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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MALAYSIA FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES SESSION 2011/2012. NNNB 3083 APPLIED BIOSTATISTICS Proposal Presentation NUTRITION / YEAR 3 GROUP 2. GROUP MEMBERS. title. The relationship between breakfast consumption and academic performance
title The relationship between breakfast consumption and academic performance among second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus.
INTRODUCTION • Breakfast is considered as most important meal of the day. (ADA, American Dietetics Association) • First meal of the day.(Oxford dictionary) • Provides energy to our brain and make it becomes more energetic and better for doing our daily tasks. • The time between the evening meal and breakfast the next morning is usually the longest period of fasting without uptake of energy and nutrients. • Skipping breakfast may result in metabolic changes that interfere with aspects of cognitive functioning and school performance.
RESEARCH JUSTIFICATION • To identify which factors exert more influence on the students’breakfast comsumption and also its relation with academic performance. • Many researches have done on the importance of the breakfast consumption among primary students and the result were inconsistent. • There are only very few researches concern about the effect of breakfast consumption to academic performance among university students to their academic performance. THEREFORE, THIS STUDY WOULD BENEFIT THE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS!
RESEARCH QUESTION Is there relationship between breakfast consumptionand academic performance among second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, FSK, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus?
HYPOTHESIS There is a significant relationship between breakfast consumption and academic performance among second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE To determine the relationship between breakfast consumption and academic performance among second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM) KL Campus.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES • To determine the percentageamong second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus that have the habit of taking breakfast. • To identify the factors that affectbreakfast consumption among second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus • To determine the knowledge and attitude in breakfast consumption among second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus. • To determine the correlation between environmental factors (accessibility, variety and family background) and breakfast among second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES (2) • To determine the correlation between breakfast consumption and financialamong second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus. • To determine the correlation between frequency, quality and quantity of breakfast consumption and concentration during lecture and self learning in the morningamong second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus. • To compare the effect of frequency, quality and quantity of breakfast consumption to academic performance among second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus. ---- Can you check this last specific objective? COMPARING does not sound correct here.
Enviromental Factors • Accessibility • Varieties • Family background • KA Factors • ND/non-ND students • Habit of having breakfast • Financial Factors • PTPTN • JPA • Others BREAKFAST CONSUMPTION Frequency Quantity Quality Concentration during lecture/self-learning ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE
METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN • Cross sectional study SAMPLING METHOD • Simple Stratified Sampling Method (each program is recognized as different stratum) ---- Stratification by PROGRAM and GENDER???? Then U can compare between gender. • Choice based Sampling (individual in stratum will be selected randomly) SAMPLING FRAME • Chosen by name list obtained from PejabatDekan FSK SAMPLING UNIT • 1 unit = 1 undergraduate
METHODOLOGY (2) TARGET POPULATION • All 2nd year undergraduates of University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Campus for 2011/2012 session. STUDY POPULATION • All second year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus. • - how come target and study population are the same? INCLUSION CRITERIA • 22nd year undergard • Studying at FSK EXCLUSION CRITERIA • Involved in the pilot study
METHODOLOGY (3) SAMPLE SIZE CALCULATION • Study Population = 280 students • Significance Level = 5% • Degree of Accuracy = 15% • Formula: n = χ² N P (1 - P)__ Δ² (N - 1) + χ² P (1 - P) (Cie & Morgan 1970) • Using the formula, the number of subjects calculated are 162 subjects. • By including the drop out rate of 10%, the desired sample size is 180 subjects. (will U have drop out subject? There will be no follow up is not it?)
METHODOLOGY (4) PILOT STUDY • 20 sets of questionnaires • Distributed randomly • Among 2nd year undergraduate students 2011/2012, Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia (UKM), KL campus. QUESTIONNAIRE • Consist of both open-ended and closed-ended as well as contingency questions. • 19 questions that is divided into 4 parts : • Part A:Demographic information • Part B:Factors influencing Breakfast Consumption • Part C: Breakfast Consumption Pattern • Part D:Perception on psychosocial aspect with regards to the breakfast consumption
ANALYSIS PLAN • Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) • Test of Normality • Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (n>100, which is 180) • Descriptive Analysis • the percentage of breakfast consumption • Pearson Correlation and Simple Regression - To compare: • the knowledge( habit of having breakfast ) and breakfast consumption(Frequency) • the attitude (habit of having breakfast)and breakfast consumption(Frequency) • environmental factors(accessibility) and breakfast consumption (Quality) • environmental factors (price) and breakfast consumption (Quality)
frequency and breakfast consumption (quality) • frequency and breakfast consumption (quantity) • the knowledge on breakfast consumption and course ( ND/non-ND students ) • the attitude on breakfast consumption and course (ND/non-ND students ) • frequency of breakfast consumption and the academic performance • quality of breakfast consumption and the academic performance • quantity of breakfast consumption and the academic performance