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URL= http://www.tutorialsexperts.us/product/bio-220-grand-canyon-week-3-complete-work/<br><br>Contact Us<br><br>HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.US<br><br>BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 3 Complete Work<br>BIO220<br>BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1<br>Many people outside of China believe that the country’s effort to reduce birth rates, through its one-child policy, does not justify its methods. Do you agree? Can you think of any future, unintended consequences for China as a result of adopting this policy? Offer an alternative technique (one not currently used by China) to reduce a country’s fertility rates that you believe would be less controversial.<br>

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  1. BIO 220 GRAND CANYON WEEK 3 COMPLETE WORK Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: URL= http://www.tutorialsexperts.us/product/bio-220-grand-canyon-week-3-complete-work/ Contact Us HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.US BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 3 Complete Work BIO220 BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1 Many people outside of China believe that the country’s effort to reduce birth rates, through its one-child policy, does not justify its methods. Do you agree? Can you think of any future, unintended consequences for China as a result of adopting this policy? Offer an alternative technique (one not currently used by China) to reduce a country’s fertility rates that you believe would be less controversial. BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 2 Consider the most recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Describe the various mechanisms and pathways that transport toxins to the environment. Note: Avoid only talking about the oil spill affecting people in Mexico. BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 3 Assignment Ecosystems and Trophic Levels Details: In this assignment, you will be creating a trophic pyramid, also known as an “ecological pyramid,” for a specific ecosystem, using the “Trophic Pyramid” template. Your trophic completed trophic pyramid will be used to identify the trophic levels within the food web, as well as their effects on the ecosystem. To complete this assignment, do the following: 1. Select an ecosystem from an area of interest to you. When choosing an ecosystem, be specific. For help differentiating between biomes and ecosystems, review “Biomes, Ecosystems, and Trophic Levels. 2. Utilize credible sources to select and research your chosen ecosystem, including the textbook and the internet (specifically, you may find the “World Resources Institute “website, located at http://www.wri.org/ecosystems/data-maps-and-tools, helpful).

  2. 3. When researching your selected ecosystem, give special attention to the plant and animals species that inhabit that ecosystem. This information will be used to design the ecological pyramid. 4. Refer to the “Trophic Pyramid, template. You will complete this template by entering the names of the species that belong to the various trophic levels (Apex predator, tertiary consumers, secondary consumers, primary consumers, and primary producers). 5. Refer to pages 63-65 in the text for further information and an explanation of trophic levels. Using your completed trophic pyramid, answer the following questions: 1. Of the primary producers you selected, which one do you think has the biggest impact on the ecosystem you researched? Explain. 2. “What species did you select for the apex predator? Explain the importance the apex predator’s impact on the other species in your tropic pyramid. 3. Refer to pages 63-65 in the text. How did the amount of energy gained compare to the amount of energy lost as heat at the 2nd–4th trophic levels? 4. Referring to your completed trophic pyramid template, select one species. If this species was removed from your trophic pyramid, what would be the impact on the other species of the ecosystem? 5. Can efforts to save a species from extinction be successful if the focus of preservation is only on that species? Explain your answer 6. Considering the amount of energy required in producing animal-based foods and goods, should humans change their habits so they consume products closer to the bottom of the trophic pyramid? Provide rationale for your response. 7. Submit your responses in a Word document of at least 250-500 words. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Download File

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