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Join TerraCann Solutions, a member of Everest Group of Companies, in investing in the booming cannabis industry. Learn about our existing projects, track record, and expert team. seize this opportunity now!
Thisdocumentmaycontaincertainforward-lookingstatements.Thesestatementsmayrelatetofutureeventsorfutureperformance andreflectmanagement’scurrentexpectations.Suchforward-lookingstatementsreflectmanagement’scurrentbeliefsandarebased on information currently available to management. Although the forward-looking statements are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. Management does not assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect new events or circumstances. Actual results may differ materially from any forward-looking statement. Historical results and trends should not be taken as indicative of future operations. Investments are not guaranteed, values may change frequently, and past performance maynotberepeated.Unlessotherwiseindicatedandexceptforreturnsforperiodsoflessthanoneyear,theindicatedratesofreturn are the historical annual compounded total returns. All performance data take into account distributions paid to investors but do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any investor that would have reduced returns. This brochure is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell nor a solicitation of anyinvestmentproduct.EverestGroupofCompaniesistheoperatingnameofEverestDevelopmentGroupofCompaniesInc.E.&O.E.
About TerraCann TerraCann Solutions is a member ofthe Everest Group of Companies. Established in 2002, Everest is a vertically integrated international real estate development and asset management group headquartered inCanada. Everest Group is constructing a portfolio ofpurpose- built buildings focused on cannabis cultivation and related products. It currently has land holdings in Alberta, Ontario, and British Columbia, which maybe used for thispurpose. www.everestgroup.ca
OnOctober17th,2008,Canadabecamealeader in the global marijuana industry as thesecond country in the world tolegalize marijuana
Marijuana has many medical benefits and isknown to relieve pain, anxiety, depression, musclespasm, insomnia, lack of appetite, andinflammation
Supply& Demand There is a significant shortage ofmedical and recreational cannabis both domestically andinternationally. Health Canada has confirmed thatedibles will be permitted for legal sales no later than October 17, 2019. According to a recent report by Deloitte, the Canadian edibles and infused products industry is estimated to be worth $2.7 billion a year. Consumers in the United States and Canada combined are expected tospend $4.1 billion annually (ArcViewMarket Research,2019).
THEPROBLEM In May, Health Canada announced that those seeking licensestogrowmustnowhaveafullybuiltoutfacility thatmeetallcannabisregulationsbeforetheyapply. Thiscreatedasignificantbarriertoentryformany small to medium-sizedgrowers.
THEOPPORTUNITY Everest has an existing building in Acheson CommercialCorner,whichmayberetrofittedfor the purposes of MicroCultivation. Theexistingbuildingis 19,200 sqftwithafuture expansion potential of 12,000 sqft. TerraCann LimitedPartnership I will invest in "Bay 1" which has a footprint of 2,400sq ft.
About Everest Group • Our TrackRecord • Over $100 million raised in equitycapital • 30 successfully completedprojects • Over$50millionprofitsreturnedtoinvestors • Historical project returns between 11% to 38% perannum • Zero investorlosses • OurExpertise • Strong ability in identifying projects inareas of growththathavepotentialforsuperiorreturns • Expertise in obtaining permits and cityapproval as well as constructionmanagement • Solid reputation and deep industryrelationships
Everest Executive Team HARISTHIARA PRESIDENT SUNNYBASRA CHIEF FINANCIALOFFICER ZAFIRRASHID CHIEF EXECUTIVEOFFICER Over 25 years landdevelopment andconstruction managementexperience Over 18 years realestate project management and corporate finance experience CPA with over 12 years in ifnancialmanagement experience FRANCISCO IGNACIO VICEPRESIDENT, OPERATIONS ZACHARY PENNER VICEPRESIDENT, SALES ANDMARKETING JOHNLORENZ VICE PRESIDENT, BUSINESSDEVELOPMENT Over 20 years operationsexperience Over 10 years sales, marketing, investor relations, andcompliance experience Over 50 yearsprivate and public capital marketsexperience GIGICHENG VICEPRESIDENT Over 16 years sales, marketing, business & corporatedevelopment experience
Current Projects LAWRENCE TOWERS CENTRA THEHORIZON ACHESON COMMERCIAL CORNER SECORD CROSSING GRAND MEDINA RESORTS SIZE 37.34Acres LOCATION ParklandCounty, AB PROJECTTYPE Commercial Mixed-use: Retail, Office, LightIndustrial, Hotel & Sports Arena SIZE 3,229,173 sq.ft. LOCATION Punta Cana,DO PROJECTTYPE LuxuryHotel SIZE 479,472 sq.ft. LOCATION Scarborough,ON PROJECTTYPE Highrise Condominiums SIZE 1.03Acres LOCATION Downtown Edmonton,AB PROJECTTYPE StudentResidence, Commercial/Retail SIZE 33.4Acres LOCATION WestEdmonton, AB PROJECTTYPE Commercial Mixed-use: Retail,Office, Multi-family Residential SIZE 34,726 sq.ft. LOCATION Surrey,BC PROJECTTYPE Highrise Condominiums
PastProjects 1 VICTORIATRAIL CondominiumConversion EDGELANDPARK SubdivisionDevelopment ROBSONPARK SubdivisionDevelopment SCENICACRES SubdivisionDevelopment LOCATION Edmonton,AB SIZE 2.3Acres UNITS 124 ResidentialUnits WORKCOMPLETED Renovation of units, establish condoplan and reservefund LOCATION Stony Plain,AB SIZE 160Acres UNITS 115 ResidentialLots WORKCOMPLETED Planning,approvals, engineering design, sale ofparcel LOCATION Winnipeg,MB SIZE 20Acres UNITS 63 ResidentialLots WORKCOMPLETED Planning, approvals, servicing,infrastructure, sales andconstruction LOCATION Leduc,AB SIZE 160Acres UNITS 735 ResidentialLots WORKCOMPLETED Site acquisition, re-zoning, subdivision plan approval and execution,engineering design, sale ofland EQUITYINVESTMENT $4,000,000 INVESTMENTPERIOD 1year ANNUALIZEDRETURN 37.5% EQUITYINVESTMENT $9,000,000 INVESTMENTPERIOD 1year ANNUALIZEDRETURN 16.7% EQUITYINVESTMENT $2,000,000 INVESTMENTPERIOD 3years ANNUALIZEDRETURN 23.9% EQUITYINVESTMENT $8,000,000 INVESTMENTPERIOD 2years ANNUALIZEDRETURN 11.1%
PastProjects 2 PARKS CREEKESTATES SubdivisionDevelopment RIVERVIEWESTATES CondominiumDevelopment MONARCHPLACE CondominiumConversion LOCATION Winnipeg,MB SIZE 100Acres UNITS 205 ResidentialLots WORKCOMPLETED Planning, approvals,servicing, infrastructure design, sale of development LOCATION Winnipeg,MB SIZE 2Acres UNITS 120 ResidentialUnits (2Buildings) WORKCOMPLETED Site acquisition, re-zoning, infrastructure design,construction and sale ofdevelopment LOCATION Red Deer,AB SIZE 2.5Acres UNITS 65 ResidentialUnits WORKCOMPLETED Renovation of units, establish condo planand reservefund EQUITYINVESTMENT $750,000 INVESTMENTPERIOD 2years ANNUALIZEDRETURN 26.5% EQUITYINVESTMENT $5,000,000 INVESTMENTPERIOD 2years ANNUALIZEDRETURN 13.2% EQUITYINVESTMENT $4,000,000 INVESTMENTPERIOD 1year ANNUALIZEDRETURN 30.2%
PastProjects 3 CHELSEAPARK CondominiumConversion SANDHILL CondominiumConversion 718DRAKE Student Housingconversion LOCATION Edmonton,AB SIZE 1.5Acres UNITS 95 ResidentialUnits WORKCOMPLETED Renovation of units,establish condo plan and reservefund LOCATION Edmonton,AB SIZE 1Acre UNITS 35 ResidentialUnits WORKCOMPLETED Renovation of units,establish condo plan and reservefund LOCATION Vancouver,BC SIZE 0.27Acres UNITS 222 Beds (143Rooms) WORKCOMPLETED Conversion of formerhotel into student housingunits EQUITYINVESTMENT $4,650,000 INVESTMENTPERIOD 1year ANNUALIZEDRETURN 35.5% EQUITYINVESTMENT $2,500,000 INVESTMENTPERIOD 1year ANNUALIZEDRETURN 28.0% EQUITYINVESTMENT $8,000,000 INVESTMENTPERIOD 2.5years ANNUALIZEDRETURN 26.9%
Located at the strategic intersection of two major highways, Acheson Commercial Corner is only5 minutes west from Edmonton. The site features excellent ingress and egress to major transportation routes and is located in Alberta’s second largest businesspark. Featuresinclude: CURRENTSITE Acheson Commercial Corner • Landuseapproved–BIZoninginplace • EasyaccesstoHighways60and16A
Acheson Corner Phasing Plan Phase4: 190,900SF The AchesonCommercial Corner property will contain 522,728sf uponcompletion Phase3: 168,000SF Phase 1: 31,200SF Phase2: 115,400SF
ProForma Valuation of business (earnings multiple) Valuation of business (salesmultiple) $7,507,429 $5,638,680