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IC&IC eLearning solutions. Bucarest, 2 September 2010.
IC&IC eLearning solutions Bucarest, 2 September 2010
The IC&IC project aims to develop the individuals and organizational competences in supporting Romanian companies' strategic and international competitiveness, for improving capacities in managing business environment's changes and labour market's development in the internationalization context. The main objectives are to implement an innovative internationalizing companies programme and creating job enrichment for increasing companies' international activities - based on the dynamic transfer and adaptation of the "Internationalization Consulting" curriculum and methodology successfully developed and implemented in seven European countries during a previous Leonardo da Vinci INCO project. The IC&IC builds bridges between different learning contexts and learning forms, including modern learning methodology such as e-learning.
IC&IC' curriculum calls for a mix of diverse methods. Special learning paths are developed within the curriculum to suit the specific needs of the target group The design, adaptation and development of the IC&IC platform have been based on: - the evaluation feedbacks of previous project INCO, referred to both methodological issues and technologies functionalities and opportunities; - the functional requirements stemming from the IC&IC program and curriculum design and the methodological learning approach; - an iterative design and adaptation approach, allowing to effectively respond to the platform performance and quality criteria as well as to the target groups (trainees; trainers; stakeholders) feedbacks collected throughout the training program lifecycle.
IC&IC eLearning (and overall blended) solutions have been developed on the bases of training needs emerging from the competence profile of the internalization consultant in terms of: • supporting the individual (self and assistite) study and deepening of each modules subjects, taking into account the need of continuously updating and diversifying the professional knowledge bases and the need of ubiquitous access to learning resources (also in terms of overcome time and mobility constraints); • valorising the networking dimension of the same profile, as its own critical dimension in terms of both experience sharing for valorising tacital competences and international community building for strenghten the professional position over time.
Platform design is aimed to valorize to fundamental characteristics of distance learning in terms of: • the interchange of information in real time and the interaction among participants and among trainees and trainers (both synchronous and asynchronous) also in terms of supporting synchronous collaborative learning activities aimed to knowledge and competences sharing and building; • the contact among people living in different places, also in terms of national and international cross-competences network building and valorisation; • the possibility of personalized adaptation of the training, in terms of both modular structure of learning objects and supporting learning resources.
Platform design is aimed to: - allow diverse and diverisfied administration functionalities according to the a layer infrastructure of roles (administrator, trainers, participants); - provides reserved areas for accessing learning resources and participate to collaborative activities; - implement an articulated tracking system, allowing a continuous monitoring of individuals, group and courses activities; - focus on enhancing participative and collaborative learning, allowing a more performing and integrated governance of the whole training program, also by implementing users interfaces and navigation tools featured by higher degree of usability, participation and personalization.
IC&IC platform allows administrators and trainers to manage the all training activities, related to diverse: • levels: users, courses, platform; • dimensions: access, activities, communication.
trainees access the learning resources and participate to the collaborative learning assuming and active role in the system learning resources access, exchange and building trainers create the didactic material and play a facilitation role of the individual (in supporting specific content module clarification, in assigning and valuating assignements, and so on) and collective (in animating the forums) learning processes tutors support the trainees' learning process and the overall governance action of trainers and admnistrator. The tutor represents not only the filter between trainers and participants, but has also the constant monitor of the overall learning process. Within the tutoring function, IC&IC system employs a three layer structure: technical, content, process.
The IC&IC roles and monitoring&evaluation system has been defined within a wider evaluation approach. Throughout the whole period diverse performance and quality evaluation and monitoring tools have been defined, such as: - on the learning assessmentlevel - on the wider evaluation of the program performance and quality - on the wider evaluation of the eLearning system' performance and quality: According to an iterative validation approach, these criteria will be evaluated (and relative design choices validated) throughout the program by collecting feedback data from: • administrator, tutors and researchers involved in the piloting stage; • participants and trainers; • wider target groups Emerging dimensions: • Gradual and personalised implementation approach • Learning behavior and schemas • Training roles evolution and volorisation