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Office of the Registrar – Updates

Office of the Registrar – Updates. February 28, 2013. Office of the Registrar. Agenda Introductions Block Registration Permission Numbers Cal Poly Catalog Degree Progress Report PolyProfile Questions. February 28, 2013. Office of the Registrar. Introductions Debbie Arseneau

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Office of the Registrar – Updates

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  1. Office of the Registrar – Updates February 28, 2013

  2. Office of the Registrar Agenda Introductions Block Registration Permission Numbers Cal Poly Catalog Degree Progress Report PolyProfile Questions February 28, 2013

  3. Office of the Registrar Introductions Debbie Arseneau Susan Olivas Helen Bailey • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

  4. Office of the Registrar Block Registration Timeline Changes that impact this year New Catalog Larger incoming class blockreg@calpoly.edu • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

  5. Office of the Registrar Permission Numbers During Enrollment Appointments and Open Enrollment Generated by dept scheduler Override class limit (enrollment cap) Room capacity must be large enough Override a requisite Default settings that should never be changed Consent Required Career Restriction Permission Time Period • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

  6. Office of the Registrar Permission Numbers Number 636158 overrides class limit Number 142399 overrides requisite • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

  7. Office of the Registrar Permission Numbers During Add/Drop Period Batch generated on the Thursday before 1st day of classes Will override class limit (enrollment cap), except When class is set to Dept Consent (new-Spring 2013) Dept deselects the Closed Class setting after permission numbers are generated Will or will not override a requisite Most will not override Requisites Not Met setting is not selected Small subset will override requisite Requisites Not Met setting is selected • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

  8. Office of the Registrar Permission Numbers Post on instructor’s portal on Friday before 1st day of classes Except for classes set to Dept Consent Example of what an instructor sees on the portal • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

  9. Office of the Registrar Cal Poly Catalog 2013-2015 catalog will be published in early April New look and feel Using a content management system provides more robust online catalog Automatically formats/sizes for mobile device viewing View/Download PDF functionality allows for print on demand Print the most current version including changes Print only the content you want Improved accuracy of information Improved efficiency in maintaining information • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

  10. Office of the Registrar Degree Progress Report Navigation Tip • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

  11. Office of the Registrar DPR – General Reminders Watch Total Units for the Degree Grades of I and RP (and now RD) count in DPR unit totals Free Electives: Do Not Rely On “Course Credits Not Used—Counted” Major GPA 30-of-last-40 count CR/NC mistakenly selected Substitutions, AAE’s, etc.: manual processing Requirement met via substitution may not satisfy prerequisite • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

  12. Office of the Registrar PolyProfile Difference in unit counts between PolyProfile and DPR Non-baccalaureate courses Community college work in excess of 105 allowable units Work-in-progress (I’s, RP’s, RD’s, and future-term courses) PolyProfile change due to security audit • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

  13. Office of the Registrar Questions? Block Registration questions to blockreg@calpoly.edu Permission Number questions Depts generating contact classschedule@calpoly.edu Student /Registration contact records@calpoly.edu Catalog questions to catalog@calpoly.edu DPR questions to evaluations@calpoly.edu • Introductions • Block Registration • Permission Numbers • Cal Poly Catalog • Degree Progress Report • PolyProfile • Questions February 28, 2013

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