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An Overview of Existing Server Compliance Tests for 1.5 and 1.7

Login. Tests the following authentication:Basic AuthenticationDigest AuthenticationUA-Auth (new) 1.7 onlyChecks response for required capability urls: Login, Search, GetMetadataChecks response for optional capability urls: Action, ChangePassword, GetObject, LoginComplete, Update. Login, con

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An Overview of Existing Server Compliance Tests for 1.5 and 1.7

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    1. Paula O’Brien Ronin Technologies, Inc. (mailto:pobrien@ronintech.org) An Overview of Existing Server Compliance Tests for 1.5 and 1.7

    2. Login Tests the following authentication: Basic Authentication Digest Authentication UA-Auth (new) – 1.7 only Checks response for required capability urls: Login, Search, GetMetadata Checks response for optional capability urls: Action, ChangePassword, GetObject, LoginComplete, Update

    3. Login, cont’d Checks for required response arguments (“Broker", "MemberName", "MetadataVersion", "User" ) Checks for optional response arguments ("Balance", "TimeoutSeconds", "Expr", "OfficeList") Checks for a valid RETS version header 1.5 or 1.7 Checks for valid RETS-RESPONSE tags Checks date format in header compares to NOW in GMT time

    4. Metadata Tests the following types with required support for IDs of 0 and *. Validates the response formats and also the depth and breadth for the ID. METADATA-SYSTEM METADATA-RESOURCE METADATA-CLASS Tests a user configured Id parameter of METADATA-CLASS:METADATA-TABLE Validates compact format metadata against a DTD created from the description in the specification. Validates Standard-XML format against the published dtds. 1.5 1.7

    5. Metadata, cont’d METADATA-SYSTEM transaction is used to dynamically configure DMQL tests (parses metadata, validates types, displays metadata tree) Checks well-formed xml (for both compact and standard-xml). Checks for required response headers ("date", "cache-control", "content-type", "rets-version") Checks for optional response headers ("content-length", "transfer-encoding", "server")

    6. Snippet of 1.7 Metadata Compact DTD <!-- <!DOCTYPE RETS SYSTEM "RETSCOMPACTMETA-20030710.dtd"> --> <!-- <!DOCTYPE RETS [ --> <!-- Real Estate Transaction Specification (RETS) DTD --> <!-- Real Estate Transaction Markup Language (RETML) --> <!-- --> <!-- BASIC ELEMENTS --> <!--DATE/TIME ELEMENTS --> <!--see ISO 8601 for acceptable values for Format --> <!ATTLIST RETS ReplyCode CDATA #REQUIRED ReplyText CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT METADATA-SYSTEM (SYSTEM+, COMMENTS?, COLUMNS?, DATA*)> <!ATTLIST METADATA-SYSTEM Version CDATA #IMPLIED Date CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT METADATA-RESOURCE (COLUMNS?, DATA*)> <!ATTLIST METADATA-RESOURCE Version CDATA #IMPLIED Date CDATA #IMPLIED > ….Compact metadata dtd too large to fit on one slide

    7. Metadata Negative Testing Tests for appropriate RETS error codes in response to transactions. Invalid Resource: Sets the ID parameter to “RETSNegativeTestingResource:” + a valid Metadata-Table configured by the user. Invalid Type: sets the Type parameter to METADATA-RETSNegativeTesting. Requested DTD Unavailable: sets the Format parameter to STANDARD-XML:RETS-METADATA-20060101.dtd (which is not a valid RETS metadata dtd).

    8. Search Checks for required response headers ("date", "cache-control", "content-type", "rets-version") Checks for optional response headers ("content-length", "transfer-encoding", "server") If the content-type is text/xml, the response is validated as well-formed xml – the <RETS> response is turned into a document and parsed The presence of multiple content-types are reported as ‘info’; not failures but warned that clients may have difficulty with multiple content-types When a test returns format=STANDARD-XML, the response is validated against the applicable dtd 1.5 1.7

    9. Search, cont’d When a test returns Format=COMPACT or COMPACT-DECODED, the response is validated against a dtd created using the definition described in the specification 1.5 1.7 Standard names search test – StandardNames=1 and format=Standard-XML. A standard name (configured as a test parameter) is included in both the query and the select. The test checks the results for appropriate column selected and data type returned.

    10. Search, cont’d System names search test – StandardNames=0 and format=Compact-DECODED. A system name (configured as a test parameter) is included in both the query and the select. Checks results to make sure column in select shows up in response with appropriate data type Test limit – Two tests, where limit=2 and format=Standard-XML and Limit=2 and format=Compact-Decoded. The test counts records returned for each transaction to make sure there are only 2 records returned. Test offset – Offset=1. The test checks that the server does not throw an error when offset submitted.

    11. Search, cont’d Test RestrictedIndicator – RestrictedIndicator=###. The test checks that the server does not throw an error when RestrictedIndicator is submitted. Since the server may choose to omit the results of a restricted field rather than send back a restricted indicator, all that we can test for compliance is to make sure the server does not reject this parameter. Test count - three tests: Count=0; tests to make certain that the <COUNT> tag is not present the response. Count=1; tests to make certain that the count tag is present in the response and is formatted properly with a Records attribute. Count=2; tests to make certain that ONLY the <COUNT> tag is present in the response, with no result data, and that the Records attribute is formatted properly

    12. Search Negative Testing The purpose of this test is to ascertain whether the response returns the appropriate RETS error code for the situation In search, there are some error conditions (“query too complex”) that cannot be tested uniformly across servers. Those types of errors are not included in negative testing. Unknown query field in select: the Select parameter is set to “RETSNegativeTestingField”. Unknown query field: the Query parameter is set to “(RETSNegativeTestingField=Cleveland)”. Invalid query syntax: the Query parameter includes a “>” symbol and ends with an “||” Requested dtd unavailable: The Format parameter is set to STANDARD-XML:RETS-20060101.dtd (which is not a valid dtd).

    13. GetObject The test checks for required response headers: content-type and mime-version For multipart test: content-type MUST be multipart/parallel boundary must be present The test checks for optional response headers: Location Description Test single response using the default id=0

    14. GetObject, cont’d Test multipart response using the id=* Multipart must be formatted properly – uses a multipart body parser to test this Tests do not check for Location=1 because servers have the option to return the object, not the URL, so only Location=0 must be supported and is the default. Negative testing tests for appropriate error responses: Invalid resource: sets the Resource parameter to RETSNegativeTesting. Invalid type: sets the Type parameter to RETSNegativeTesting.

    15. Update The current test requires the user to manually key in the field/value pairs to set the Record field for updating (ListPrice=1&City=Cleveland, etc.) The test sends a user configured Validate parameter but other than making certain the server does not throw an error, the test does not do anything further with this feature at the product level. Checks for required response headers ("date", "cache-control", "content-type", "rets-version")

    16. Update, cont’d Checks for optional response headers ("content-length", "transfer-encoding", "server") Check well-formed xml for the response body this includes error and warning blocks (warning blocks 1.7) Validates the format and required elements of the Update Response using a DTD created from the format defined by the specification 1.5 1.7


    18. Update Negative Testing Tests for appropriate RETS error responses Invalid Resource: test sets the Resource parameter to InvalidResource. Invalid Parameter: test sets a field/value pair in the Record parameter to BadFieldName=Invalid.

    19. DMQL Testing Additional search tests to test DMQL support. DMQL testing also tests metadata – Queries are built by a user interface that parses the server’s metadata so the user can select the appropriate classes and then fields to use in numeric, date and character queries. Metadata with incorrectly identified data types will cause the tests to fail. Two DMQL test sets exist: one for Standard and one for System names. Inside of the Query parameter, values are case-sensitive and search results will fail if the case is incorrect.

    20. DMQL Testing, cont’d Numeric tests: Greater than = creates a query for with a numeric field using the + operator. Evaluates the results to make certain the value of the result returned for that field is greater than the value used in the Query. Less than = creates a query with a numeric field using a – operator. Evaluates the results to make certain the value of the result returned for that field is less than the value used in the Query. Range = creates a query with a numeric field using two values separated by the – operator and validates that the search result for that field falls within the range.

    21. DMQL Testing, Cont’d Character Tests: AND : creates a query using two character field=value pairs and the “,” operator between the pairs. Evaluates the search results to make certain that both equivalency conditions are met. OR: creates a query using two character field=value pairs and the “|” operator between the pairs. Evaluates the search results to make certain that one of the equivalency conditions has been met Contains: creates a query using field=*value*. Evaluates the search results to make certain the value is present within the result. Starts With: creates a query using field=value*. Evaluates the search results to make certain the result begins with the value.

    22. DMQL Testing, cont’d In addition, all DMQL tests include tests for: Required Search response headers Optional Search response headers Well-formed XML Format=Standard-XML must validate against the appropriate dtd Format=COMPACT-DECODED must validate against the search compact format DTD (created from the description in the specification).

    23. DMQL Testing, cont’d Date Tests: After this date: creates a query for a date field using the + operator. Evaluates the results to make certain the value of the date returned for that field occurs after the date used in the Query. Before this date: creates a query for a date field using the - operator. Evaluates the results to make certain the value of the date returned for that field occurs before the date used in the Query. Today: creates a query for a date using the token TODAY. Evaluates the results to make certain that the date returned is today’s date.

    24. Logout Checks for required response headers ("date", "cache-control", "content-type", "rets-version") Checks for optional response headers ("content-length", "transfer-encoding", "server") Checks for optional logout response arguments: "Balance", "TimeoutSeconds", "Expr", "OfficeList" Validates format against a dtd created for the logout response defined in the specification Check well-formed xml

    25. Example of Logout 1.7 response dtd: <!-- <!DOCTYPE RETS SYSTEM "RETS-LOGOUT-1_7.dtd"> --> <!-- <!DOCTYPE RETS [ --> <!-- Real Estate Transaction Specification (RETS) DTD --> <!-- Real Estate Transaction Markup Language (RETML) --> <!-- --> <!-- BASIC ELEMENTS --> <!--DATE/TIME ELEMENTS --> <!--see ISO 8601 for acceptable values for Format --> <!ATTLIST RETS ReplyCode CDATA #REQUIRED ReplyText CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT RETS-RESPONSE (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT RETS-STATUS EMPTY> <!ATTLIST RETS-STATUS ReplyCode CDATA #IMPLIED ReplyText CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- COMPOUND ELEMENTS --> <!-- PACKAGING ELEMENTS --> <!ELEMENT RETS (RETS-RESPONSE?,RETS-STATUS?)> <!-- ]> -->

    26. ServerInformation (1.7 only) Tests the server information resource – a user may configure optional request arguments for Resource, Class and StandardNames parameters. If none are supplied the test executes a transaction with no request arguments. Checks for required response headers ("date", "cache-control", "content-type", "rets-version") Checks for optional response headers ("content-length", "transfer-encoding", "server") Checks that the response is well-formed xml. Validates the response against a ServerInformation dtd developed using the response definition in the specification.

    27. Example of ServerInformation dtd: <!-- <!DOCTYPE RETS SYSTEM "RETS-SERVERINFO-1_7.dtd"> --> <!-- <!DOCTYPE RETS [ --> <!-- Real Estate Transaction Specification (RETS) DTD --> <!-- Real Estate Transaction Markup Language (RETML) --> <!-- --> <!-- BASIC ELEMENTS --> <!--DATE/TIME ELEMENTS --> <!--see ISO 8601 for acceptable values for Format --> <!ATTLIST RETS ReplyCode CDATA #REQUIRED ReplyText CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT Parameter (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Parameter name (CurrentTimeStamp | LastTimeStamp | MinimumLimit | KeyLimit | ReplicationSupport | CDATA) #REQUIRED resource CDATA "" class CDATA "" > <!ELEMENT ServerInformation (Parameter+)> <!-- COMPOUND ELEMENTS --> <!-- PACKAGING ELEMENTS --> <!ELEMENT RETS (ServerInformation)> <!-- ]> -->

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