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Major Issue In Education System In USA

This has a good impact on the person who is working as they can take these services, Some of the services are taking my test for me u200b.

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Major Issue In Education System In USA

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  1. Major Issue In Education System In USA

  2. Schools Are Overcrowded  • As we are in the smaller section we need more attention of the teacher than in higher class but the junior classes in the US is overcrowded and the disadvantage is that the teacher can't give the perfect amount of attention over the student as they except from the teacher and this can put the child future at risk .

  3. Technology comes with its downsides. As we know that everything come with its own pro's and con's and as we know that US is a developed country and  as in US everything has gone on online method like online study  and test  and there are some agency which are providing that they will do your assignment on your behalf . This have good impact on the person who is working as they can take these services, Some of services are take my test for me

  4. Lack Of Diversity In Gifted Education As we know that the US education system is based on  the Practical Knowledge and when the students learn everything from Scratch then there is a less diversity in the courses as the courses which they like is already decided and they began to gather knowledge about that course  

  5. Drop-out Rate Is Very High  In US the high school dropout rate is 38% in Us as most of the dropout fall below poverty line Only 60% of the Dropout have a vehicle and $300 per month. Instead we expect student as earners we need the student should study and make their future instead of dropping out .

  6. Technology Brings A Whole New Dimension To Cheating. In the US the as their whole education system is depended on the technology the students have find a way to misuse the technology . As the students new method of doing cheating  online and to pass in exams and this affect the knowledge as they are passing in the exam but doesn't get any knowledge.

  7. There Is a Lack Of Teacher Education Innovation In US there is lack of teacher education as the teacher are unable update themself because as they didn't get any knowledge and the knowledge of the teacher remain same in all the classes . The US school need teacher who are more familiar with distant learning and can attract the student to increase the knowledge .

  8. We Need To Consider How School Security measures Affect Students In  US school the main  reason which affect the student is the security . As they have  a very tight security and they are concerned about the students this impact the learning speed of the students as they are always afraid of do anything so excessive security is also the main reason .

  9.  Decreased Teacher Salaries As the American school are decreasing the salary of the teacher so the good teacher as no interest in doing the jobs in the school and result is that  the study of the student is suffering , that the reason the teachers have left their job and walkout .Due to which several teacher receive increment and some teacher receive growth 

  10. Thank you  For More Details Contact Us - https://www.tutorssky.com/

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