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活化英語教學. 歡迎,夥伴們!. Cummins (2005) says, To promote the development of the kinds of literacy (and numeracy) skills required to function effectively in the global economy and society of the 21st century (henceforth, 21st century literacy skills );
活化英語教學 歡迎,夥伴們!
Cummins (2005) says, • To promote the development of the kinds of literacy (and numeracy) skills required to function effectively in the global economy and society of the 21st century (henceforth, 21st century literacy skills); • To improve traditional learning outcomes for all students, but particularly for socioeconomically marginalized students who experience disproportionate underachievement. • 您說呢?
美國政府說… • The United States has invested more than $90 billion in computer technology for schools during the 1990s (Oppenheimer, 2003) and the Schools and Libraries. • Universal Service Support Mechanism, more commonly known as the E-rate, has provided $2.25 billion a year to assist schools and libraries to obtain affordable telecommunications and Internet access.
歐盟教育委員會說… • The European Commission (2004) : Information and communication technologies (ICT) are opening up accesses to education, training and learning resources, while also establishing avenues of self learning. This is why the European Union believes the proper use of such technologies may contribute to Europe's shift to a knowledge-based society. • This report makes explicit the belief that technology is fundamental to economic competitiveness in a knowledge-based society arguing that “Europe should become, by 2010, the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth, with more and better jobs.”
Internet World Stats reports that • 15,400,000 users as of June/07, 67.4% penetration, per TWNIC. • At end-2004, the IDC Information Society Index (ISI) rated Taiwan as having the world’s best wireless Internet penetration. • Taiwan has undoubtedly one of the most advanced telecommunications networks in Asia.
台中市西區中正國小 Enters2008 資訊科技融入國際交流實施計畫 • 本國際交流計畫之重點: • 1. 由學校安排國際交流前之相關資訊科技技能培訓與英語聽說能力訓練。 • 2. 學校安排固定時間,於電腦教室與新加坡道南學校之師生進行視訊同步交流(新加坡與台灣同時區)。 • 3. 學習具有延續性及創新性:老師安排一系列之課程,提升學童基本之外語能力,並透過Moodle線上教學平台,與國外學校教學合作,由老師或學生在網路上進行開課。 • 4. 進行國外學校遊學參訪:預計於98 年暑假期間,安排新加坡遊學行程,早上於道南學校與外國學童共同學習,了解新加坡之多元文化,下午安排新加坡著名之文化景點參訪。晚上家長、師生下榻於簽約之渡假村。
效果呢? US: Goolsbee and Guryan (2002) examined the impact of the federal E-rate program concluded that while the program had certainly increased access, there was no evidence that Internet investment had any measurable effect on student achievement. World-wide: From a sample of 175,000 15-year-old students in 31 countries, researchers at the University of Munich announced that performance in math and reading had suffered significantly among students who have more than one computer at home. And while students seemed to benefit from limited use of computers at school, those who used them several times per week at school saw their academic performance decline significantly as well. (The Christian Science, December 6, 2004) ? ? ? ?
以台北縣樹林市某國民小學六年級學生在「英語學習動機量表」前後測之總分平均數與標準差 (鄭可偉,張順宜,林佑親,管珮吟,葉欣儒,林烈群,張順宜2003) 變異數同質性考驗:F=4.52,P<.05,Levene的變異數同質性檢定達顯著性水
小結 • 資訊融入教學的可行性及成效 • 資訊融入英語教學的成效 • 應有的做法與期待 • 軟硬體設備 digital divide • 課程規劃 pedagogical divide/ cognitive divide
語音辨識技術 (Speech Recognition Technology) The user speaks into a microphone, and a computer uses acoustic analysis to analyze the phonemes (individual sounds) uttered. The computer searches the available vocabulary database and then chooses the words that seem most likely to have been produced. Accuracy increases under the following circumstances: words are spoken slowly and individually, there is a small range of vocabulary possible, low background noise exists, repetition exists, and/or the computer is familiar with the speaker’s voice. Speech recognition accuracy can reach 99 % if these conditions exist; 87 % is the best that can be done without these aids (Ordinate, 2002).
SRT的運用 • Telephone companies • Assistive device for students with disabilities • Translation: Phraselator (English to Arabic) • Testing of spoken language http://www.ordinate.com • Pronunciation training for the profoundly deaf http://cslu.cse.ogi.edu/asr/ • Language learning programs • New Dynamic English (adult) • Tell Me More Pro (adult) • Let’s Go (children) • Tell Me More Kids
主要SR系統 • ViaVoice Pro USB Edition (2003) by IBM • Naturally Speaking Preferred 7.0 (2003) by Dragon Systems
成效 • Carnegie Mellon University ’s Project LISTEN (Literacy Innovation that Speech Technology Enables) http://www2.cs.cmu.edu/~listen/index.html • 見證影片播放
有缺失嗎? • 對non-native speakers口音的辨識力低 • 學生花許多時間學習native speaker 口音 • 所提供的回饋過於專業 (linguistic jargons) • 內容受限 • 其他
腦力激盪與分享我對Reading Companion的期待 使用對象 與課程的搭配或結合 加強能力 (聽 說 讀 寫 譯 字彙 拼音 發音 興趣 動機 思考)