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Play it Cyber Safe

Play it Cyber Safe. Help your Kids Stay Safe on the Internet Katie Clark Jayne Dissette. Let's list them!. What concerns do you have?. Safety Startup. Software will not save your children Software will not change human behavior #1 TIP: Computer location #2 TIP: Make safety a conversation

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Play it Cyber Safe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Play it Cyber Safe Help your Kids Stay Safe on the Internet Katie Clark Jayne Dissette

  2. Let's list them! What concerns do you have?

  3. Safety Startup Software will not save your children Software will not change human behavior #1 TIP: Computer location #2 TIP: Make safety a conversation #3 TIP:  Interact online with your kids http://www.websudoku.com/

  4. Online Informational Resources to Help OnGuardOnline.gov -  http://www.onguardonline.gov/topics/kids-privacy.aspx Internet Safety & Civility http://www.safekids.com/

  5. Software/Tools Tools http://kids.getnetwise.org/tools Paid example http://www.netnanny.com Free examples http://www1.k9webprotection.com Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Comcast:  http://kidzui.comcast.net/ Charter:  http://www.charter.com/Visitors/general.aspx?ownerid=10 AT&T U-Verse:  http://www.att.com/u-verse/explore/safety-security.jsp

  6. Prevention & reporting of computer crimes Incident occurs, now what... State of Michigan Resources http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,7-123-1589_1711_4579---,00.html http://www.netsmartz.org/index.aspx Reporting Suspected Pedophile Activity http://www.ehow.com/how_2164407_report-suspected-pedophile-activity.htmlInternet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx

  7. Cell phones Cell phones with capability to take pictures and post to Internet are huge. Talk to kids about what text bullying is.   What is appropriate to text and not.   Have frank discussion with older children about items they text and how those can be saved and used at later time.  Make sure whatever they text is something they'd want the world to know. Limit access to cell phones after specific hours.

  8. Gaming Stations on the Internet Nintendo   Wii   http://www.safetyclicks.com/2009/01/05/nintendo-wii/   DS   http://www.safetyclicks.com/2009/01/09/nintendo-ds-and-nintendo-ds-lite/ Playstation 3 http://www.safetyclicks.com/2009/01/16/sony-playstation-3-and-the-sony-playstation-portable/ Xbox 360  http://www.safetyclicks.com/2008/11/13/xbox-360-and-family-settings/

  9. Address the List Did we cover it?

  10. Questions?

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