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Career Presentation: Missions . Molly Bosek 8 May 2014 2 nd Hour Career Technology Foundations Ms. Buzun-Miller. Introduction to.
Career Presentation: Missions Molly Bosek 8 May 2014 2nd Hour Career Technology Foundations Ms. Buzun-Miller
Introduction to Missionaries do different things depending on their field. Some go to third world countries to introduce people to Christianity. Others assist persecuted Christians, help the starving, or even communities rampaged by disease or natural disaster. "I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light" — John Keith Falconer A missionary who helps in the Red Light District of Tijuana, Mexico with young girls who have been rescued from sexual slavery came back to our church and described to us her work. Almost as soon as she started talking I felt a pull to follow that path as well. I’ll be researching the responsibilities, working conditions, teaching quality assessment, job outlook, earnings, and a related occupation of a missionary. M I S S I O N S
The Nature of Missions As a missionary, you are held to certain standards. Five responsibilities of any missionary are to: • Know what your role to serve others is; how are you best able to help • Be accountable for your decisions and actions • Learn the culture • Try your best to learn to speak the language of the people you are serving • Identify with the people
Working Conditions Being a missionary is both physical and mental, though in most cases prominently mental. Many are outdoors a lot, but can also work indoors. They hand out food and water, educate children, or perform medical procedures. Hours are any time you are needed. An international missionary may travel to war-torn, third world, and oppressive countries.
Teaching Quality Assessment • No degree needed, training is usually required. Certain degrees would be helpful, like psychology, counseling or medical. • I plan on being trained through Christ Community Church. • I will be taking Mandarin, which may help me if I end up going to China. My writing classes will assist me in writing to companies to get funding.
Job Outlook • No rate of employment, about 419,000 missionaries in total. • Amount of missionaries rising • Not competitive; if you can raise the money to go you may. • I want to find openings in a Red Light District. • Preferably Relentless Pursuit in Tijuana, Mexico.
Income • My Lifestyle goals are to be able to help support my family, own a horse, live at Corinth Youth Home after my missionary work, and have the ability to go on trips with friends and family a couple times a year. • Missionaries on average earn about $25,433 depending on their support. • It will support me enough to start working towards my lifestyle goals. • My first purchase will be supplies for my trip.
Related Occupation • Psychologist - Foster positive mental health and personal growth - Interact with hurting people to help them begin to heal - At least a master’s degree, choose specialization - Employment rate expected to grow 26% from 2008-2018 - High end psychologists earn around $69,000 yearly • I chose this career because I have always been interested in human behavior, and I feel that it is a great way to learn to help people. It definitely would assist me in being a missionary or working at a youth home.
Summary and Learning Experience I feel that being a missionary will be a difficult path, but if I work at it and get help from my church, I will succeed. Out of all the roles of this career, I least look forward to the fundraising parts. But, Christ Community Church is very financially supportive of the people they send to other countries, so it will not be impossible. I am most looking forward to seeing lives changing for the better day by day, and knowing I did something to foster that. This is not something I can simply jump into. It takes planning, training and a whole lot of dedication. But I believe that should this be my direction, I will be completely capable of accomplishing my goals.
References • http://media.syracuse.com/neighbors/photo/2009-10-01-sub-bolivia-mission-1jpg-e8ed1109028e1e19_large.jpg • http://www.christendom.edu/images/news/2009/mission1.jpg • http://www.christendom.edu/images/news/2013/mission-trip.jpg • http://www.bpc.edu/news_and_info/news/2007/april/images/Tijuana.jpg • https://www.internationalmedicalrelief.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/IMR_MedicalReliefSlide2.jpg • http://blogs.ntm.org/dave-abbott/files/2009/08/mtc_orientation.jpg • http://www.salarylist.com/jobs/Missionary-Salary.htm • http://pfdcevents.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/go-into-all-the-world.jpg • https://www.lasierra.edu/welcome/images/africa1.jpg • http://education-portal.com/psychologist.html