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Real Time Operating Systems

INTRODUCTION. RTOS ???Real Time Operating SystemWhere used?Satellite systemsMeasuring equipmentGSM (antennas and devices)Cars (e.g. ABS)CamerasMedical instrumentsMotor controlNetwork adaptersRobotsFax machines, copiersPrinters, terminals, scanners, modemsSwitches and routersFlight sys

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Real Time Operating Systems

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    1. Real Time Operating Systems Johan Dams Email: jd@puv.fi

    2. INTRODUCTION RTOS ??? Real Time Operating System Where used? Satellite systems Measuring equipment GSM (antennas and devices) Cars (e.g. ABS) Cameras Medical instruments Motor control Network adapters Robots Fax machines, copiers Printers, terminals, scanners, modems Switches and routers Flight systems, weapon systems Micro-wave systems, dishwashers, thermostats ...

    3. MicroC/OS-II (Jean J Labrosse) Free for educational use Easy as entry level Can handle 64 tasks (-8 for system) 64 priority levels Price: $60 book+disk Implementations exist for: Win95/98 68HC11 80x86 M16C (!)

    4. Foreground/Background systems Foreground = "Interrupt level" based on Interrupt Service Routines (ISR) Background = "Task level" Most used

    5. Real-Time Systems Concept Definitions "Critical Section of Code": has to be treated uninterrupted Resource (printer, keyboard, but also variable, structure...) Shared Resource: can be used by more then one task. Mutual Exclusion !!! Multitasking: process in which CPU-time is divided under multiple tasks Task or thread : Thinks it has got the CPU for itself. Has a priority Five conditions in which a task can be: DORMANT exists in memory not yet offered to the multitasking kernel READY can be executed has lower priority then running tasks RUNNING if the task has control of the CPU

    6. Definitions WAITING waits for an event (e.g. I/O) waits for resource to be available wait till certain time elapses ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) if there is an interrupt Context switch Context ? See fig. Task Control Block gets exchanged by OS with Registers More CPU registers => more overhead

    7. Definitions Kernel Piece of a multitasking system that controls tasks Primary task = context switching Extra ROM and RAM needed -> problem for single-chip processors RAM gets eaten Extra CPU-time needed (2 tot 5%) Scheduler (or: dispatcher) controls which task will run Mostly priority based Priority-based kernel = gives highest priority task that is ready to run control of the CPU

    8. Preemptive and non-preemptive kernels non-preemptive kernel also: "cooperative multitasking" A task has to give up the CPU itself releasing the CPU has to be done fast small interrupt latency every task can run completely before the CPU is released less danger for corruption (non-reentrant functions) bad response on high-priority tasks crash of a task, or endless loop --> ??

    9. Preemptive and non-preemptive kernels Preemptive kernel Used when response time important eg. microC/OS-II Highest priority task ALWAYS gets control Highest priority tasks gets immediate control response time very short Non-reentrant functions cannot be used! After execution of task continue with highest priority task (not interrupted task)

    10. Reentrant functions Can be used by multiple tasks at the same time Examples: int Temp; void swap(int *x, int *y) { Temp = *x; *x = *y; *y = Temp; } void strcpy(char *dest, char *src) { while(*dest++ = *src++) { *dest = NULL; } }

    11. Round-Robin scheduling When: if 2 or more tasks have the same priority Every task gets fixed amount of time: a quantum = time slicing Alternative: Task priority. Highest priority gets CPU

    12. Static and Dynamic priorities Static: priority does not change Dynamic : priority changes during execution Dynamic is needed to prevent priority inversions

    13. Priority inversions One of the problems when using real time kernels Situation: 3 tasks with different priority (H-M-L) Task 1 (High priority) needs a semaphore (resource), occupied by task 3 problem: task 1 (H) has to wait too long to start running

    14. Priority inversions Solution: give task 3 a very high priority For as long as it occupies the resource Needed: a kernel that can change the priority itself

    15. Assigning priorities to tasks SOFT real-time system: tasks dont have to be completed within a certain time HARD real-time system: tasks have to be completed correctly within time Method: RMS (Rate Monotonic Scheduling) Most executed tasks -> highest priority Demands: tasks occur regularly tasks dont exchange anything preemptive scheduling needed real-time deadlines are met when Ei maximum time needed for task i Ti time between i and i+1 n = number of tasks

    16. Assigning task priorities Conclusion NUMBER OF TASKS 1 1.000 2 0.828 3 0.779 4 0.756 5 0.743 ... ... 0.693 Thus: never use more then 60% to 70% CPU time

    17. Mutual Exclusion Demand: exclusive use of a resource How? Disable interrupts Used on critical sections of code For very short time only Test-and-set operations For important sections Needs more time Principle: disable interrupt test test-and-set variable Set test-and-set variable to 1 enable interrupt Access resource disable interrupt Set test-and-set variable to 0 enable interrupt

    18. Mutual Exclusion Disable scheduling Normal: after interrupt, processing goes to highest priority task Now: after interrupt, processing goes back to interrupted task Use of semaphores Better method than disabling scheduling Invented mid 1960 Principle Access control on shared resource Event gets clearly flagged Two tasks can synchronise = key you need in order to continue processing If semaphore in use, keep WAITING until it gets available Give me the key. If it is in use, Ill keep waiting."

    19. Mutual Exclusion Binary semaphore: two conditions, used or not Counting semaphore:from 0 tot 2^8, 2^16 of 2^32 => semaphore counts downwards (!)

    20. Three semaphore operations INITIALIZE (or CREATE) initial waiting list is empty WAIT (or PEND) a task requests a resource If semaphore = 0, next task goes in WAIT next task is put on waitinglist If semaphore > 0, tasks begins execution semaphore gets decremented SIGNAL (or POST) a task releases the semaphore no task waiting: semaphore incremented task waiting: key is given to new task new task is first task that asked for semaphore (FIFO) highest priority task

    21. Three semaphore operations Example

    22. Encapsulated semaphores Principle: task does not have to control semaphore Resource controls the semaphore Typical: driver of the resource solves semaphores Release of a semaphore is done through a timeout eg. Network card, serial port, ... Advantages: tasks just use the driver programmer does not have to deal with the semaphores

    23. Deadlocks (Deadly embrace) What ? Two tasks waiting for each others semaphore Solutions acquire all resources before proceeding always acquire resources in the same order and always release in reverse order use of time-outs on semaphores

    24. Synchronisation What ? Synchronisation between tasks Synchronisation between tasks and ISR How ? Use of semaphores "unilateral rendezvous" semaphore signals an event (flag, NOT a key)

    25. Synchronisation counting semaphores for accumulation of events not processed yet More than one task can be waiting for event: highest task first first task first (FIFO) "bilateral rendezvous" synchronising two tasks (not task + ISR) with two semaphores

    26. Event Flags When ? A task has to synchronise with multiple events Disjunctive synchronisation logical OR synchronisation if one of the events occurred Conjunctive synchronisation logical AND synchronisation if all events occurred

    27. Inter task communication What ? ISR or task sends information to other task How ? Global variables sending messages Global variables Make sure you have exclusive access by disabling and enabling interrupts by use of semaphores Alterations are passed on by use of semaphores polling of the results Better methods: "message mailbox" and "message queues"

    28. Message mailboxes Principle: interchanging messages through the kernel typical pointer size variable Kernel provides a mailbox service Task or ISR drops a message (pointer) in the mailbox pointer can point to any data transmitter and receiver know what data the pointer holds Waiting list every mailbox can have a waiting list used if more tasks are waiting the arrival of a message in one mailbox Task asking message from empty mailbox goes in SUSPEND (WAIT) goes active as soon a message is present highest priority first first task first serve (FIFO) in general: timeout is specified after timeout: error code

    29. Message mailboxes I-beam = message box hourglass "10" = number of clock ticks before time-out Typical operations on a mailbox init of mailbox, can have a message initially deposit message in mailbox (POST) get message from mailbox, wait if no available (PEND) get message from mailbox, don't wait if no available (ACCEPT)

    30. Message Queues Principle used to send one or more messages to a task typical an array of mailboxes a task or ISR can deliver a message (pointer) in hte message queue one or more tasks can receive messages from the queue through the kernel sender and receiver know what kind of data is behind the pointer typical FIFO, also LIFO and highest priority possible Also here: task can go in WAIT if queue is empty task can specify time out square = queue - "10" = max number of messages in queue - "0" = time-out

    31. Interrupts What? hardware mechanism for asynchronous event If interrupt is recognised CPU saves (part of) local variables (CPU-Registers) CPU jumps to special part of memory (ISR) At the end of the interrupt, the program continues with: the background (foreground/background system) the interrupted task (non-preemptive kernel) the highest priority task ready to run (preemptive kernel) Allow to run process events when they happen no POLLING needed Disabling interrupts possible, but highly not recommended in real-time systems, as short as possible interrupts are NOT Queued interrupts can be missed

    32. Interrupt Latency Important RTOS specification: Amount of time interrupts are disabled Disabling is needed for critical sections During disabling: interrupt latency Interrupt latency? Interrupt latency = maximum amount of time interrupts are disabled + Time to start executing the first instruction of the ISR Interrupt response time = time between the reception of an interrupt and the start of user code that handles the interrupt. For foreground/background systems AND non-preemptive kernels = interrupt latency + time needed to save CPU context For preemptive kernels = interrupt latency + time needed to save CPU context + execution time of the kernel ISR entry function

    33. Interrupt Latency Interrupt Recovery For foreground/background systems AND non-preemptive kernels = time to put CPU context back + time for RTI instruction For preemptive kernels = Time to determine if a higher priority task is ready + time to put CPU context back + time for RTI instruction Non-maskable interrupts Cannot be disabled Mostly in hardware Only for important tasks Eg. To save data during power-down.

    34. Clock tick = special interrupt Periodical = RTOS heartbeat Typical 1 tot 200 ms Higher clock tick leads to more overhead Delaying a task: n clock ticks

    35. Memory usage of a RTOS Foreground-background systems Only dependant on application size RTOS Extra room needed for kernel for mControllers: 1 tot 100 KBytes for the RTOS MicroC-OS/II : 3KB Extra RAM needed for ISR and context switching of tasks

    36. ad- and disadvantages of RTOS Advantages: Real time applicaties are easier to expand Timecritical applications are dealt with more efficiently Important services semaforen mailboxes queues fixed time delays time-out handling Disadvantages: More CPU-time (2 to 5%), RAM and ROM needed Extra cost for the RTOS

    37. MicroC/OS II

    38. Kernel structure: critical sections Critical sections During critical moments : disable interrupts Usercode can also indicate critical sections OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() These macros are in OS_CPU.H Tasks Result = void Structure void JustAnotherTask(void *pdata) { User Code; System Call; User Code; }

    39. Kernel structure: Tasks Example of an infinite task void JustAnotherTask(void *pdata) { for (;;) { User Code; OSMboxPend(); of OSQPend(); of OSSemPend(); of OSTaskDel(OS_PRIO_SELF); of OSTaskSuspend(OS_PRIO_SELF); of OSTimeDly(); of OSTimeDlyHMSM(); User Code; } }

    40. Kernel structure: Tasks Example of a temporary task void MyTask(void *pdata) { User Code; OsTaskDel(OS_PRIO_SELF); } Function of void *pdata void can be any kind of data pdata is given to the task during startup eg. Number of a serial port ? 1 task can handle all serial ports

    41. Kernel structure: priorities Priorities Max 64 priority levels 8 levels reserved for OS 56 for user from 0 tot OS_LOWEST_PRIO-2 Low number = high priority Highest priority is dealt with first Creation of tasks Task must be offered to Kernel Memory address and parameters are given OSTaskCreate() or OSTaskCreateExt()

    42. Kernel structure: states of a task States of a task DORMANT Not yet offered to kernel READY Task offered with OSTaskCreate() or OSTaskCreateExt() Back to dormant by OSTaskDel() RUNNING After multitasking has been started (see also further) Highest priority first WAITING A task can delay itself with OSTimeDly()or OSTimeDlyHMSM() A task can also be waiting for an event, like OSSemPend(); OSMboxPend(), OSQPend() ISR state When interrupt has occurred

    43. Kernel structure: states of the kernel States of the kernel Multitasking is started with OSStart() A WAITING task gets back activated with OSTimeTick() If all tasks are waiting for an event: idle task OSTaskIdle()

    44. Kernel structure: Task Control Blocks Task Control Blocks (OS_TCBs) A task that has been created, gets an OS_TCB typedef struct os_tcb { OS_STK *OSTCBStkPtr; void *OSTCBExtPtr; OS_STK *osTCBStkBottom; INT32U OSTCBStkSize; INT16U OSTCBOpt; INT16U OSTCBId; struct os_tcb *OSTCBNext; struct os_tcb *OSTCBPrev; OS_EVENT *oSTCBEventPtr; void *OSTCBMsg; INT16U OSTCBDly; INT8U OSTCBStat; INT8U OSTCBPrio; INT8U OSTCBX; INT8U OSTCBY; INT8U OSTCBBitX; INT8U OSTCBBitY; BOOLEAN OSTCBDelReq; } OS_TCB;

    45. Kernel structure: Task Control Blocks Explanations OSTCBStkPtr Every task has its own stack OSTCBExtPtr Pointer to own part of TCB OSTCBStkBottom Points to the end of the TCB OSTCBDly Number of clock ticks the task needs to be delayed OSTCBStat Contains current task status 0 = READY, see uCOS_II.H file OSTCBPrio Contains task priority, low number = high priority OSTCBDelReq Request to be deleted

    46. Kernel structure: Task Control Blocks Some constants OS_MAX_TASKS Max number of tasks available Can be reduced ? less memory needed Reduce to the actual number used List of OS_TCBs is made in advance Notice list structure OS_LOWEST_PRIO Lowest applicable priority Note! Number of priorities can be higher than number of tasks

    47. Kernel structure: Locking Scheduler Will let highest priority task run Lower priority task gets interrupted Locking the scheduler Using OSSchedLock() allows scheduler to be stopped Low priority tasks keeps in control Stays like that until OSSchedUnlock() gets called When? Normally: never Exceptions, eg. If a task has to post a lot of messages multiple mailboxes, queues, semaphores messages have to be dealt with simultaneous ? synchronisation

    48. Kernel structure: Statistics What? Keeps the amount (% ) of CPU in use Resolution = 1% How? Call in the beginning OSStatInit() Set a variablein configuration file: OS_TASK_STAT_EN Every second, the task OSTaskStat() will be started. Result is kept in variable OSCPUUsage with: OSIdleCtr : gets +1 if OSTaskIdle() gets called OSIdleCtrMax : calculated once during Init

    49. Kernel structure: starting program How? A program in C starts with void main(void) { /* own code */ } In this routine the following has to happen: Initialisation of the RTOS : OSInit() Creation of a task by OSTaskCreate() or OSTaskCreateExt() Starting of the RTOS : OSStart() Example: void main(void) { OSInit() OSTaskCreate(TaskStart,(void *) 0,(void *) &TaskStartStk[TASK_STK_SIZE-1],0); OSStart(); }

    50. Kernel structure: starting program Structure of TaskStart() Is the actual program General structure: void TaskStart(void *pdata) { ? Install and Init OS Ticker OSStatInit(); // initialises statistics Task ? Install tasks that comprise your program for (;;) { your own code OSTimeDlyHMSM(0,0,1,0); }

    51. Kernel structure: OS Ticker Remember OS Ticker is the 1..200ms heartbeat BAD way of starting void main (void) { OSInit() InitTick(); OSStart() } Reason: Tick interrupt can start before your first task Enabling of TICKER is done before OSStart() Program can crash

    52. Kernel structure: OS Ticker GOOD way of starting void TaskStart (void *pdata) { OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() InitTick(); OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() Start other tasks FOR (;;) { other stuff } }

    53. Task Management General form of your program TASK = 1) Infinite loop, or 2) Task that deletes itself C program Return value = void void My_Task(void *pdata) void My_Task(void *pdata) { { for (;;) { /* own code here */ /* own code here */ OSTaskDel(OS_PRIO_SELF); one of following calls: } OSMBoxPend(); OSQPend(); OSSemPend(); OSTaskDel(OS_PRIO_SELF); OSTaskSuspend(OS_PRIO_SELF); OSTimeDly(); OSTimDlyHMSM(); } }

    54. Creation of a Task Task is offeres to the kernel OSTaskCreate() OSTaskCreateExt(): has extra options Stack checking: if stack should get too big User-defined data area User-defined checks on data At least one task needed before OSStart()can run Every task has its own STACK space Can be expanded dynamically with malloc() /* other code */ pstk = (OS_STK *) malloc(stack_size); if (pstk != (OS_STK *)0) ; see if enough memory { /* create task */ } /* Other code */ Problem: fragmentation of memory

    55. Deleting a Task Done by OSTaskDel() Code still exists Goes back to DORMANT state = hard delete Request to delete: OSTaskDelReq() = soft delete Task gets chance to clear semaphores and memory Task has to check for OSTaskDelReq ! /* other code */ if (OSTaskDelReq(OS_PRIO_SELF) == OS_TASK_DEL_REQ) } /* Release all resources */ /* De-allocate memory */ OSTaskDel(OS_PRIO_SELF); } else { /* Other code */ }

    56. Other operations on tasks Changing the priority OSTaskChangePrio() Suspend Starts after OSTaskSuspend() Can only be undone by OSTaskResume()

    57. Time Management Delaying a task using OSTimeDly() OSTimeDly(ticks) creates context switch Delay of 1 to 65535 system Ticks Delaying a task using OSTimeDlyHMSM() OSTimeDlyHMSM(hours,minutes,seconds,milli) HMSM = Hours Minutes Seconds Milliseconds Can go till 256 hours (around 11 days) Resuming a delayed task with OSTimeDlyResume() Requesting time with OSTimeGet() Result in Ticks Size = INT32U

    58. Communication and synchronisation Use of ECBs (Event Control Blocks) 2 forms of communication a) Task or ISR gives flag to a Task b) A Task Waits for an event only Tasks can wait !! An ISR cannot wait Time-out possible A ECB can be a semaphore Task keeps wachten, or Task can be flagged a message mailbox a message queue

    59. Use of semaphores Link between a Task, ISR en semaphore: Creation of the semaphore with OSSemCreate() A flag passed to a semaphore: OSSemPost() Waiting for a semaphore: OSSemPend() Accepting a semaphore without waiting: OSSemAccept() Requesting status of a semaphore: OSSemQuery()

    60. Use of Message Mailboxes Link between een Task, ISR en Message Mailbox: Creation of a mailbox with OSMboxCreate() Posting a message in a mailbox: OSMboxPost() Waiting for a message in a mailbox: OSMboxPend() Getting a mailbox without waiting: OSMboxAccept() Request status of a mailbox: OSMboxQuery()

    61. Use of Message Queues Queue is comprised of Queue Control Blocks

    62. Use of Message Queues A Message Queue is a circular buffer

    63. Use of Message Queues Link between Task, ISR en Message Queue: Creation of the Message Queue using OSQCreate() Posting a message in the queue (FIFO): OSQPost() Posting a message in the queue (LIFO): OSQPostFront() Waiting for a message in the queue: OSQPend() Requesting a queue without waiting: OSQAccept() Requesting status of a queue: OSQQuery()

    64. Memory Management How does C work ? malloc() Function for requesting memory free() Function for releasing memory Problems In RTOS danger for fragmentation Quick shortage of continues memory blocks RTOS solution Use of memory blocks with fixed size All blocks same size Size of blocks is configurable

    65. Memory Management Creation of memorypartition by use of OSMemCreate() Has to be done in advance eg. creation of 100 blocks of 32 bytes each OS_MEM *CommTxBuf; // create pointer to buffer INT8U CommTxPart[100][32]; // allocate memory void main(void) { /* Other code */ CommTxBuf = OSMemCreate(CommTxPart,100,32,&err); /* Check for errors using err */ /* Other code */ OSStart(); }

    66. Memory Management Requesting a memory block OSMemGet() releasing a memory block OSMemPut() Bigger blocks get linked

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