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A New Approach to Undergraduate Structural Engineering Laboratory Instruction

A New Approach to Undergraduate Structural Engineering Laboratory Instruction. Mayrai Gindy, Ph.D. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Rhode Island 2006 New England ASEE Conference Engineering Education and Practice for the Global Community

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A New Approach to Undergraduate Structural Engineering Laboratory Instruction

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  1. A New Approach to Undergraduate Structural Engineering Laboratory Instruction Mayrai Gindy, Ph.D. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Rhode Island 2006 New England ASEE Conference Engineering Education and Practice for the Global Community Session 1F: Civil and Environmental Engineering

  2. Background National Survey of Student Engagement (NSEE) Students who engage in Deep learning activities report greater educational and personal gains Integrative Learning Activities that integrate learned theory into meaningful applications Deep Learning Reflective Learning Activities that assess their learning experiences Explorative Learning Activities that include more in-depth thought

  3. Background Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) “Intentional Learners” – students who can adapt to new environments, integrate knowledge from different sources, and contribute learning throughout their lives “Intentional Thinkers” – students who can see connections in seemingly disparate information and draw on a wide range of knowledge to make decisions Appeal of integrative learning is credited with fostering capacity to connect ideas through discovery and creativity and intensifying enthusiasm about learning

  4. Creative thinking Increased awareness Comm. skills Global Influence Professional community Active learning Successful Engineering Education Engineering Education

  5. Global Influence Successful Engineering Education Industry is becoming more global (expertise, production, and manufacturing) Today’s practicing engineer is becoming less bounded by their traditional area of study Engineering educational communities should encourage “connected learning” ~ explore relations across disciplines Companies are seeking engineers with capacity to recognize all aspects of a project and integrate knowledge from several sources

  6. Successful Engineering Education Some progress has been made in incorporating some of these initiatives in undergraduate courses … • Traditional Laboratory • presented in rigid format • predefined approach (experimental objectives, testing methods, equipment, and analytical procedures) • “cookbook” fashion Instructional laboratories have received little attention

  7. Structural Engineering Non-destructive testing & evaluation Progress of the Profession Material behavior Structural analysis and design Sensors / Sensor networks Instrumentation Basics

  8. Progress of the Profession Structural Engineering Instrumentation and Measurements Laboratory • Proposed Laboratory • presented in flexible format • student-defined approach • progressive learning approach • Clearly define an engineering problem • Effectively collaborate and communicate with group members • Creatively outline several testing approaches • Convincingly formulate arguments • Productively deal with diverse perspectives within a group

  9. SEIM Laboratory Module Multi-week, increasing complexity Specific learning objectives Topical background info. including theory Assessment tools

  10. SEIM Laboratory Module (1) Instrumentation Basics Tutorial of basic concepts of instrumentation to civil engineering students. Measurement theory including electrical quantities, resistance, direct and alternating current, and power supply is discussed. Conversion of electrical measurement signals into physical units of the measured response is addressed. Module (2) Sensors and Data Acquisition Systems Introduces the functioning and theory of various sensors and data acquisition systems to students. Sensors include strain gauges, accelerometers, linear variable differential transducers (LVDT), and laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV). Topics also include signal conditioning, oscilloscopes, instrumentation setup, calibration, and proper testing practice. Current professional practice of the use of sensors and instrumentation for non-destructive testing and evaluation of structures is also highlighted.

  11. SEIM Laboratory Module (3) Dynamic Properties This module offers a review of basic properties and behaviors of structures such as strength, stiffness, redundancy, energy absorption during deformation, and natural frequencies. Students are encouraged to relate measured response to basic structural properties. Module (4) Forced and Free Vibration This module presents an overview of forced and free vibration, damping, natural frequencies, and resonance. Beams and trusses of varying configuration are subjected to static and dynamic loading. Experimental determination of natural frequency and damping ratio from free vibration are performed. Students also develop simplified analytical models of test specimens and correlate measured response to numerical predictions

  12. SEIM Laboratory Module (5) Stages of Damage This module introduces students to various types and stages of structural damage due to environmental conditions or excessive and repetitive loading. Experiments are performed using cantilevered aluminum beams with different damage scenarios. The effect of damage on the displacement signature and dynamic properties of the specimen is investigated. Current non-destructive tests (i.e. ultrasonic and chloride test systems) as well as vibration-based detection methods (i.e. natural freq) are discussed. Module (6) Fatigue and Fracture This module introduces the concepts of fatigue and fracture. Students examine different specimens subjected to varying degrees of fatigue damage. The effect of surface cracks and defects and the influence of different factors on material fatigue are also discussed. Current methods including acoustic emission (AE) for detecting fatigue and fracture behavior of materials are highlighted.

  13. SEIM Lab Program Outcomes

  14. SEIM Lab Program Assessment • Formative Assessment Rubrics • developed by the Rutgers Physics and Astronomy Education (PAER) group • rubrics contain descriptors for individual scientific sub-abilities. • assign numerical/descriptive score • recommended to use a descriptive score as numerical scores were found to have a negative effect on student learning Scientific Ability Rubrics Student Surveys Course Evaluations http://paer.rutgers.edu/

  15. SEIM Lab at URI • Anticipated that current 1-credit, junior-level structural engineering laboratory (CVE 355) be replaced with the 2-credit, senior-level SEIM Laboratory • This initiative is partially funded through a grant by the URI Foundation. Mayrai Gindy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dept. of Civil and Environmental Eng. University of Rhode Island 1 Lippitt Road, 201 Bliss Hall Kingston, RI 02881 (401) 874-5587 gindy@egr.uri.edu Thank you Questions

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