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What is Otitis Media?. AOM = Acute OM OME = OM with Effusion (= ?glue ear')CSOM = Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media ( = a hole in the ear drum which discharges) . Ear drum without a hole. 2 types of fluid in middle ear:1.
1. Otitis Media Dr John Curotta
Head of ENT Surgery
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
2. What is Otitis Media? AOM = Acute OM
OME = OM with Effusion (= ‘glue ear’)
CSOM = Chronic Suppurative Otitis
Media ( = a hole in the ear drum
which discharges)
3. Ear drum without a hole 2 types of fluid in middle ear:
1. Pus -> Acute OM = AOM
2. Mucous -> Effusion = OME
4. Ear drum with hole ( >6 weeks) 1. Simple hole: connects outer ear to mucous making lining of middle ear
(“like a nostril”) usually dry, but sometimes runny. = “SAFE’ ear
2. Hole with skin of ear drum growing in
= “UNSAFE” ear
5. “UNSAFE” ear Also called:
Chol est e at oma
‘Kol-est-ee-at-oma ‘
Means skin growing into ear, not out
6. What is ‘UNSAFE’ about skin growing in ? Skin is not normally in the ear and mastoid
Lowest layer of skin makes an enzyme which eats away the bone
This erodes Bones of hearing
Bone covering inner ear
Bone between ear and brain
Deaf – Dizzy – Brain Abscess
7. What makes you suspect an UNSAFE ear ? Persistent discharge
The SMELL……Sneakers taken off after a week in the wet.
That is ..soggy dirty mouldy skin…
8. Cholesteatoma ALWAYS needs surgery
Surgery: delicate / long / often repeated
(very little pain and discomfort) !
9. ‘Remote’ Kids Usually get early on :
‘Safe’ Hole in ear drum ------
Often Runny ears
10. Northern Territory OM Survey 2007 1300 children, 6 mo – 30 months old
25% AOM
5% AOM + perforation
15% CSOM
10% had completely normal ears.
11. NT OM Survey 2007 By 6 months age 98% OME
By 12 months age
90 % AOM
35% AOM + Perforation
20% CSOM
12. ‘Town’ and ‘city’ Kids Usually get what any other town/city
kids get…….Glue ear.
BUT because it is a hidden condition -
…….may NOT get diagnosed !
13. Job of Nurses for Ears 1. Runny ears: DRY the runny ears
Maximise hearing
Optimise learning
2. Glue ears: DIAGNOSE
Maximise hearing
Optimise learning
14. RISK factors for Otitis Media Boys
Brother/sister with OM
Early start to AOM (<6mo)
Not breast fed
Poor housing
Smoker at home
15. PREVENTION Vaccination against Strep pneumoniae
PREVENAR works under 2 yrs age
PNEUMOVAX works after 2 yrs age
( Hib – ‘Haemophilus influenzae Type b’ vaccine
is NO good for ears
as they get ‘H influenzae Non-typeable )’
16. Pneumococcal Vaccination“PREVENAR” 239,000 operations for grommets in Australia in past 10 years
Since Prevenar introduction in 2005
grommets reduced by:
<1 yr…23%
1-2 yrs..16%
2-3 yrs.. 6%
17. Study effect early Pn Vaccination ‘Remote’ NT Kids - 2009 Minimal benefit in reduction Otitis Media
(unlike town/city kids)
Probably need
Pneumococcal vaccine with wider spread
Vaccine for Haemophilus infections of ears
Vaccinate mothers
18. Diagnose ‘GLUE Ear’
19. Aim of NSW Otitis Media Strategy is to screen all kids
Eliminates guesswork
But: Do they all get screened?
20. Hearing Testing Tiny Tots
SWISH for all newborns
NSW 99% cover ….Who is most likely
to miss out ?
Usual Tymps: unreliable under 6 months
21. Hearing Testing Baby – to - 4 yrs old
VROA / Behavioural…test overall /
better ear hearing
Usual Tymps: ‘Reliable’
22. Hearing Testing Over 4 yrs
PTA + Tymps generally reliable
23. AOM = pus in middle ear
Body’s immune +/- antibiotics kill bacteria BUT the mucous can take weeks to clear out
24. POM = Fluid in ear since infection POM : “Persisting” Otitis Media
i.e. after AOM, up to 12 weeks
Once fluid is there > 12 weeks,
? Then call it : OME or ‘Glue ear’
25. Fluid in middle ear
0 weeks >12 weeks
26. Benefit of Hearing Testing Learning to talk
Learning in classroom
27. Hearing under 4-5 years One ear is enough to learn to talk and to get along at home
So ‘general’ tests of hearing are OK
28. Hearing, over 4-5 yrs Unilateral OR Bilateral HL : very important to diagnose
Poor hearing even in ONE ear is a major problem in classroom
29. Hearing over 5 yrs This means at school
Absolutely need both ears hearing
30. Unilateral hearing Loss Very serious problem in class room
Background noise
Anything other than one-to-one talking
31. Grommets - time working Small: Shepard………………6 mo
Medium: Reuter Bobbin………12 mo
Large: Sheehy Collar Button.18 mo
Larger: T – Tubes……………24 mo +
32. The bigger the grommet The longer it stays
The bigger the risk of a larger perforation
So, NO T-tubes in children
33. Grommets The GOOD
34. Grommets- The GOOD Instant relief
Consistent relief
Helps balance too
Reduces AOMs as well
35. Grommets-The BAD Need admission to hospital
Waiting list
General anaesthetic
How long effective
Repeat grommets
36. Grommets-The UGLY Limit water exposure - e.g. swimming
Discharging grommet a problem
Social / hearing / extrude grommet
Residual perforations, esp if large
large > 20% area TM (large is bad)
in between…….(nuisance)
small < 10% area TM (small is good ! )
37. If not grommets – What ? Seating position……….counting chooks
FM System
Hearing Aid/s
Room amplification
38. Looking after grommets Its not the water
It’s the GERMS in the water
39. Looking after grommets Clean water…OK shower, beach, well-maintained pool (Chlorine : High end +
pH : Low end of range)
Some Remote WA - No School…No Pool
40. Looking after grommets AVOID
Bath water
Indoor heated pools
Ear plugs and cap / head band
41. Infected grommets Foreign material in the body - if infected gets covered in “slime”
Called “BIOFILM”
Like the inside of water pipes etc
Also plaque on teeth / infected catheters/ IV cannulas etc
42. BIOFILM Bacteria exude a jelly to cover themselves
So, antibiotics cannot reach them
To clean biofilm – must mechanically break it up – brush it / scrub it
? If not possible – remove the device.
43. Discharge through Grommets ..How? Head cold Virus:? Increase secretion in nose / sinuses / ears
Secondary bacterial infection (like AOM)
Overflow through grommet
44. Discharge through Grommets ..How? If virus…dries up when nose dries up
If bacterial.. May / may not dry up with nose….
Antibiotic medicine or capsules (eg Amoxil) helps
45. Discharge through Grommets ..How? Bacteria which live on skin in outer ear can get into middle ear through the mucous discharge…..(pseudomonas) ..these are resistant to most oral antibiotics … Need DROPS
46. Ear Drops for Grommets Ciprofloxacin (= Ciloxan / Ciproxin HC) is always safe in ears
Sofradex usually safe in infected ears
Sofradex is unsafe in clean ears
47. Ear Drops for wax 1. Sodium Bicarbonate Ear drops ( chemist makes them up)
2. Waxsol drops
3. Ear Clear Drops for Wax Removal
Then syringe.
Never Cerumol - too harsh
48. Discharge through grommets If so much discharge ear drops cannot get in ?
Use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide as drops first, to clean the ear, dab dry and then put in drops. (only for a day or so at a time)
(probably is breaking up Biofilm)
49. Wax or discharge in Ears Gently syringe with dilute baby shampoo
1/2 teaspoonful in 1 cup warm water (= 1%)
(or 1 tsp in 500ml)
Finish by syringing Betadine (1 tsp in 100ml)
10 ml syringe with a cut-off scalp vein needle
Safe in perforations or grommets
50. References Aboriginal Ear Health Manual – Harvey Coates et al from WA
Aboriginal Otitis Media ENT Program Evaluation Report 2002“
Surgical Management of Otitis Media with Effusion in children” – Clinical Guideline, February 2008 - UK