zeus puts an end to it

  24. Pyramus and Thisbe PEER ah muss and THIZ bee • Fairest and Handsomest in Babylonia • Forbidden love • Plan to meet at Tomb of Ninus • Thisbe’s cape soiled with blood by a lioness • Pyramus stabbed himself over her assumed death • Thisbe returned to him and stabbed herself also

  25. Icarus and DaedalusICK ar uss and DAY dah luss • Jealous of his nephew Talus, killed him and moved to Crete • King Minos’ wife fell in love and had a child with a bull (Minotaur) • Daedalus built the labyrinth and a way to escape • Warnings of high and low flying to Icarus • Melting wax, falling Icarus

  26. Narcissusnar SISS uss • Hera’s sentence of silence for Echo the nymph • Narcissus is vain, Echo loved him • “Is anyone here?” “Here, here!” • Echo ignored by Narcissus faded to only a voice • Finally saw himself and died looking at it

  27. Baucis and PhilemonBA kiss and FILL ah min • Zeus & son Hermes • Test of Hospitality • Ever-full wine bowl • Flood • Hut to Temple • Oak and Linden trees

  28. Pyrrah and DeucalionPEER ah and doo CAL yon • The Greek Noah, son of Prometheus (who warned him) • Zeus floods Earth • Ran aground on Parnassus • Loneliness in a cave (Delphi Oracle) • “Throw the bones of your mother over your shoulders.” • Rocks turn to people • Parents of Pandora

  29. JasonJAY son • Jason sent away to avoid death by uncle • Bargain for thrown with uncle (golden fleece) • Argonauts set out • Bargains with Medea’s father • Plowed the fields of the fire breathing bull, attained fleece, and distracted Medea’s father with her help. • Married Medea, later grew tired of her and she killed their children

  30. TheseusTHEE see us • Aegeus buried sandals and sword under heavy rock • Theseus lifted it at 16 yrs. • Slayed the Minotaur (labyrinth) for Minos • Ariadne loved Theseus and asked Daedalus for help (thread idea) • Returning to Aegeus, wrong sails displayed

  31. HerculesHER cue leez • Hearty, good-natured, prone to rages • 12 Labors • Nemean Lion, Hydra, Thrace’s flesh-eating horses, Cerebrus, etc • Made a god upon his death

  32. PerseusPER see uss • King Acresias and Danae • Polydectes loved Danae, Perseus protects by offering Medusa’s head • Athena’s shield, nymph’s invisibility helmet, winged sandals, and magic pouch, Hermes’ knife • He succeeds • Pegasus born • Saved Andromeda, froze her family for deceit • Also froze Polydectes for hassling Danae

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