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Graphic Organizers

Graphic Organizers. By Jacqueline McCann Middle GA RESA. Acquisition Lesson Planning Form. prompts for distributed practice:. Content Map for Unit:. Unit Name. Unit Essential Question. Major Concepts/ Skills/Issues. What is it? (Write the definition). What is it like?.

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Graphic Organizers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Graphic Organizers By Jacqueline McCann Middle GA RESA

  2. Acquisition Lesson Planning Form prompts for distributed practice:

  3. Content Map for Unit: Unit Name Unit Essential Question Major Concepts/ Skills/Issues

  4. What is it? (Write the definition) What is it like? The Word What are some examples?

  5. Definition Characteristics Word Examples Non-examples

  6. Semantic Mapping:

  7. Semantic Feature Analysis

  8. Detail Detail Detail Detail Main Idea or Main Concept

  9. Story Matrix Organizer Example

  10. Conflict Matrix Organizer Example

  11. Topic: Details Main Idea Sentence

  12. Causation Graphic Organizer because because because because

  13. Analogy Graphic Organizer

  14. Description Attributes Key Word

  15. Cause/Effect

  16. Compare/Contrast

  17. Climax Difficulties Protagonist Resolution Conclusion

  18. Title of the story: Cycle Graph Example: Remembering story sequence in chronological order. Fill in the blocks with main events of the story in chronological order. Main point, or moral of the story:

  19. Framed Paragraph Outline • This story opens as • The problem begins when • Then, • Next, • Finally, the problem in this story is solved when • This story ends

  20. Character Map: Students Use the Character Map to write short sentences about the what the character did or said in the story. Then write a sentence beneath the figure that describes the character Character Map for: _____________________________

  21. Probable Passages for:______________ by:_______________________________ Probable Passages: Students are provided key elements of the story. They predict what will happen, and complete the page. Then they compare what they read with what they predicted, and make modifications. • This story opens as • The problem in the story happens when • Next, • The problem in this story is solved when • This story ends is a main character who

  22. KWL Outline for: Brainstorm and list what you know in the first column. Write questions or statements in the 2nd column about what you think you will learn. Read the selection. Write what you have learned in the 3rd column. Categorize what you have learned.

  23. Categories that the ideas fit into Words/Ideas/Knowledge about the topic. Topic Circle MapStudents organize their thoughts and discover links between concepts. Working in groups, students put ideas into context through their own and others’ points of view. Summarizing sentences>

  24. L.I.N.K.List, Inquire, Note and Know

  25. Structured Note taking

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