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Satisfiability Modulo Recursive Programs

Satisfiability Modulo Recursive Programs. Philippe Suter, Ali Sinan Köksal , Viktor Kuncak. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. Leon ( Online ). A verifier for Scala programs. The programming and specification languages are the same purely functional subset.

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Satisfiability Modulo Recursive Programs

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  1. Satisfiability Modulo Recursive Programs Philippe Suter, Ali SinanKöksal, Viktor Kuncak ÉcolePolytechniqueFédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

  2. Leon(Online) • A verifier for Scala programs. • The programming and specification languages are the same purely functional subset. definsert(e: Int, t: Tree) = t match{ caseLeaf ⇒ Node(Leaf, e, Leaf) caseNode(l, v, r) ife < v ⇒ Node(insert(e, l), v, r) caseNode(l, v, r) ife > v ⇒ Node(l, v, insert(e, r)) case_ ⇒ t } ensuring( res ⇒ content(res) == content(t) + e) defcontent(t: Tree) = t match{ caseLeaf ⇒Set.empty caseNode(l, v, r) ⇒ (content(l) ++ content(r)) + e }

  3. ~$ ./demo

  4. …of quantifier-free formulas in a decidable base theory… Satisfiability ModuloRecursive Programs …pure, total, deterministic, first-order and terminating on all inputs…

  5. Satisfiability Modulo Recursive Programs • Semi-decidable problem of great interest: • applications in verification, testing, theorem proving, constraint logic programming, … • Our algorithm always finds counter-examples when they exist, and will also find assume/guarantee style proofs. • It is a decision procedure for infinitely and sufficiently surjectiveabstraction functions. • We implemented it as a part of a verification system for a purely functional subset of Scala.

  6. Proving/Disproving Modulo Recursive Programs

  7. Proving by Inlining defsize(lst: List) = lstmatch{ caseNil ⇒ 0 caseCons(_, _) ⇒ 1 } ensuring(res ⇒ res ≥ 0) Convert pattern-matching, negate. (if(lst = Nil) 0 else1) < 0 Unsatisfiable.

  8. Proving by Inlining defsize(lst: List) = lstmatch{ caseNil ⇒ 0 caseCons(x, xs) ⇒ 1 + size(xs) } ensuring(res ⇒ res ≥ 0) Convert pattern-matching, negate, treat functions as uninterpreted. (if(lst = Nil) 0 else1 + size(lst.tail)) < 0 Satisfiable. (e.g. for size(Nil) = -2) Inline post-condition. (if(lst = Nil) 0 else1 + size(lst.tail)) < 0 ∧ size(lst.tail) ≥ 0 Unsatisfiable.

  9. Disproving by Inlining defsize(lst: List) = lstmatch{ caseNil ⇒ -1 caseCons(x, xs) ⇒ 1 + size(xs) } defprop(lst: List) = { size(lst) ≥ 0 } ensuring(res ⇒ res) Negate, treat functions as uninterpreted. Satisfiable. (e.g. lst = [0], size([0]) = -1) size(lst) < 0 Inline definition of size(lst). size(lst) < 0 ∧ size(lst) = (if(lst = Nil) -1 else 1 + size(lst.tail)) Satisfiable. (e.g. lst = [0,1], size([1]) = -2)

  10. Disproving with Inlining size(lst) size(lst.tail) ? size(lst.tail.tail) ? … ? There are always unknown branches in the evaluation tree. We can never be sure that there exists no smaller solution.

  11. Branch Rewriting size(lst) = if(lst = Nil) { -1 } else{ 1 + size(lst.tail) } size(lst) = ite1 ∧ p1⇔ lst = Nil ∧ p1 ⇒ ite1 = -1 ∧ ¬p1⇒ ite1 = 1 + size(lst.tail) … ∧ p1 size(lst) • Satisfiable assignments do not depend on unknown values. • Unsatisfiable answers have two possible meanings. ? p1 ¬p1

  12. Algorithm Some literals in B may be implied by φ: no need to unroll what they guard. (φ, B) = unroll(φ, _) while(true) { solve(φ∧ B) match{ case“SAT” ⇒return“SAT” case“UNSAT” ⇒ solve(φ) match{ case“UNSAT” ⇒return“UNSAT” case“SAT” ⇒ (φ, B) = unroll(φ, B) } } } Inlining must be fair “I’m feeling lucky” Inlines some postconditions and bodies of function applications that were guarded by a literal in B, returns the new formula and new set of guards B.

  13. Completeness for Counter-Examples • Let a1,… an be the free variables of φ, and c1,…,cnbe a counter-example to φ. • Let T be the evaluation tree of φ[a1→c1, …, an→cn]. • Eventually, the algorithm will reach a point where T is covered. T : ? ? ? ?

  14. ( ) Pattern-Matching Exhaustiveness • We generate a formula that expresses that no case matches, and prove it unsatisfiable. defzip(l1: List, l2: List) : PairList= { require(size(l1) == size(l2)) l1 match{ caseNil ⇒PNil caseCons(x, xs) ⇒l2 match{ caseCons(y, ys) ⇒ PCons(P(x, y), zip(xs, ys)) } } } size(l1) == size(l2) ∧ l1 ≠ Nil ∧ l2 == Nil Unsatisfiable.

  15. Termination for Sufficiently Surjective Abstraction Functions

  16. Sufficiently Surjective Abstractions • The algorithm terminates, and is thus a decision procedure for the case of infinitely and sufficientlysurjective abstraction functions. defα(tree: Tree) : C = tree match{ case Leaf() ⇒ empty case Node(l, v, r) ⇒ combine(α(l), v, α(r)) } [ ] P. Suter, M. Dotta, V. Kuncak, Decision Procedures for Algebraic Data Types with Abstractions, POPL 2010

  17. « » If one tree is mapped by α into an element, then many other trees are mapped to the same one. « » There are only finitely many trees for which this does not hold. content 5 5 1 ∅ content 5 1 1 1 … 5 { 1, 5 }

  18. defcontent(tree: Tree) : Set[Int] = tree match{ caseLeaf() ⇒ Set.empty caseNode(l, v, r) ⇒ (content(l) ++ content(r)) + v } defallEven(list: List) : Boolean = list match{ caseNil() ⇒ true caseCons(x, xs) ⇒ (x % 2 == 0) && allEven(list) } defmax(tree: Tree) : Option[Int]= tree match{ caseLeaf() ⇒ None caseNode(l, v, r) ⇒ Some(max(l), max(r)) match{ case(None, None) ⇒ Some(v) case(Some(lm), None)⇒ max(lm, v) case(None, Some(rm)) ⇒ max(rm, v) case(Some(lm), Some(rm))⇒ (max(lm, rm), v) })} …as well as any catamorphism that maps to a finite domain!

  19. Sufficiently Surjective Abstractions in the Wild « » Mike Whalen (University of Minnesota & Rockwell Collins) In the context of a project to reason about a domain specific language called Guardolfor XML message processing applications […the]procedure has allowed us to prove a number of interesting things […], so I'm extremely grateful for it.

  20. A Tale of Two Techniques φ≡… α(t) … ∨ψ(α(t)) t≡ • For catamorphisms, unrolling α corresponds to enumerating potential counter-examples by the size of their tree. • When all required trees have been considered, a formula at least as strong as ψ(α(t))is derived by the solver. t ≡ t≡ t≡ t≡

  21. Verification System

  22. Leon(Online) .scala www • prunes out • rewrites functions • generate VCs • solve VCs • (generate testcases) compiler final report

  23. Leon(Online) • Proves that all match expressions are exhaustive. • For each function, proves that the pre-condition implies the post-condition. • Proves that all function invocations satisfy the preconditions. • Bonus features: • Can generate test-cases satisfying complex preconditions • Outputs to Isabelle format for manual proofs ( )

  24. (Some) Experimental Results Functional correctness properties of data structures: red-black trees implement a set and maintain height invariants, associative list has read-over-write property, insertion sort returns a sorted list of identical content, amortized queue implements a balanced queue, etc.

  25. Related Work • SMT Solvers + axioms • can be very efficient for well-formed axioms • in general, no guarantee than instantiations are fair • cannot in general conclude satisfiability(changing…) • Interactive verification systems (ACL2, Isabelle, Coq) • very good at building inductive proofs • could benefit greatly from counter-example generation (as feedback to the user but also to prune out branches in the search) • Sinha’sInertial Refinement technique • similar use of “blocked paths” • no guarantee to find counter-examples

  26. Related Work, continued • DSolve(aka. “Liquid Types”) • because the proofs are based on type inference rules, cannot immediately be used to prove assertions relating different functions • Bounded Model Checking • offer similar guarantees on the discovery of counter-examples • reduces to SAT rather than SMT • unclear when it is complete for proofs • Finite Model Finding (Alloy, Paradox) • lack of theory reasoning, no proofs

  27. Satisfiability Modulo Recursive Programs • Semi-decidable problem of great interest: • applications in verification, testing, theorem proving, constraint logic programming, … • Our algorithm always finds counter-examples when they exist, and will also find assume/guarantee style proofs. • It is a decision procedure for infinitely and sufficiently surjectiveabstraction functions. • We implemented it as a part of a verification system for a purely functional subset of Scala.

  28. Try it online http://lara.epfl.ch/leon/

  29. Thank you.

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