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Writing a research proposal is the foremost task towards accomplishing the completion of a research project. Though the format of research proposals for different domains is similar but there is a huge variation in the content and its style. Considering writing a research proposal for tissue engineering or medical domain it is imperative to mention the key constructs such as benefits, advancements etc.<br><br>A general layout for a research proposal is as follows:<br>u2022tTitle<br>u2022tIntroduction<br>u2022tAims and objectives<br>u2022tLiterature review<br>When you Order any reflective report at Tutors India, we promise you the following<br>Plagiarism free,<br>Always on Time,<br>Outstanding customer support,<br>Written to Standard,<br>Unlimited Revisions support,<br>High-quality Subject Matter Experts.<br><br>Contact: <br>Website: www.tutorsindia.com<br>Email: info@tutorsindia.com<br>United Kingdom: 44-1143520021<br>India: 91-4448137070<br>Whatsapp Number: 91-8754446690<br>Read more: https://bit.ly/31iWvvw<br>
STRUCTURE FOR TISSUE ENGINEERING RESEARCH WHILE WRITING A DETAILED RESEARCHPROPOSAL An Academic presentationby Dr. Nancy Agens, Head, Technical Operations, Tutors India Group www.tutorsindia.com Email:info@tutorsindia.com
Today'sDiscussion OUTLINE In Brief Introduction Purpose of Research ProposalWriting Things to be noted While Writing a Thesis Proposal on Sensor Technology Applicable Research Plan EvadeErrors Attention to the Central Objective Need toProofread
InBrief Wwriting a research proposalis the foremost task towards accomplishing the completion of a research project. Though the format of research proposals for different domains is similar but there is a huge variation in the content and its style.Considering writing a research proposal for tissue engineering or medical domain it is imperative to mention the key constructs such as benefits, advancementsetc.
Introduction As defined earlier a research proposal holds paramount significance for successful completion of aresearchproject. It is necessary that the proposal follows certain word length, a well-defined structure andlayout. A general layout for a research proposal is as follows: Title Introduction Aims and objectives Literaturereview Contd..
While the aforementioned format is suitable for most of the research works of different domains it is also adjustableformedicaldomain. It also noteworthy that the individual should have a clear vision of the approach being implemented or discussed in his project so as to avoid anyconfusion. A snippet of the key constructs requiredforwritinga proposalarediscussed. While writinga research proposalfor tissue engineering an individual should begin with describing the role of tissueengineering. Tissue engineering can be defined as a process in which a biological alternativeis focused on for conserving the structure and function oftissue. Contd..
The author explored the application oftissue engineeringfor regenerating themandible and showed optimalresults. Similarly the key works performed towards the proposed research workshould be mentioned. In the further sections of the research proposal a snippet of the technique being implemented should be provided so that the reviewer can understand the purpose of research and its significance towards thesociety. As mentioned previously there are some key questions that need to be addressed while writing a research proposal fortissueengineering.
Tissue engineering (TE) has revolutionised the field of medicine with its high efficacy and aid towards repairing and developing tissues that have been damaged due to any accident orillness. Need for Tissue Engineering In the present scenario transplantation, use of mechanical devices is being widely employed which undeniably cause certainissues. TE aims to alleviate these issues and ensure smoothfunctioning. Thus TE serves as a promising solution towards resolving theseproblems.
Success ofTissue Engineering Since TE is a multidisciplinary approach involving engineering as well as biological techniquestowards betterment ofsociety. The skin TE approach is being practiced since long and has been exhibitingsuccess. The damage of tissues is a common problem but the regeneration of these tissues is possible only up to a certainage. Beyond this age the regeneration process either slows down or stops completely causing severe pains and other alliedissues.
Process of Tissue Engineering The process of TE can be explained through the graphical illustration shownbelow. It can be observed from the illustration that initially the cells are separated from a source followed by expansion in a cell culturesystem. They are then embedded onto a carrier which in addition to a proper medium imparts structuralsupport. Aresearch proposal planned and designed in such a way would ensure success in unison with timely completion of theproject. Contd..
Conclusion Writinga research proposalfor tissue engineering is acritical task as it involves sharing different aspects related to the research that is being planned by anindividual. A proper planning and design of the researchcanassure success. Also it is imperative that while preparing a research proposal one should include all the key points that would be helpful forthe reviewer to understand theresearch. The researcher should also provide a conclusion which discusses the future scope of the approach applied in additionto its benefits and application in presentsituation.
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