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1.Compare the primary auditor objectives in auditing historical financial statements to auditing internal controls over financial reporting.
ACC 403 STRAYER ENTIRE COURSE LATEST Click the below button to get this course Url: https://www.tutorialsservice.us/product/acc-403-strayer-entire-course-latest ACC 403 Strayer Week 1 Discussion Latest “Auditor’s Role and Responsibilities” Please respond to the following: 1. Compare the primary auditor objectives in auditing historical financial statements to auditing internal controls over financial reporting. Identify at least two (2) objectives that are the most significant in reducing the risk of reporting errors or misstatements in financial statements. Provide a rationale for your response. 2. Create a scenario where it would be acceptable for an external auditor to accept an audit engagement without having knowledge of a client’s business environment. Ascertain the key legal ramifications and risk mitigation strategies associated with an auditor performing the audit. Support your position. ACC 403 Strayer Week 2 Discussion Latest “Auditor Accountability” Please respond to the following: 1. From the e-Activity, discuss the departures from generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) that you have researched, and give your opinion as to whether or not the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) should levy sanctions against the CPA firm for issuing the unqualified report. Identify the sanctions and section of the report the company should have modified to address departures from GAAP. Support your position. 2. Compare the code of professional conduct for CPAs to the code of professional conduct for accountants who are non-CPAs. Determine the major ethical issues created by the mergers of public accounting firms with non-CPA firms that perform accounting services. Explain your rationale. ACC 403 Strayer Week 3 Discussion Latest “Audit Risks” Please respond to the following: 1. From the e-Activity, analyze whether or not investors who were misled by relying on financial statements could hold the audit firm liable for audit failure either by common or securities laws. Provide a rationale for your response. 2. According to an article in the CPA Journal, the accounting profession has long contended that an audit conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) provides reasonable assurance that there are no material misstatements contained within financial statements. Suggest at least two (2) alternative methods that auditors can use to provide a more concrete level of assurance to investors. Provide support for your responses with examples of such methods in use.
ACC 403 Strayer Week 4 Discussion Latest “Evidence Collection Procedures” Please respond to the following: 1. According to an article in the CPA Journal, the auditor considers reliability of audit evidence collected and the reliability of that evidence to reduce the risk of financial statements containing undetected material errors. Compare and contrast at least two (2) types of evidence, and make a recommendation as to which you believe is the most reliable in reducing risk. Support your position. 2. From the e-Activity, analyze the primary ways in which auditors would use the information from downgrades to assess business risk or evaluate the likelihood that the downgrades would impact the auditor’s assessment of the client’s business environment. Ascertain the major ways in which this information would impact the audit risk model equation. Support your position. ACC 403 Strayer Week 5 Discussion Latest Minimizing Audit Risk” Please respond to the following: 1. According to the text, auditors have to make judgments concerning materiality on every audit. Since the auditing standards give no formal guidance for how to determine materiality, auditors must rely on their own experience. Determine at least two (2) qualitative factors that affect the auditor’s judgment. Provide a rationale for your response. 2. According to the text, auditors rely on the audit risk formula to determine the types and amount of audit evidence to collect in order to keep the overall audit risk of engagements to a minimum or below defined tolerable limits. Suggest an alternative to the audit risk equation in order to mitigate audit risk. Support your rationale with examples of the successful use of the alternative strategy. ACC 403 Strayer Week 6 Discussion Latest “Management and Internal Control” Please respond to the following: 1. Create a scenario where external auditors determined that a company’s internal controls were deficient, but such a deficiency might not mean that a material weakness existed. Ascertain the impact on the audit plan if additional deficiencies are discovered on other related internal controls. Support your position. 2. From the e-Activity, identify the accounts that the fraud had affected, and analyze the auditor’s responsibility to detect fraud. Suggest key internal controls that would have either prevented or detected the fraudulent behavior or transactions. Justify your response.
ACC 403 Strayer Week 7 Discussion Latest “Audit Risk and Fraud” Please respond to the following: 1. Create a scenario in which a company conceals financial fraud from the auditing firm through the use of information technology, and suggest at least one (1) way in which an auditing firm can minimize its exposure to this risk. 2. According to the text, planning an audit involves establishing the overall audit strategy for the engagement and developing an audit plan in an attempt to reduce audit risk to an acceptable level. Select a balance sheet account or income statement account, and discuss the type of audit procedure that would produce the most reliable evidence for that account balance. Defend your position. ACC 403 Strayer Week 8 Discussion Latest “Internal Controls and Sampling Strategy” Please respond to the following: 1. Imagine that you have been hired to audit the sales and collections of a medium to large merchandising company. Suggest at least two (2) ways that management could manipulate earnings, and make specific recommendations for the internal control procedure to prevent or detect the transaction. Justify your response. 2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of at least two (2) sampling methods. Make a recommendation for the best method to sample accounts receivables. Support your position. ACC 403 Strayer Week 9 Discussion Latest “Testing Methods” Please respond to the following: 1. According to the text, to minimize the risk of material misstatement, auditors seek third- party verification of account balances by mailing customers their statements. Discuss the advantages of positive and negative confirmations, and ascertain whether or not email and oral confirmations are acceptable to increase customer response rates. Support your position. 2. Discuss the difference between substantive test of transactions and substantive test of balances, and identify at least two (2) situations when an auditor should test account balances. Support your rationale with related examples of such circumstances.
ACC 403 Strayer Week 10 Discussion Latest “Audit Wrap-Up” Please respond to the following: 1. Create a scenario that demonstrates specific ways in which management could manipulate transactions impacting inventory values that the auditing team might not detect. Recommend key strategies that the auditor could implement in anticipation of such manipulation. Justify your response. 2. Discuss the difference between a subsequent event and a subsequent discovery of facts, and determine the auditor’s responsibility for each event after the audit report is complete. Support your position. ACC 403 Strayer Week 11 Discussion Latest “Reflections” Please respond to the following: 1. Analyze at least three (3) concepts that you found eye opening that you were not aware of before taking this course. 2. Discuss your career goals and how taking this course shaped your decision to pursue a career in the auditing profession. ACC 403 Strayer Week 1 Homework Latest Click the link above to submit your assignment. Chapter 1: Problems 1-17(a-e), 1-19(a-b), and 1-22(a-c) Chapter 2: Problems 2-18(a-e), 2-20(a-e),and 2-22(a-h) ACC 403 Strayer Week 2 Homework Latest Click the link above to submit your assignment. Chapter 3: Problems 3-25(a-c), 3-28(a-c), and 3-31 Chapter 4: Problems 4-20(a-f), 4-23(a-d), and 4-26(a-d)
ACC 403 Strayer Week 3 Homework Latest Click the link above to submit your assignment. Chapter 5: Problems 5-18, 5-20(a-d), and 5-22(a-e) Chapter 6: Problems 6-23(a-b), 6-25, and 6-32(a-g) ACC 403 Strayer Week 4 Homework Latest Click the link above to submit your assignment. Chapter 7: Problems 7-29(a-g) and 7-33(a-b) Chapter 8: Problems 8-29(a-d) and 8-32(a-b) ACC 403 Strayer Week 6 Homework Latest Click the link above to submit your assignment. Chapter 10: Problems 10-34(a-b), 10-36(a-c), and 10-38(a-d) Chapter 11: Problems 11-24(a-d), 11-27(a-c), and 11-30(a-c) ACC 403 Strayer Week 7 Homework Latest Click the link above to submit your assignment. Chapter 12: Problems 12-18(a-d), 12-20(a-d), and 12-24(a-b) Chapter 13: Problems 13-23(a-d), 13-24(a-b), and 13-27(a-c)
ACC 403 Strayer Week 8 Homework Latest Click the link above to submit your assignment. Chapter 14: Problems 14-23(a-c) and 14-26(a-c) Chapter 15: Problems€€€€ 15-24(a-c) and 15-28(a-f) ACC 403 Strayer Week 9 Homework Latest Click the link above to submit your assignment. Chapter16: Problems 16-22(a-c), 16-26(a-e), and 16-33(a-c) Chapter 17: Problems 17-28(a-c), 17-31( a-e), and 17-33(a-c) ACC 403 Strayer Week 10 Homework Latest Click the link above to submit your assignment. Chapter 21: Problems 21-28(a-d), 21-29(a-d), and 21-30(a-b) Chapter 24: Problems 24-26(a-c), 24-29(a-d), and 24-32(a-b)
ACC 403 Strayer Week 5 Midterm Exam Latest Midterm Exam Part 1 Question 1 The most common way for users to obtain reliable information is to: have an internal audit. have an independent audit. verify all information individually. verify the information with management. Question 2 Which of the following is not a SysTrust Services principle as defined by the AICPA? Online privacy Availability Processing integrity Operational integrity Question 3 One objective of an operational audit is to: determine whether the financial statements fairly present the entity’s operations. determine if the auditee is in compliance with GAAP. make recommendations for improving performance. report on the entity’s relative success in attaining profit maximization. Question 4 An accountant: must possess expertise in the accumulation of audit evidence. must decide the number and types of items to test. must have an understanding of the principles and rules that provide the basis for preparing the accounting information. must be a CPA. Question 5 Any service that requires a CPA firm to issue a report about the reliability of an assertion that is made by another party is a(n):
accounting and bookkeeping service. attestation service. assurance service. Tax service. Question 6 The three requirements for becoming a CPA include all but which of the following? Uniform CPA examination requirement Educational requirements Character requirements Experience requirement Question 7 Which of the following is an element of the CPA’s quality control system that should be considered in establishing its quality control policies and procedures? Considering audit risk and materiality Using statistical sampling techniques Assigning personnel to engagements Complying with laws and regulations Question 8 Which of the following statements best describes the primary purpose of Statements on Auditing Standards? They are guides intended to set forth auditing procedures that are applicable to a variety of situations. They are procedural outlines that are intended to narrow the areas of inconsistency and divergence of auditor opinion. They are authoritative statements, enforced through the Code of Professional Conduct, and are intended to limit the degree of auditor judgment. They are interpretations that are intended to clarify the meaning of “generally accepted auditing standards.” Question 9 Which of the following is not one of the responsibilities of an auditor under the principles underlying an audit? Possess appropriate competence and capabilities Comply with ethical requirements Plan work and supervise assistants Maintain professional skepticism and exercise professional judgment
Question 10 Within the context of quality control, the primary purpose of continuing professional education and training activities is to enable a CPA firm to provide its personnel with: technical training that assures proficiency as a valuation expert. professional education that is required in order to perform with due professional care. knowledge required to fulfill assigned responsibilities. knowledge required to perform a peer review. Question 11 Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services are issued by the: Accounting and Review Services Committee. Professional Ethics Executive Committee. Securities and Exchange Commission. Financial Accounting Standards Board. Question 12 The purpose of establishing quality control policies and procedures to accept or continue a client relationship is to: provide reasonable assurance that personnel are adequately trained to fulfill their responsibilities. monitor the risk factors concerning misstatements that arise from the misappropriation of assets. document objective criteria for the CPA firm’s peer review. minimize the likelihood of associating with a client whose management may lack integrity. Question 13 Whenever the client imposes restrictions on the scope of the audit, the auditor should be concerned that management may be trying to prevent discovery of misstatements. In such cases, the auditor will likely issue a: disclaimer of opinion in all cases. qualification of both scope and opinion in all cases. disclaimer of opinion whenever materiality is in question. qualification of both scope and opinion whenever materiality is in question. Question 14 If the phrase “except for” is present in the opinion paragraph of the audit report, the auditor has issued a(n):
adverse opinion. disclaimer of opinion. unqualified opinion. qualified opinion. Question 15 Auditing standards for public companies are established by the: Question 16 A CPA may wish to emphasize specific matters regarding the financial statements even though an unqualified opinion will be issued. Normally, such explanatory information is: included in the scope paragraph. included in the opinion paragraph. included in a separate paragraph in the report. included in the introductory paragraph. Question 17 When there is uncertainty about a company’s ability to continue as a going concern, the auditor’s concern is the possibility that the client may not be able to continue its operations or meet its obligations for a “reasonable period of time.” For this purpose, a reasonable period of time is considered not to exceed: six months from the date of the financial statements. one year from the date of the financial statements. six months from the date of the audit report. one year from the date of the audit report. Question 18 If most or all users’ decisions that are based on the financial statements are likely to be significantly affected, the materiality level is: Question 19 Of the four parts of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct, which part is enforceable? Ethical Rulings Rules of Conduct Principles Interpretations Question 20
A CPA firm may charge a contingent fee for: an audit. consulting services for a client for which they do not perform any attestation services. the preparation of an original tax return for a client for which they do not perform any attestation services. the preparation of an amended tax return Question 21 ________ means that a person acts according to conscience, regardless of the situation. Caring Fairness Integrity Respect Question 22 Freedom from ________ means the absence of relationships that might interfere with objectivity or integrity. acts discreditable. conflicts of interest. Question 24 Which of the following is required for a firm to designate itself “Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants” on its letterhead? At least one of the partners must be a member of the AICPA. All partners must be members of the AICPA. The partners whose names appear in the firm name must be members of the AICPA. A majority of the partners must be members of the AICPA. Question 25 The AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct states that a CPA should maintain integrity and objectivity. The term “objectivity” in the Code refers to a CPA’s ability to: choose independently between alternate accounting principles and auditing standards. distinguish between accounting practices that are acceptable and those that are not. be unyielding in all matters dealing with auditing procedures. maintain an impartial attitude on matters that come under the CPA’s review.
Midterm Exam Part 2 Question 1 The standard of due care to which the auditor is expected to adhere to in the performance of the audit is referred to as the: prudent person concept common law doctrine. constructive care concept vigilant person concept. Question 2 A broad interpretation of the rights of third-party beneficiaries holds that users that the auditor should have been able to foresee as being likely users of financial statements have the same rights as those with privity of contract. This is known as the concept of: foreseen users. foreseeable users. expected users. four-party contracts. Question 3 If an auditor fails to fulfill a certain requirement in the contract, they may be guilty of: contract fraud. breach of contract. constructive fraud. criminal neglect. Question 4 The preferred defense in third party suits is: lack of duty to perform. Non-negligent performance. absence of causal connection. client fraud. Question 5
Which of the following auditor’s defenses usually means nonreliance on the financial statements by the user? Lack of duty Nonnegligent performance Absence of causal connections Contributory negligence Question 6 Laws that have been passed by the U.S. Congress and other governmental units are: statutory laws. judicial laws. federal laws. common laws. Question 7 Which of the following would most likely be deemed a direct-effect illegal act? Violation of federal employment laws Violation of federal environmental regulations Violation of federal income tax laws Violation of civil rights laws Question 8 Management assertions are: directly related to the financial reporting framework used by the company, usually U.S. GAAP or IFRS. stated in the footnotes to the financial statements. explicitly expressed representations about the financial statements. provided to the auditor in the assertions letter, but are not disclosed on the financial statements. Question 9 In certifying their annual financial statements, the CEO and CFO of a public company certify that the financial statements comply with the requirements of: the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Question 10 In testing for cutoff, the objective is to determine: whether all of the current period’s transactions are recorded. whether transactions are recorded in the correct accounting period. the proper cutoff between capitalizing and expensing expenditures. the proper cutoff between disclosing items in footnotes or in account balances. Question 11 The objective of an audit of the financial statements is an expression of an opinion on: the fairness of the financial statements in all material respects. the accuracy of the financial statements. the accuracy of the annual report. the accuracy of the balance sheet and income statement. Question 12 “The auditor should not assume that management is dishonest, but the possibility of dishonesty must be considered.” This is an example of: unprofessional behavior. an attitude of professional skepticism. due diligence. a rule in the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct. Question 13 An example of a document the auditor receives from the client, but which was prepared by someone outside the client’s organization, is a: sales invoice. vendor invoice. bank reconciliation. Question 14 Audit evidence has two primary qualities for the auditor; relevance and reliability. Given the choices below, which provides the auditor with the most reliable audit evidence? General ledger account balances Confirmation of accounts receivable balance received from a customer Internal memo explaining the issuance of a credit memo
Copy of month-end adjusting entries Question 15 When practical and reasonable, U.S. auditing standards require the confirmation of: individual transactions between organizations, such as sales transactions. accounts receivable. fixed asset additions. payroll expenses. Question 16 The auditor must gather sufficient and appropriate evidence during the course of the audit. Sufficient evidence must: be well documented and cross-referenced in the audit documents. be based on sources that are external to company. provide evidence that prove or disprove an audit objective/assertion. be persuasive enough to enable the auditor to issue an audit report. Question 17 Which of the following statements regarding the relevance of evidence is correct? To be relevant, evidence must pertain to the audit objective of the evidence. To be relevant, evidence must be persuasive. To be relevant, evidence must relate to multiple audit objectives. To be relevant, evidence must be derived from a system including effective internal controls. Question 18 Which of the following generally provides the most reliable evidence? Confirmations Recalculation Reperformance Observations Question 19 When the auditor develops supporting evidence for amounts posted to account balances with documentary evidence, that process is called:
physical examination. Question 20 The preliminary audit strategy: is set before the auditor understands the client’s reasons for the audit. guides the development of the audit plan. is determined after the engagement staffing is set. is the detailed steps to be followed for the substantive audit tests. Question 21 The two major factors affecting acceptable audit risk are: inherent risk and the intended uses of the financial statements. control risk and the intended uses of the financial statements. the likely statement users and the intended uses of the statements. the audit firm and the intended uses of the statements Question 22 Business risk: is the risk after considering the effectiveness of top management controls. is the risk that the client’s internal controls will fail. can include a new technology which threatens to erode a company’s competitive advantage. cannot be mitigated by management. Question 23 Written communication that the auditor will provide reasonable assurance for the detection of fraud is found in: engagement letter. representation letter. responsibility letter. client letter. Question 24 Which of the following normally signs the engagement letter for an audit of a private company? Management Board of directors representative Audit committee representative Corporate treasurer
Question 25 If an auditor is requested to perform nonaudit services for a public company audit client, who is responsible for agreeing to those services with the audit firm? The client’s management The client’s chief executive officer The client’s chief financial officer The client’s audit committee ACC 403 Strayer Week 2 Quiz 1 Latest Question 1 In “auditing” financial accounting data, the primary concern is with: Question 2 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act applies to which of the following companies? Question 3 Which of the following is not a SysTrust Services principle as defined by the AICPA? Question 4 Which of the following services provides the lowest level of assurance on a financial statement? Question 5 An accountant: Question 6 Recording, classifying, and summarizing economic events in a logical manner for the purpose of providing financial information for decision making is commonly called: Question 7 Any service that requires a CPA firm to issue a report about the reliability of an assertion that is made by another party is a(n):
Question 8 The use of the Certified Public Accountant title is regulated by: . Question 9 The most common way for users to obtain reliable information is to: Question 10 An examination of part of an organization’s procedures and methods for the purpose of evaluating efficiency and effectiveness is what type of audit? Question 11 One objective of an operational audit is to: Question 12 Which of the following is considered audit evidence? Question 13 An audit to determine whether an entity is following specific procedures or rules set down by some higher authority is classified as a(n): Question 14 A correct relationship among the auditor, the client, and the external users is: Question 15 Three common types of attestation services are: Question 16 The methods used by a CPA firm to ensure that the firm meets is professional responsibilities to clients and others is: Question 17 Hansen Corporation’s stock is listed on a national stock exchange and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Hansen’s management hires a CPA to perform an independent audit of Hansen’s financial statements. The primary objective of this audit is to provide assurance to the:
Question 18 Members of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board are appointed and overseen by: Question 19 The International Standards on Auditing (ISAs): Question 20 To obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, the auditor must fulfill several performance responsibilities, including: Question 21 The legal right to perform audits is granted to a CPA firm by regulation of: Question 22 The purpose of establishing quality control policies and procedures to accept or continue a client relationship is to: Question 23 The form that must be completed and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission whenever a company experiences a significant event that is of interest to public investors is the: Question 24 Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services are issued by the: Question 25 For privately held companies who is responsible for establishing auditing standards? Question 26 Standards issued by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board must be followed by CPAs who audit: Question 27 The organization that is responsible for providing oversight for auditors of public companies is called the ________.
Question 28 The “Principles Underlying an Audit in Accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Principles” provides a framework to help auditors: Question 29 Historically auditing standards have been organized into three categories, including: Question 30 When assessing the risk of material misstatements in the financial statements, ACC 403 Strayer Week 3 Quiz 2 Latest Question 1 Which of the following is least likely to cause uncertainty about the ability of an entity to continue as a going concern? Question 2 If most or all users’ decisions that are based on the financial statements are likely to be significantly affected, the materiality level is: Question 3 The standard unqualified audit report for a non-public entity must: Question 4 The audit report date on a standard unqualified report indicates: Question 5 The standard unqualified audit report for public entities includes the following three paragraphs: Answer Question 6
The auditor’s responsibility section of the standard unqualified audit report states that the audit is designed to: Question 7 Auditing standards for public companies are established by the: Question 8 The auditor’s responsibility section of the standard audit report states that the auditor is: Question 9 The term “explanatory paragraph” was replaced in the AICPA auditing standards with: Question 10 If the phrase “except for” is present in the opinion paragraph of the audit report, the auditor has issued a(n): Question 11 The first step to be followed when deciding the appropriate audit report in a given set of circumstances is to: Question 12 Items that materially affect the comparability of financial statements generally require disclosure in the footnotes. If the client refuses to properly disclose the item, the auditor will most likely issue: Question 13 When the auditor determines that the financial statements are fairly stated, but there is a nonindependent relationship between the auditor and the client, the auditor should issue: Question 14 A misstatement in the financial statements can be considered material if knowledge of the misstatement will affect a decision of: Question 15
Whenever the client imposes restrictions on the scope of the audit, the auditor should be concerned that management may be trying to prevent discovery of misstatements. In such cases, the auditor will likely issue a: Question 16 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act ________ a CPA firm from doing both bookkeeping and auditing services for the same public company client. Question 17 When a member observes the profession’s technical and ethical standards and strives to continually improve her competence and quality of services, she is exercising: Question 18 The CPA must not subordinate his or her professional judgment to that of others in any: Question 19 Interpretations of the rules regarding independence allow an auditor to serve as: Question 20 Rule 301 of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct requires CPAs to maintain the confidentiality of client information. This rule would be violated if a CPA disclosed information without a client’s consent as a result of a: Question 21 The financial interests of a CPA’s family members can affect the CPA’s independence. Which of the following parties would not be included as a “direct financial interest” of the CPA? Question 22 Ethics are: Question 23 Which of the following services are allowed by the SEC whenever a CPA also audits the company? Question 24 A CPA firm:
Question 25 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires a cooling off period of ________ before a member of an audit team can work for a client in a key management position? Question 26 Of the four parts of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct, which part is enforceable? Question 27 Freedom from ________ means the absence of relationships that might interfere with objectivity or integrity. . Question 28 Which of the following is required for a firm to designate itself “Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants” on its letterhead? Question 29 The AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct requires independence for all: Question 30 The members of a client’s “audit committee” should be: ACC 403 Strayer Quiz 3 Latest Question 1 If an auditor fails to fulfill a certain requirement in the contract, they may be guilty of: Question 2 Recklessness in the case of an audit is present if the auditor knew an adequate audit was not done but still issued an opinion, even though there was no intent to deceive financial statement users. This description is the legal term for: Question 3
Which of the following most accurately describes constructive fraud? Question 4 The standard of due care to which the auditor is expected to adhere to in the performance of the audit is referred to as the: Question 5 A(n) ________ failure occurs when an auditor issues an erroneous opinion because it failed to comply with requirements of auditing standards. Question 6 “Absence of reasonable care that can be expected of a person in a set of circumstances” defines: Question 7 In connection with the audit of financial statements, an independent auditor could be responsible for failure to detect a material fraud if: Question 8 Which of the following most accurately describes fraud? Question 9 The principal issue in cases involving alleged negligence is usually: Question 10 Under the laws of agency, partners of a CPA firm may be liable for the work of others on whom they rely. This would not include: Question 11 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977: Question 12 In the auditing environment, failure to meet auditing standards is often: Question 13 In the performance of an audit, a CPA:
Question 14 A common way for a CPA firm to demonstrate a lack of duty to perform is by use of a(n): Question 15 Which of the following auditor’s defenses usually means nonreliance on the financial statements by the user? Question 16 The objective of an audit of the financial statements is an expression of an opinion on: Question 17 When dealing with laws and regulations that do not have a direct effect on the financial statements, the auditor: Question 18 Which of the following assertions is described as “this assertion addresses whether all transactions that should be included in the financial statements are in fact included”? Question 19 An audit must be performed with an attitude of professional skepticism. Professional skepticism consists of two primary components: a questioning mind and: Question 20 A questioning mindset: Question 21 The cycle approach to auditing: Question 22 If a client has violated federal tax laws: Question 23 Which of the following would most likely be deemed a direct-effect illegal act? Question 24
In certifying their annual financial statements, the CEO and CFO of a public company certify that the financial statements comply with the requirements of: Question 25 In testing for cutoff, the objective is to determine: Question 26 When an auditor knows that an illegal act has occurred, she must: Question 27 Which of the following statements is the most correct regarding errors and fraud? Question 28 The most important general ledger account included in and affecting several cycles is the: Question 29 The auditor’s best defense when material misstatements are not uncovered is to have conducted the audit: Question 30 Management assertions are: ACC 403 Strayer Quiz 4 Latest Question 1 When allocating performance materiality: Question 2 Inherent risk is often high for an account such as: Question 3 Inherent risk is ________ related to detection risk and ________ related to the amount of audit evidence.
Question 4 When taken together, the concepts of risk and materiality in auditing: Question 5 If it is probable that the judgment of a reasonable person will be changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement of information, then that information is, by definition of FASB Statement No. 2: Question 6 ________ misstatements are those where the auditor can determine the amount of the misstatement in the account. Question 7 If an auditor believes the chance of financial failure is high and there is a corresponding increase in business risk for the auditor, acceptable audit risk would likely: Question 8 When management has an adequate level of integrity for the auditor to accept the engagement but cannot be regarded as completely honest in all dealings, auditors normally: Question 9 The measurement of the auditor’s assessment of the likelihood that there are material misstatements due to error or fraud in a segment before considering the effectiveness of internal controls is defined as: Question 10 If an auditor establishes a relatively high level for materiality, then the auditor will: Question 11 An auditor who audits a business cycle that has low inherent risk should: Question 12 When the auditor is attempting to determine the extent to which external users rely on a client’s financial statements, they may consider several factors except for: Question 13
The risk that audit evidence for a segment will fail to detect misstatements exceeding performance materiality levels is: Question 14 As the risk of material misstatement increases, detection risk should: Question 15 To what extent do auditors typically rely on internal controls of their public company clients? ACC 403 Strayer Quiz 5 Latest Question 1 An audit procedure that would most likely be used by an auditor in performing tests of control procedures in which the segregation of functions and that leaves no “audit” trail is: Question 2 Management must disclose material weaknesses in internal control in its audit report: Question 3 A five-step approach can be used to identify deficiencies, significant deficiencies, and material weaknesses. The first step in this approach is: Question 4 An act of two or more employees to steal assets and cover their theft by misstating the accounting records would be referred to as: Question 5 In performing the audit of internal control over financial reporting the auditor emphasizes internal control over class of transactions because:
Question 6 Narratives, flowcharts, and internal control questionnaires are three common methods of: Question 7 Which of the following is responsible for establishing a private company’s internal control? Question 8 When assessing whether the financial statements are auditable, the auditor must consider: Question 9 Which of the following deficiency exists if a necessary control is missing or not properly formulated? Question 10 Which of the following deal with ongoing or periodic assessment of the quality of internal control by management? \ Question 11 The PCAOB places responsibility for the reliability of internal controls over the financial reporting process on: Question 12 When determining what type of report to issue on internal control under Section 404: \ Question 13 When considering internal controls, an important point to consider is that: Question 14 The auditors primary purpose in auditing the client’s system of internal control over financial reporting is: Question 15 When the auditor attempts to understand the operation of the accounting system by tracing a few transactions through the accounting system, the auditor is said to be: Question 16
A company is concerned with the theft of cash after the sale has been recorded. One way in which fraudsters conceal the theft is by a process called “lapping.” Which of the following best describes lapping? Question 17 Research indicates that the most effective way to prevent and deter fraud is to: Question 18 Which of the following is a factor that relates to incentives to misappropriate assets? Question 19 In the fraud triangle, fraudulent financial reporting and misappropriation of assets: \ Question 20 Fraud awareness training should be: Question 21 Correct Fraud is more prevalent in smaller businesses and not-for-profit organizations because it is more difficult for them to maintain: Question 22 Analytical procedures can be very effective in detecting inventory fraud. Which of the following analytical procedures would not be useful in detecting fraud? Question 23 Which of the following questions is the auditor not required to ask company management when assessing fraud risk? Question 24 Fictitious revenues: Question 25 Most cases of fraudulent reporting involve: Question 26
Which of the following best defines fraud in a financial statement auditing context? Question 27 When analyzing accounts for fraud risk: Question 28 Two of the most useful warning signals that can indicate that revenue fraud is occurring are: Question 29 Auditors need to exhibit professional skepticism when auditing a client. This auditing standard is best expressed by which of the following? \ Question 30 Auditing standards specifically require auditors to identify ________ as a fraud risk in most audits. ACC 403 Strayer Week 8 Quiz 6 Latest Question 1 In an IT system, automated equipment controls or hardware controls are designed to: Question 2 A database management system: Question 3 Old and new systems operating simultaneously in all locations is a test approach known as: Question 4 Security controls should require that users enter a(n) ________ before being allowed access to software and other related data files. Question 5 ________ is not a risk specific to the IT environments. Answer Question 6
Controls that are designed for each software application and are intended to help a company satisfy the transaction-related audit objectives are: Question 7 One of the unique risks of protecting hardware and data is: Question 8 Which of the following computer-assisted auditing techniques inserts an audit module in the client’s application system to identify specific types of transactions? Question 9 The most important output control is: Question 10 An example of a physical control is: Question 11 The auditor’s objective in determining whether the client’s automated controls can correctly handle valid and invalid transactions as they arise is accomplished through the: Question 12 Programmers should be allowed access to: Question 13 Which of the following controls prevent and detect errors while transaction data are processed? Question 14 The approach to auditing where the auditor does not test automated controls to reduce assessed control risk is called: Question 15 Output controls need to be designed for which of the following data integrity objectives? Question 16
Which of the following procedures would most likely be performed in response to the auditor’s assessment of the risk of monetary misstatements in the financial statements? Question 17 An exception or deficiency found in a test of controls: Question 18 The document that details the specific audit procedures for each type of test is the: Question 19 In order to promote audit efficiency the auditor considers cost in selecting audit tests to perform. Which of the following audit tests would be the most costly? Question 20 Management implements internal controls to ensure that all required footnote disclosures are accurate. Auditors tests those controls to provide evidence supporting the ________ presentation. Question 21 Many auditors perform extensive analytical procedures on audits because: Question 22 An increased extent of tests of controls is most likely to occur when: Question 23 The purpose of tests of controls is to provide reasonable assurance that the: Question 24 A system walkthrough is primarily used to help the auditor: Question 25 Which of the following tests commonly occur together? Question 26 In the context of an audit of financial statements, substantive tests are audit procedures that: Question 27
Risk assessment procedures are performed by auditors during an audit in order to: Question 28 Collectively, procedures performed to obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment, including internal controls, represent the auditor’s: Question 29 You are auditing Rodgers and Company. After performing substantive analytical procedures you conclude that, for the accounts tested, the client’s balance appears reasonable. This may indicate that: Question 30 Which of the following audit tests is usually the least costly to perform? ACC 403 Strayer Week 9 Quiz 7 Latest Question 1 A document that initiates shipment of goods and indicates the description of the merchandise, the quantity shipped, and customer name and address is the: Question 2 When an employee who is authorized to make customer entries in the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger, purposefully enters cash received into the wrong customer’s account that employee may be suspected of: Question 3 Before goods are shipped on account, a properly authorized person must: Question 4 In the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger the length of time the account has been due can be useful to the client and the auditor in preparing the: Question 5 The document that requires adjustments to the customers subsidiary ledger account is the:
Question 6 The total of the individual account balances in the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger should equal the: . Question 7 An effective procedure to test for unbilled shipments is to trace from the: Question 8 When assessing risk control, the auditor must do all of the following except: Question 9 ________ tests are for omitted transactions, while ________ tests are for nonexistent transactions. Question 10 A document sent to each customer showing his or her beginning accounts receivable balance and the amount and date of each sale, cash payment received, any debit or credit memo issued, and the ending balance is the: Question 11 Credit memos are normally issued to: Question 12 Generally, when is the earliest point in the sales and collection cycle in which revenue can be recognized? Question 13 Most companies recognize sales revenue when: Question 14 What critical event must take place before goods can be shipped in order to assure payment can be reasonably expected? Question 15 When designing audit procedures, tracing of source documents to the customers subsidiary ledger and subsequently to the general ledger is done to satisfy what assertion? Question 16 Which of the following is the exception rate that the auditor expects to find before testing?
Question 17 Which of the following is the risk that an auditor will reach an incorrect conclusion because a sample is not representative of the population? Question 18 A sample in which the characteristics of the sample are the same as those of the population is a(n): Question 19 Rodgers CPA believes that the rate of client billing errors is 4% and has established a tolerable deviation rate of 6%. In auditing client invoices Rodgers should use: Question 20 When auditors wish to evaluate a sample statistically, an acceptable selection method is: Question 21 Auditors often use the ________ to determine the estimated population exception rate. Question 22 The most serious shortcoming of the haphazard sample selection method is: Question 23 The advantage of systematic sample selection is that: Question 24 Attributes sampling would be an appropriate method to use on which one of the following procedures in an audit program? Question 25 When the computed upper exception rate is greater than the tolerable exception rate, it is necessary for the auditor to take specific action. Which of the following courses of action would be most difficult to justify? Question 26 One of the causes of nonsampling risk is:
Question 27 The sample exception rate equals: Question 28 In systematic sample selection, the population size is divided by the number of sample items desired in order to determine the: Answer Question 29 Which of the following would have the least impact in determining sample size? Answer Question 30 When using statistical sampling, the auditor would most likely require a smaller sample if the: ACC 403 Strayer Quiz 8 Latest Question 1 Which of the following is the principle “weakness” of using negative confirmations for your tests of details of balances for accounts receivable? Question 2 Audit procedures designed to uncover credit sales made after the client’s fiscal year end that relate to the current year being audited provide evidence for which of the following audit objective? Question 3 Most tests of accounts receivable are based on what schedule, file, or listing? Question 4 Analytical procedures: Question 5
Because of its central role in auditing of accounts receivable, which of the following would normally be one of the first items tested? Question 6 Communication addressed to the debtor requesting him or her to confirm whether the balance as stated on the communication is correct or incorrect is a: Question 7 Tests of which balance-related audit objective are normally performed first in an audit of the sales and collection? Question 8 The net realizable value of accounts receivable is equal to: Question 9 The most important test of details of balances to determine the existence of recorded accounts receivable is: Question 10 A type of positive confirmation known as a blank confirmation: Question 11 For most audits, a proper cash receipts cutoff is less important than the sales cutoff because the improper cutoff of cash: Question 12 When do most companies record sales returns and allowances? Question 13 The most important aspect of evaluating the client’s method of obtaining a reliable cutoff is to: Question 14 When designing tests of details of balances, an important point to remember is: Question 15
The two primary classes of transactions in the sales and collection cycle are: Question 16 The appropriate assumption to make regarding the overall percent of error in those population items containing an error is: Question 17 Which of the following is not a type of statistical method that provides results in dollar terms? Question 18 If acceptable audit risk is increased, acceptable risk of incorrect acceptance should be: Question 19 The final step in the evaluation of the audit results is the decision to: Question 20 Monetary unit sampling is not particularly effective at detecting: Question 21 If the population is not considered acceptable, one step the auditor is likely to take is to: Question 22 When selecting a sample size for substantive tests of balances which factor, other factors being equal, would result in a larger sample? Question 23 When the sample selection is done using probability proportional to size sample selection (PPS): Question 24 You are auditing Nelson and Company and determined that the sample results support a conclusion that the account is materially misstated, when in fact it was not misstated. This illustrates the risk of: Question 25 The method used to measure the estimated total error amount in a population when there is both a recorded value and an audited value for each item in the sample is:
Question 26 The word below that best explains the relationship between required sample size and the acceptable risk of incorrect acceptance is: Question 27 If an auditor concludes that internal controls are likely to be effective, the preliminary assessment of control risk can be reduced, leading to which of the following impacts on the acceptable risk of incorrect acceptance? Question 28 When using monetary unit sampling, the recorded dollar population is a definition of all the items in the: Question 29 In monetary unit sampling, a sampling interval of 900 means that: Question 30 If an auditor desires a greater level of assurance in auditing a balance, the acceptable risk of incorrect acceptance: ACC 403 Strayer Final Exam part 1 Latest Question 1 Auditors frequently refer to the terms audit assurance, overall assurance, and level of assurance to refer to ________. Question 2 If an auditor believes the chance of financial failure is high and there is a corresponding increase in business risk for the auditor, acceptable audit risk would likely:
Question 3 If it is probable that the judgment of a reasonable person will be changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement of information, then that information is, by definition of FASB Statement No. 2: Question 4 When auditors allocate the preliminary judgment about materiality to account balances, the materiality allocated to any given account balance is referred to as: Question 5 When the auditor is attempting to determine the extent to which external users rely on a client’s financial statements, they may consider several factors except for: Question 6 Internal controls can never be regarded as completely effective. Even if company personnel could design an ideal system, its effectiveness depends on the: Question 7 In performing the audit of internal control over financial reporting the auditor emphasizes internal control over class of transactions because: Question 8 When considering internal controls, an important point to consider is that: Question 9
Narratives, flowcharts, and internal control questionnaires are three common methods of: Question 10 The employee in charge of authorizing credit to the company’s customers does not fully understand the concept of credit risk. This lack of knowledge would constitute: Question 11 Analytical procedures can be very effective in detecting inventory fraud. Which of the following analytical procedures would not be useful in detecting fraud? Question 12 Financial statement manipulation risk is arguably present for all companies’ financial statements. However, the risk is elevated for companies that: Question 13 Which party has the primary responsibility to oversee an organization’s financial reporting and internal control process? Question 14 Who is most likely to perpetrate fraudulent financial reporting? Question 15 Which of the following would the auditor be most concerned about regarding a heightened risk of intentional misstatement?
Question 16 An example of a physical control is: Question 17 The audit approach in which the auditor runs his or her own program on a controlled basis to verify the client’s data recorded in a machine language is: Question 18 Which of the following describes the process of implementing a new system in one part of the organization, while other locations continue to use the current system? Question 19 A ________ total represents the summary total of codes from all records in a batch that do not represent a meaningful total. Question 20 The continued integration of IT in accounting systems can impact a company by: Question 21 Which of the following audit tests is usually the least costly to perform? Question 22
The purpose of tests of controls is to provide reasonable assurance that the: Question 23 Many auditors perform extensive analytical procedures on audits because: Question 24 A system walkthrough is primarily used to help the auditor: Question 25 Analytical procedures: ACC 403 Strayer Final Exam part 2 Latest Instructions This final exam consists of 25 multiple choice questions and covers the material in Chapters 14 through 17, 21, and 24. There are five questions from each chapter. Question 1 Before goods are shipped on account, a properly authorized person must: Question 2 What critical event must take place before goods can be shipped in order to assure payment can be reasonably expected? Question 3
The document that requires adjustments to the customers subsidiary ledger account is the: Question 4 A document prepared to initiate shipment of the goods sold by an independent shipper is the: Question 5 What event initiates a transaction in the sales and collection cycle? Question 6 Auditors often use the ________ to determine the estimated population exception rate. Question 7 When the auditor decides to select less than 100 percent of the population for testing, the auditor is said to use: Question 8 Rodgers CPA believes that the rate of client billing errors is 4% and has established a tolerable deviation rate of 6%. In auditing client invoices Rodgers should use: Question 9 Which of the following would have the least impact in determining sample size? Question 10
Which of the following occurrences would be least likely to warrant further audit attention for the auditor? Question 11 The most effective audit evidence gathered for accounts receivable is the: Question 12 Which of the following most likely would be detected by a review of a client’s sales cutoff? Question 13 Analytical procedures: Question 14 When do most companies record sales returns and allowances? Question 15 Tests of which balance-related audit objective are normally performed first in an audit of the sales and collection? Question 16 The risk the auditor is willing to take of accepting a balance as correct when the true misstatement in the balance under audit is greater than the tolerable misstatement is: Question 17
The client’s trial balance has a balance of $410,000 for merchandise inventory. As the auditor you are willing to accept a balance that is within $20,000 of either side of the recorded balance. You compute a 95% confidence interval of $395,000 to $425,000. You could therefore: Question 18 One of the steps involved in planning the sample for the tests of details of balances is to: Question 19 When the sample selection is done using probability proportional to size sample selection (PPS): \ Question 20 When defining the population and the sampling unit for tests of details of balances: . Question 21 From which of the following evidence-gathering audit procedures would an auditor obtain most assurance concerning the existence of inventories? Question 22 Comparing the physical counts with the perpetual inventory master files satisfies the balance-related audit objective of: Question 23 Auditor tests of the physical controls over raw materials, work in process, and finished goods are generally limited to:
Question 24 Boxes or other containers holding inventory should also be opened during test counts to determine the ________ of the inventory. Question 25 The audit tests to verify that the client is using an inventory method which is generally accepted and to verify that physical counts were correctly summarized are performed during the audit of the: Question 26 The auditor’s primary concern relative to presentation and disclosure-related objectives is: Question 27 Which of the following subsequent events is most likely to result in an adjustment to a company’s financial statements? Question 28 When communicating with the audit committee and management: Download File