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Upcoming Topics and Projects

Upcoming Topics and Projects. Romit Roy Choudhury Dept. of ECE. Topics Timeline. Wireless LANs, infrastructure networks. Topics Timeline. Wireless LANs, infrastructure networks Multi-hop Routing Ad hoc networks, Mesh Networks Delay Tolerant Networks. Topics Timeline.

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Upcoming Topics and Projects

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  1. Upcoming Topics and Projects Romit Roy Choudhury Dept. of ECE

  2. Topics Timeline • Wireless LANs, infrastructure networks

  3. Topics Timeline • Wireless LANs, infrastructure networks • Multi-hop Routing • Ad hoc networks, Mesh Networks • Delay Tolerant Networks

  4. Topics Timeline • Wireless LANs, infrastructure networks • Multi-hop Routing • Ad hoc networks, Mesh Networks • Delay Tolerant Networks • Sensor Networks • MAC (energy-awareness) • Dissemination, aggregation • Reliable transport

  5. Topics Timeline • Wireless LANs, infrastructure networks • Multi-hop Routing • Ad hoc networks, Mesh Networks • Delay Tolerant Networks • Sensor Networks • MAC (energy-awareness) • Dissemination, aggregation • Reliable transport • Transport Layer (Wireless TCP) • Variants of TCP • Rate based transport

  6. Topics Timeline • Wireless LANs, infrastructure networks • Multi-hop Routing • Ad hoc networks, Mesh Networks • Delay Tolerant Networks • Sensor Networks • MAC (energy-awareness) • Dissemination, aggregation • Reliable transport • Transport Layer (Wireless TCP) • Variants of TCP • Rate based transport • Sensor Network Applications

  7. Topics Timeline • Wireless LANs, infrastructure networks • Multi-hop Routing • Ad hoc networks, Mesh Networks • Delay Tolerant Networks • Sensor Networks • MAC (energy-awareness) • Dissemination, aggregation • Reliable transport • Transport Layer (Wireless TCP) • Variants of TCP • Rate based transport • Sensor Network Applications • Security - MAC and routing

  8. Contents and Project topics

  9. Infrastructure-based Wireless LANs • Improving the fundamental MAC layer • Measurement based rehearsal • Determine the interference graph by rehearsing • Space-Time Scheduling • Only ensure transmitter is idle • Exploit wired infrastructure • For distributed scheduling • Cognitive MAC • Aware of the environment, toggles between CSMA/TDMA

  10. Infrastructure-based Wireless LANs • (Linux) Hacking project • Code routers, deploy sniffers, etc. • Characterizing traffic behavior, human connections • Smart Antenna based APs • Clients are omnidirectional • This combination not studied earlier • Location aware MAC (TDMA flavor) • Hash the location of a node • Deterministic backoff based on the hash value

  11. Routing (Ad Hoc, Mesh) • Routing protocols, metrics • Reliable (alternate-path) routing • Wireless channel fluctuates too much • Offer reliability over this media - tradeoff performance

  12. Delay Tolerant Networks • Moving away from the ad hoc model • Utilizing mobility for data transport • Exploiting node density

  13. Delay Tolerant Networks • Several new challenges • Broadcast • Flooding, or any variant does not work • Network heavily clustered • Routing • No end to end path • How do you know who will meet whom (distance vector) • Can you exploit GPS location • Exploiting infrastructure • Can you deploy buffers in the network intelligently • UAV can be used for improving connectivity

  14. Delay Tolerant Networks • Congestion Control • Network graph exhibits power law • Some popular nodes will be heavily used for routing • Privacy • Nodes need to disclose their mobile trajectory • Will you reveal that information? How to route without? • Implement DTN on sensor motes • Distribute mote to students • Collect human traces, contact patterns, reconnection time • Designing new mobility models • Human behavior models

  15. Sensor Networks • Energy-awareness is key • Sensed information aggregation, dissemination • MAC, Routing, Reliability • Coverage • Sink mobility

  16. Sensor Networks • Aggregation + Compression • Zip reduces packet-size, but prohibits aggregation • Algorithm for zipping and aggregation • Data suppression • You cannot transmit all sensed data (under given energy) • Which subsets should you transmit • Minimize deviation • Coverage • No location should remain outside sensing range • Do this without GPS information • Mobile sink • Design a MAC protocol • Allow sensors to sleep as much as possible

  17. Sensor Networks • Think / Implement Coool Applications • 3D Google • MapTalks • Body networks

  18. Wireless TCP • Loss discrimination • Technique to determine congestion vs transmission loss • Exploit intermediate buffering • Transport protocol for sensors • Reliable querying of a sensor node • Reliable event delivery (not message)

  19. Security • Sybil Attacks • Spoofing multiple MAC addresses • Detect such attackers • Use smart antennas (spotlight algorithm), multi-channel • Location verification • Node at (x,y) … but reports own location as (r,s) • Identify such attacks • Punish such attacks

  20. Project Timeline • By March 1: • Have a solid problem formulation • Have good notion of the solution approach • Before Spring break: • Have the solution ready • Spring Break: • Start implementing basic idea • No optimization necessary • End March: • Have basic evaluation framework ready • April: • Implement, debug, optimize, … Learn simulator, implementation tools, Etc.

  21. Project Groups • Wayne, Tray • Ola, Soji, Tom • Brian, Ashwin, Roman • Ian, William • Tong

  22. Your Thoughts ?Don’t worry if they are not precise

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