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Dissertation writing in Biomedical Engineering aims in analyzing or solving problems in the biomedical field by applying some engineering methods. The bioengineering dissertation writing offers a chance for the postgraduate students to apply engineering principles that have been learned previously and also to apply these techniques to solve the problems innovatively such as the design development, method, and/or the analysis of a hypothesis.<br>Bioengineering thesis projects are more complex, and openu2010ended problems that promote students to be more creative in the achievement, investigation, and analysis of results. The dissertation allows students to devise problems in engineering terms, handle an engineering project, and discover solutions by applying engineering techniques.<br>When you Order any reflective report at Tutors India, we promise you the following<br>Plagiarism free<br>Always on Time,<br>Outstanding customer support,<br>Written to Standard,<br>Unlimited Revisions support,<br>High-quality Subject Matter Experts.<br><br>Contact: <br>Website: www.tutorsindia.com<br>Email: info@tutorsindia.com<br>United Kingdom: 44-1143520021<br>India: 91-4448137070<br>Whatsapp Number: 91-8754446690<br>Read more: https://bit.ly/3aGW2Gm<br>
DIFFICULTIES AND STRATEGIES IN WRITING DISSERTATION FOR STUDENTS INBIO-ENGINEERING An Academic presentationby Dr. Nancy Agens, Head, Technical Operations, Tutors India Group www.tutorsindia.com Email:info@tutorsindia.com
Today'sDiscussion OUTLINE InBrief Introduction Dissertationstructure Strategies to Write Bioengineering Dissertation Challenges in Bioengineering Dissertation Conclusion Futurescope
InBrief To make a gooddissertation bioengineering,the writing process must be started earlier with an outline that is further developed to form content and selecting an appropriate journal. Values in thedissertation reportmust not be replicated and must not ignore negative results ifobtained.
Introduction Dissertation writing inBiomedical Engineeringaims in analyzing or solving problems in the biomedical field by applying some engineering methods. The bioengineeringdissertation writing offers a chance for the postgraduate students to apply engineering principles that have been learned previously and also to apply these techniques to solve the problems innovatively such as the design development, method, and/or the analysis of ahypothesis. Contd..
Bioengineering thesis projectsare more complex, and open‐ended problems that promote students to be more creative in the achievement, investigation, and analysis ofresults. The dissertation allows students to devise problems in engineering terms, handle an engineering project, and discover solutions byapplying engineeringtechniques.
Dissertation structure The structure of the dissertationincludes an introductory chapter, a chapter that carries out the research process, and an ending chapter that summarizes everythingtogether. Before startingtowrite a dissertation, it is essential to make an outline of thetopic. After making an outline, figures and tables must be included in it to frame theresults. Contd..
Develop the outline with consecutively more information, and then this information must be replaced with sentences and paragraphs, and then finally the written document will form a propershape. While developing an outline, verify it with the adviser/professor to ensure that the research is ontrack. To write a paper, the result section must be framed first. Then f rame the Discussionsection in relation to theResults. Then the Introduction part must be written and linked to theDiscussion.
1. Early Beginning isBeneficial Strategiesto Write Bio- Engineering Dissertation Dissertation writingin Biomedicalis a learning process, and students acquire this expertise throughexperience. Therefore, it is recommended to start the writing process as early aspossible. The first strategy in thesis writing is to carry out attentive and extensive reading in order to get an outline of the published literature, to recognize the style and structure of researcharticles. It is a significant process in dissertation writing and many students do not devote sufficient time to go through enougharticles. Contd..
Once, the student has done enough research in reviewingliteratures, the nextstep is to examine the utilities of software tools and writing guides that areavailable. Then it is time to prepare for one’s owndissertation. The most significant part is making an outline and preparing a draft for theresearch article as soon aspossible. An exhaustive outline assists thewritingprocessand the outline of a project isthe key element for itssuccess. Structural templates assist the process of outlining thethesis. Contd..
2.W orkinginTeams Writing a dissertation as a group is advantageous as it enhances both efficiencyand output. Writinga dissertationas a group not only enhances the outlook to aims,opinions, and conclusions, but it is the best strategy to draw necessaryfeedback. Obtaining feedback from peers facilitates efficient writing. Feedback assists toidentify discrepancies, improper text structures, indistinct messages, rambling text parts, errors in content, and eventually leads to enhanced textquality. Additionally, feedback assists students to identify their strengths andweaknesses. Contd..
3.SelectingaJournal It is recommended to choose the target journal as early as possible in thewriting process. The journal must be selected before preparing the rough draft ofthe researchproject. Therefore,writinga dissertationthat has been intended towards a specific journal not only facilitates students in choosing the accurate content and method butalso accumulates time and ignores unnecessary modifications and standstills during the preparation of the final draft of thedissertation. The additional criterion to be considered for selecting the right journal areopen access options, the informal reputation of the journal, the cost of publication, copyright policies, and peer reviewsystems. Contd..
Steps forwriting Dissertation Contd..
4. NurturingtheDissertation The dissertation must undergo internal reviewing among classmates, in orderto cherish its content and enhance thestyle. At this stage, students are advised to present precise content in theirdissertation. The best way to attain lucidity and link within the dissertation is to have clearand preciseparagraphs. The main purpose of the topic should be stated at the beginning of theparagraph. The second important aspect is the accuracy of the content that needs tobe checked. Contd..
In order to achieve accuracy in the content, it is significant to check the data, logicof each line, and theirreferences. Third, the focus is to be made on l anguage issuessuch as spelling, grammar,and punctuation. There is software available for grammar and spellchecking that facilitatesavoiding errors and variouswritingguidesoffer tips for writing a betterdissertation.
Challenges in Bio-Engineering Dissertation In the bioengineering field, new guidelines emerge, and old ones are always revised, and a scientific paper writer has to stay up todate. Bioengineering students must be updated in the knowledge of guidelines. There are many difficulties faced inbiomedical dissertation. Theyare: 1. Values must not be reiterated from a table or figure. It should only be the key result that eachconveys. Contd..
The same data must not be included in both the table and figure as this is considered unnecessary and can save space and energy. Choose for a best and precise format that provides an accurate result. Raw data values must not be reported, as they can be summarized as means, percents, etc. Statistical test summaries are usually reported in combination with the biological results they support. Results must always be reported in reference to the statistical conclusion that supports theresult. Contd..
5. Report negative results: Students mostly do not get the expected results.They think that their hypothesis was inaccurate and needs to berechecked. So, they become stumbled against something unanticipated thatdemands furtherresearch. In some cases, even though the derived results do not support thehypothesis, it may be of significance toothers. Students must be confident enough about theirfindings. If the research is carried out well, the results will be precise and needanalysis.
Conclusion The most advanced field in science and technology is considered as Bioengineering/BiomedicalEngineering. It has prompted the development in the field of medicine andbiology. Biomedical engineering involves utilizing engineering techniquesin solving medical and biological problems to enhance the quality oflife. This paper describes the strategy ofwritinga dissertationin technology and engineering, and also discusses the objectivesand challengesof biomedical engineering thesiswriting.
Futurescopes As the field of Bioengineering/ Biomedical Engineering is emerging, it is predicted that research in this field will continue to propagate for the next decades worldwide, particularly in developingcountries. It is projected that the academic curriculum in this field will go through further alterations, and perhaps evolutions, sloping towards most favorable objectives, which would promote more relations between higher learning institutions and organizations thereby promoting the quality ofhealthcare.
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