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During the course of writing your undergraduate dissertation, there will be a time when you have to take up the task of writing a literature review. For those who are unaware, a literature review is deemed as an integral part of academic writing which would be instrumental in signifying understanding and knowledge about academic literature regarding a particular topic [1]. However, the important aspect that academic researchers need to know is that literature review is not just about writing, on the contrary, it would consist of critically assessing the literature [2]. Thatu2019s the main reason w
LiteratureReviewfor Undergraduate Dissertation:The Purpose AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,TutorsIndia Group: www.tutorsindia.com Email:info@tutorsindia.com
TODAY'SDISCUSSION IntroductiontoLiteratureReview GoalofaLiteratureReview Literature Review and Essay: A Comparison NeedHelpwithWritingaLiteratureReview?
INTRODUCTIONTOLITERATURE REVIEW Duringthecourseofwritingyourundergraduate dissertation, there will be a time when you have to takeupthetaskofwritingaliteraturereview. For those who are unaware, a literature review is deemedasanintegralpartofacademicwriting which would understanding be instrumental in and knowledge about signifying academic literatureregardingaparticulartopic. Contd...
However,theimportantaspectthatacademic researchers need to know is that, literature review is not just about writing, on the contrary, it would comprise ofcriticallyassessing theliterature. That’s the main reason why it is known as a literature review. Otherwise, it could have very well been termed as a literaturereport. In order to exemplify the variation amongst reviewing and reporting, let’s consider the example of movie or televisionreview write-ups. Contd...
Such write-ups would be inclusive of a brief synopsis of a movie or a television programme, the key aspects from the programme or movie, along with an analysis of the same by a critic. A report on the other hand would just cover the main points of the movieor programme and will not critically analyze it. Likewise, the two key objectives of a literature review would refer to;thecontentthatencompassestheextantliterature,evidence andtheories,andsecond,criticalevaluationonthepartofthe person writing thereview, while discussingthe content in detail. Contd...
Generally,aliteraturereviewmakesupanintegralaspectofabachelors dissertationorbachelor's thesis,long essayor researchproject. Nonetheless, in certain instances, it can be created and evaluated as an individual pieceof writing. ItisimpossibletowritealiteraturereviewforaPhDwithoutathorough understandingoftheselectedresearchfield,accesstothemostrecentand credibleacademicsources,andahighlycriticalandevaluative writingstyle. AtTutorsIndiawehavehighlyqualifiedprofessionalswhohavemorethan10yrs ofexperience inrelevant researchfields to guideyour work.
GOALOFALITERATUREREVIEW According to [4] “…your task isto build an argument, not a library” Withinlargeracademicwritingprojectssuchasbachelor’s dissertation or bachelor’s thesis, researchers usually opt to tackletheliteraturereviewtaskfirst,followingthefinalization ofthe topic for research. Reading through existing literary works, in tandem with critical evaluationofthetextproves tobebeneficial infurther enhancement of the topic in question and also facilitates the researchquestions to be framed. Contd...
The main goal of a literature review is to establish familiarity with and develop an understanding about the present research in a specific domain, prior to delvinginto executing a newinvestigation. Executing a review of literature would facilitate you to seek similar research that has been carried out in the past and identify aspects relatingto your topic that requires further research. In a nutshell, the goal of a literature review would be to; Assist you in findinggaps within thecurrent literature. Restricts the need to reinvent the wheel by finding similar research thathas already been done in thepast. Contd...
To give you an idea about aspects from your topic that havealready beeninvestigated. Augmentthebreadthofyourknowledgeand understandinginyour areaofresearch. Locate seminal works that have been carried out in the past. Facilitateyoutoofferanintellectualsettingforyour researchandbringyourresearchatparwithother similarresearchesconductedin thepast. Tolookatopposingviewpointsforthesametopic. Contd...
Allowyoutofindsuitableresearchmethodsthatcouldbepossiblyappliedwithinyour research. A dissertationliteraturereviewcontributes40percentweightofresearchwork. TutorsIndiaLiteratureReviewwritingenablescandidatestoperformthebestoftheirability. Weassistthecandidatesineachstepoftheirresearchworkfromtopicselectiontocomplete dissertation.
NEEDHELPWITHWRITINGA LITERATUREREVIEW? Havingestablishedthepurposeofaliteraturereview andprovidinganunderstandingaboutthedifference between a literature review and an essay, I’m sure there are those who still think that writing a literaturereview isa monumental task. Nodoubtitis,butyouneednotworry. Youcangetbachelor’sthesiswritinghelp. There are several organizations that provide bachelor’s thesiswritingserviceswhichyoucanavailtoyour advantage.
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