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Case conference- Early feeding s/p gastrectomy. 萬芳醫院 張靜怡 營養師 2005/11/22. 手術前積極的給予 7 天以上之 全靜脈營養支持 (total parenteral nutrition; TPN) , 可降低手術後併發症 ( 如:感染率 ) 發生率 ( Ikeda et al. 2004 ). Protein-energy malnutrition in the gastrectomized patient (Papim 2002 ). Early enteral Feeding.
Case conference-Early feeding s/p gastrectomy 萬芳醫院 張靜怡 營養師 2005/11/22
手術前積極的給予7天以上之 全靜脈營養支持(total parenteral nutrition; TPN),可降低手術後併發症 (如:感染率)發生率 (Ikeda et al. 2004) CYC
Protein-energy malnutrition in the gastrectomized patient (Papim 2002 ) CYC
Early enteral Feeding 接受腹部手術後,儘早給予 腸道營養支持(early enteral feeding) 與只是全靜脈營養支持方式比較, 更有助於病患術後的恢復情況 (Huckleberry 2004 ) CYC
Early enteral Feeding 早期經由空腸造口給予之營養支持,可以提高免疫系統力降低感染發生率 (Papim 2002 ) CYC
Early enteral Feeding 對於營養不良病患,給予空腸造口作為腸道營養餵食途徑,可避免在手術後避免因由口進食情況不佳,造成熱量及蛋白質攝取不足,而影響傷口復 原、延長住院天數與增加其感染發生率 (Papim 2002 ) CYC
Treat adverse effects of EEN 1.Abdominal cramps : - traded first with non-steroid analgesic drug (Cataflam, Relifex) - with opioid as second choice (Morphine) - infusion rate reduced by 20 ml/h - temporary stopped for 6-12 hours and resumed at a lower rate 2.Abdominal bloating : - traded first with prokinetics drugs (Gascon, Biofermin) - infusion rate reduced by 20 ml/h - temporary stopped for 6-12 hours and resumed at a lower rate (M. Braga et al 2002 ) CYC
Treat adverse effects of EEN 3.Vomiting : - treated by temporary stop of infusion followed by diagnostic procedures - if no intestinal obstruction was detected, infusion was resumed at the same rate 4.Diarrhea : - reduction of infusion rate by 20 ml/h - temporary stop for 6-12h and later with resumption at a lower rate - In patient with persistent diarrhea , Clostridium difficile infection was always ruled out (M. Braga et al 2002 ) CYC
個案基本資料 • 性別:男性 • 年齡:78歲 (民國16年10月27日) • 身高:163.5 公分 • 入院體重:61.8公斤(BW loss 20.8%) • 通常體重:78公斤 ( 6 months ago) • 理想體重:59 5.9公斤 • BEE = 1190 kcal /day • TER =1700 ~ 1800 kcal/day • PT req. : 73 ~ 80 g/ day CYC
個案基本資料 • Medication histories: 1. HTN 2. Old CVA 3. Old TB 4. CRI 5. PU (about 3 years ago) 6. Thalassemia (病患自述 ) CYC
入院摘要 • 入院時間:94/10/12 • 科別: 一般外科 • 主訴症狀: UGI massive bleeding (about 2000c.c.) 8 days ago then admitted in TVGH (Dx: Gastric ca by PES & CT study) • 診斷:Gastric cancer CYC
Operation • Date : 94/10/18 • Pre-Dx : Gastric cancer • Clinical finding(10/13): ulcerative tumor at LCS (mid-body) with invasion to mesocolon 5.5*4.5cm • Method : 1.Radical B-Ⅱsubtotal gastrectomy 2. Cholecystectomy 3. Feeding jejunostomy 4. LN dissection No 1,3,4,5,6,7 • Biopsy : 1. Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type 2. LN → negative for metastic carcinoma CYC
Nutrition support progress Oral TF (Jejunostomy) 12days OP day on 10/18 25 / 1 NPO 300 / 16 1385 / 32 NPO 540 / 28 NPO 720 / 38 NPO 800 / 42 530 / 22 500 / 0 NPO 10/25 Kabiben run 60c.c./hr 1037 / 34 NPO 10/28 oral :CLD 11/2 Soft diet CYC Diarrhea
TPN 處方箋 Total Kcal/L Na K P Mg Ca Cl Acetate Fat emulsion : 20 % Lipofundin 100ml/BT 20% Intralipid 100ml/BT 10% Lipovnous 500ml/BT Infuvita (Vit A, D E, B1, B2, B6 ,B12 VitC, Niacin , Pathenol, Bioin, Folat) Trace element Zn, Cr, Cu, I, Mn CYC
Nutrition support (Energy) MBD 11/7 OP day Early enteral Feeding TER BEE TPN+EN PPN + EN CYC 10/26NPO Diarrhea
Nutrition support (Protein) MBD 11/7 OP day Early enteral Feeding PT req. TPN+EN PPN + EN CYC 10/26NPO
Nutrition Status OP (10/18) Admission 10/19 Alb 1 BT bid*2days CYC
Nutrition Status OP (10/18) Admission 174 CYC
Nitrogen Balance OP (10/18) 10/12 10/25 10/31 10/17 CYC
Nutrition Status OP (10/18) MBD (11/7) Admission BW loss 6.7% in 2 weeks 11/20 CYC
Nutrition Status OP (10/18) Admission CYC
Hb (14-18) / Hct (42-52) 10/17 10/19 10/25 11/ 3 10/31 OP (10/18) CYC
Diarrhea • 配方轉換,適合嗎? 元素 → 聚合? • 是否調整元素配方濃度或灌食速度可改善腹瀉情況? • 探討腹瀉原因? CYC
胃切除手術後營養支持 • 如何增加熱量與蛋白質攝取? • 飲食評估資料:Diet record • 體重追蹤 • Diarrhea or steatorrhea CYC