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Implementation of A &W into Curriculum

Implementation of A &W into Curriculum. Pass out Thesis Table to teachers. As you view & interact with each of the following 4 images , write specific observations, details or phrases about the picture in the “ Observations ” column.

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Implementation of A &W into Curriculum

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  1. Implementation of A &W into Curriculum • Pass out Thesis Table to teachers. • As you view & interact with each of the following 4 images, write specific observations, details or phrases about the picture in the “Observations” column. • After viewing each picture, determine & write a “thesis”(theme or statement) for that picture in the “Thesis” column.

  2. Thinking & Writing Critically • Think about it: • What is this image of? • Describe the details. • In the “Observations” column,write about the details of the picture. • Think about it: • What is this theme ofthis image and how do you know? • In the “Thesis” column, write a “thesis”(theme or statement) for this picture. Picture #1

  3. Thinking & Writing Critically • Think about it: • What is this image of? • Describe the details. • In the “Observations” column,write about the details of the picture. • Think about it: • What is this theme ofthis image and how do you know? • In the “Thesis” column, write a “thesis”(theme or statement) for this picture. Picture #2

  4. Thinking & Writing Critically • Think about it: • What is this image of? • Describe the details. • In the “Observations” column,write about the details of the picture. • Think about it: • What is this theme ofthis image and how do you know? • In the “Thesis” column, write a “thesis”(theme or statement) for this picture. Picture #3

  5. Thinking & Writing Critically • Think about it: • What is this image of? • Describe the details. • In the “Observations” column,write about the details of the picture. • Think about it: • What is this theme ofthis image and how do you know? • In the “Thesis” column, write a “thesis”(theme or statement) for this picture. Picture #4

  6. Observing & Thinking Critically Sometimes the answer to a question is camouflaged in the question or image. You MUST look very closely at EVERY detail!!!

  7. Look Again…Is there Something you Missed? #3 #4 #1 • What details did you see at first glance? • Are there details that you missed that you see on your second glance? #2

  8. Pulling Critical Thoughts Together • Pulling the 4 images/ themes together: • Determine the “Common Thesis” for all 4 pictures. • Write your Common Thesis at the bottom. • Now read the text below Picture #1. • Does your opinion of the themechange? Why? Why not? • How close is your “Common Thesis” to this quote? #1

  9. Now Read (& Annotate) the Following… So ... Catch what I’m throwing! Don’t let it fall. It’s a Truffula Seed. It’s the last one of all! You’re in charge of the last of the Truffula Seeds. And Truffula Trees are what everyone needs. Plant a new Truffula. Treat it with care. Give it clean water. And feed it fresh air. Grow a forest. Protect it from axes that hack. Then the Loraxand all of his friends may come back!

  10. A & W Strategy Idea… • Using your Common Thesis from your Thesis Table wkst, details from the 4 images, evidence from the passage & previous knowledge or opinion, write a well-developed response to the following prompt: “Describe the interactions between human populations, natural hazards, and the environment.” AZ Standards Strand 3: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Concept 1: Changes in Environments Common Core Literacy Standards CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9–10 texts and topics.

  11. Reflection on What we just Did • What did the Thesis Table Picture activity ask you to do? • In what ways did Thesis Table Picture activity & Lorax reading implement A & W strategies? • How could you perform a “critical thinking picture activity” within your curriculum? • How can other forms of information or media (beside formal text) be annotated &/or be used in writing assignments in your curriculum to encourage reading comprehension & critical thinking?

  12. Why Should We Implement A & W Strategies? How do we make these goals relevant to our students? -Think/Pair/Share

  13. “Common Core Standards define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs.” (NGA & CCSSO, 2010) http://www.corestandards.org A & W, Common Core & MarzanoEvaluation Tool How Does it All Come Together?

  14. “…the close reading model is a central guiding principle of the standards and as a result will be a central focus of the PARCC Assessment System. … Close reading stresses engaging with a text of sufficient complexity directly and examining its meaning thoroughly and methodically. It emphasizes using texts of grade-level-appropriate complexity and focusing student reading on the particular words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs of the author, encouraging students to read and re-read deliberately.” A & W, Common Core & MarzanoEvaluation Tool How Does it All Come Together? http://www.readinga-z.com/research/bringing-the-common-core-standards-to-life-in-the-classroom.pdf

  15. Building Background Knowledge (Marzano) – Domain 1: Classroom Strategies & Behaviors DQ2: Helping Students Interact with New Knowledge #6 Identifying Critical Information Domain 1: Classroom Strategies & Behaviors DQ3: Helping Students Practice & Deepen New Knowledge #19 Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes A & W, Common Core & MarzanoEvaluation Tool How Does it All Come Together?

  16. Teacher Reflections

  17. ???s Thank you for coming! If you have any further questions, concerns or need ideas about how to implement A & W into your curriculum, please feel free to contact a DataWise Team Member.

  18. 2012 Living to Serve: Environmental Grant • Thank you for helping our initiative in reducing our carbon footprint, our waste, and educating the community. • Matt Lewis and Cathy Culver worked together on writing a grant to receive funds to purchase water bottle filler stations on campus. This was done in conjunction with our ASU GK12-Sustainability initiative that was started 2 years ago with the help of Donna Bond, Barbara Babb, TerylKilanowski, Jill Kenyon, and Katy Gazda. • Now that we have purchased the filler stations, we need to begin the last phase of educating the students and staff.

  19. 2012 Living to Serve: Environmental Grant • In May, Matt Lewis will need to submit information on how Environmental awareness and education was implemented within our school that would reach our community through our purchase of the water bottle stations. We are asking a favor from you. • Since you need to submit a Data Wise lesson for annotation, we have created one that you may use. • If you want, please follow the instructions on the next slides to implement the lesson. • When you are done, submit copies with reflection to your department chair for your data wise implementation and one to Matt Lewis to include in his report for the grant. • We thank you for your help with implementing this wonderful program. • For your efforts, every teachers name who submitted lessons to Matt Lewis will be put into a drawing to receive a free water bottle designed by students at Chandler High School through the Environmental Club. Five teacher will be awarded a water bottle. You can choose one of three different designs if your name is drawn.

  20. Reminder! • Earth Day is coming up April 22nd, 2013! • This would be a great lesson to promote Earth Day!

  21. Water Bottle Design Choice #1 You may purchase the bottles for $8.00 thru the Environmental Club. Please see Katy Gazda.

  22. Water Bottle Design Choice #2 You may purchase the bottles for $8.00 thru the Environmental Club. Please see Katy Gazda.

  23. Water Bottle Design Choice #3 You may purchase the bottles for $8.00 thru the Environmental Club. Please see Katy Gazda.

  24. Annotated Bottled Water Lesson Discuss what students know about tap water versus bottled water. Ask, Why do you buy bottled water? Show the 6 minute video clip. Have the students complete the “Stop and Think” worksheet. They are to write key ideas or phrases they find important and write one question about it at each “stop”. NO, you do not need to stop the video, it is for them to write an “ah ha” moment that made them stop and think as they watched the video. Discuss what they learned. Revisit the question posed at the beginning of the lesson, Why do you buy bottled water? What can you do differently at home? Introduce what they can do differently at school. Show the last slide with the image of the water bottle station in the back of the library. Inform the students that if they bring their own bottles they can refill them at the water station. The water they are getting is double filtered water. As they fill their water bottles, a digital counter to the right shows how many plastic bottles that the school has saved so far from using the filler stations.

  25. Annotated Bottled Water Lesson Stop and Think Worksheet is attached in this e-mail.

  26. Bottled Water….. Who Needs it? Click the big arrow to access the video!

  27. Water Bottle Station in the Library Digital reader indicating how many bottles of water you have saved! 3 more stations will be installed on campus in due time. We will inform you where and when they are up once they are installed! Sensor that senses your bottle is under the tap and ready to dispense!

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