1. Demolition Hazards & Control Measures
2. Remember! The CDM Regs 1994 apply to all demolition & dismantlement work
3. Hazards - Physical Falling from height
Falls through openings & fragile materials
Uncontrolled/premature collapse
Flying debris
HAVS from tools
Whole body vibration from vehicles
4. Hazards - Physical Cause nearby structures to collapse
Live services – gas, electric, water
Broken glass from windows
Unguarded machinery
Electric shock
Manual Handling
5. Hazards - Chemical Dust
Residual contamination from previous use? E.g. hospitals, industrial processes
6. Controls Risk Assessment
Competent, trained staff
Safe system of work (derived from RA)
PPE – helmets, boots, dust masks etc.
Safe demolition requires planning
Keep people as far away as possible
Use of method statements
7. Controls Supervision by competent person
Where possible, demolish in reverse order of construction
Use CDM H&S file if available?
Protect machine cabs to guard against falling objects
Temporary props may be required to support unstable structures
8. Controls Remove debris as it builds up to prevent floors/walls collapsing
Disconnect live services (although water may be required in event of a fire)
Remove hazardous materials
Provide site hoardings where necessary (about 2.5m high)
Do not allow materials to fall into area where people are
9. Controls Fans or covered walkways may be needed to catch falling objects
Erect warning notices around hoardings
Remove window panes before demolition
Erect warning notices on doors, especially where floors have been removed
10. Controls Damp area down with water
Dog-leg rubbish chutes, or barrier off skip area
Provide safe access & egress (especially where there are no floors)
High standard of housekeeping
Secure ladders
Use safety harnesses where necessary
Create a buffer zone around the demolition area