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Explore the effects of smoking on families through the story of a smoking daughter. Learn about key cigarette brands and historical figures like Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Discover the significance of places like Georgia and Hollywood, and the concept of the Third World. Examine the role of a battered women's shelter in combating domestic violence. Engage in compound dictation exercises based on movie dialogues. Discuss ways to support troubled children and expand vocabulary.
Section A Weeping for My Smoking Daughter http://www.acolor.net
Weeping for My Smoking Daughter Writing Summary Text Study Pre-reading Activities http://www.acolor.net
Background Information Background Information Watch & Discuss Watch & Discuss Compound Dictation Compound Dictation Pre-reading Activities http://www.acolor.net
Camel, Marlboro, Players Camel, MarlboroandPlayers are some of the well-known cigarette brands made in the US. Camel is a brand of cigarettes introduced by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco in 1913. It is the country’s first nationally marketed cigarette. Both Marlboro and Players are brand names of cigarettes manufactured by Philip Morris. http://www.acolor.net
Queen Victoria Queen Victoria(1819-1901) was queen of Great Britain and Ireland (1837-1901) and empress of India (1876-1901). Her nearly 64-year-long reign was the longest in British history. She presided over a period of British industrial progress, artistic successes and colonial empire-building which became known as the Victorian Era. http://www.acolor.net
Prince Albert Prince Albert (1819-1861) was the husband and trusted advisor of Britain’s Queen Victoria. Throughout their marriage, Albert encouraged in his wife a greater awareness of social ills. He took an active role in bringing about reform and discussion of child labor issue. Albert masterminded the Great Exhibition of 1851, with a view to celebrating the great advances of the British Industrial Age and the expansion of the empire. http://www.acolor.net
Georgia Georgia is a state in the Southeastern US, surrounded by Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina, and the Atlantic Ocean. http://www.acolor.net
Hollywood Hollywood is the center of the US movie industry. In terms of geography, Hollywood refers to an area consisting of the City of West Hollywood and its vicinity that form part of the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. http://www.acolor.net
The Third World The Third World was a term originally used to distinguish nations that neither aligned with the West nor with the East during the Cold War, including many members of the Non-Aligned Movement. Today, however, the term is used to denote nations with a low UN Human Development Index (HDI), independent of their political status. http://www.acolor.net
A battered women’s shelter A battered women’s shelter is a center dedicated to the prevention and elimination of domestic violence. It not only provides shelter and other emergency services to women and children who have fled domestic violence, but also it answers crisis calls and offers violence prevention information and education to the community at large. http://www.acolor.net
Compound Dictation Directions: Now listen to a dialog from the movie The Lion King and fill in the blanks according to what you hear. http://www.acolor.net
Compound Dictation Scar: Simba? (Realizing) Simba! I'm a little surprised to see you. 51 . Simba: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't 52 you apart. Scar: Simba, you must understand.... The pressures of ruling a kingdom-- Simba: --are no longer yours. Step down, Scar. Scar: Oh-h yes. Well. I would, naturally, however, there is one little problem? You see them? They think I'm king. Nala: Well we don't. Simba is the 53 king. Simba: The 54 is yours, Scar. Either step down, or fight. Scar: Oh, must it all end in 55 ? I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn't you agree Simba? http://www.acolor.net
Compound Dictation Simba: That's not going to work, Scar. I've put it behind me. Scar: Ah, but what about your 56 subjects? Have they put it behind them? Nala: Simba, what is he talking about? Scar: Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death! Simba: I am. Sarabi: It's not true. Tell me it's not true. Simba: (reluctantly) It's true. Scar: You see! He 57 it! Murderer! Simba: No! It was an accident. http://www.acolor.net
Compound Dictation Scar: If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive. It's yourfault he's dead, do you 58 it? Simba: No. Scar: Then you're 59 ! Simba: No! I'm not a murderer! Scar: Oh, Simba; you're in trouble again. But this time, daddy isn't here to save you. And now everyone knows why! Nala: Simba! Scar: Now this looks 60 . Hmm-hm. Where have I seen this before? Let me think. Oh yes, I remember. This is just the way your father looked before he died. {Scar grabs Simba with his claws as he did Mufasa. He whispers into Simba's ear.} Here's my little secret: I killed Mufasa. http://www.acolor.net
1. Why are parents often worried about the growth of their children? 2. How to help problem children get out of their troubles? Video watching Directions: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows: key key http://www.acolor.net
New Words New Words Text Reading Text Reading Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas e S T u t x d t y t x u e S y t d T http://www.acolor.net
I. Word Using 1. grateful感謝的, 感激的 (+for/to), +to-v, +(that) I am grateful to have you help me repair the house. She was grateful to George for all that he had done. 承你帮忙修缮房子, 我十分感激。 她感激乔治所做的一切。 http://www.acolor.net
be grateful for 感激;为…致谢 We will be grateful for whatever amount you can afford. 你买得起多少, 我们都欢迎. http://www.acolor.net
weaken vt. 削弱, 減弱; 減少 We never weaken our efforts in face of difficulties. 我们在困难面前从不松劲。 http://www.acolor.net
swallow vt.吞下, 咽下; 【口】轻信; 轻易接受 He swallowed the pills with a cup of water. She is naive and would swallow anything you tell her. 他用一杯水吞下了这些药丸。 她很天真, 你跟她讲什么她都相信。 http://www.acolor.net
pick up拾起 The boy picked up the hat for the old man. 男孩替老人拾起了帽子。 http://www.acolor.net
die from因...而死亡 (因受傷或其他外界因素) He died from a traffic accident. 他死于交通意外。 用法: die from 表示死于外界因素, 如事故, 车祸或创伤等, from 一般以 accident, wound 等名词作受词。 die of 表示死于某种疾病, of 一般以 cancer, smallpox, pneumonia 等疾病名作受词; 或指死于身体缺少某种物质或因精神原因而死, 以 starvation, grief 等名词作受词。 http://www.acolor.net
direct at針對 His remarks were not directed at you. 他的话不是针对你的。 http://www.acolor.net
Structure & Main Ideas N H C E Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Part II Part III Part I The passage consists of eight paragraphs and roughly falls into three parts in accordance with the stories the author presents: the story of her daughter, the story of her father and her appeal to smokers. http://www.acolor.net
Structure & Main Ideas N H C E The author feels terrible and wants to weep when seeing her daughter smoke. Part II Part III Part I [Para. 1] http://www.acolor.net
Structure & Main Ideas N H C E Hooked by the illusion about smoking, the author’s father, like many other people, got into the bad habit of smoking, only to die from it. Part II Part III Part I [Para. 2-5] http://www.acolor.net
Structure & Main Ideas N H C E Feeling extremely sorry for her daughter and those in Third World countries who also drag away like chimneys, the author appeals to all people to give up smoking. Part II Part III Part I [Para. 6-8] http://www.acolor.net
Text Reading close / near at hand 在手边/在眼前 期末考试即将来临,他们不得不熬夜复习功课。 With the end-of-term exams close at hand, they have to stay up late reviewing lessons. http://www.acolor.net
to be grateful (to sb.) for 因······而感激 在遇到麻烦时他的朋友总是给予帮助,对此他很感激。 His friends always lend aid in time of trouble, for which he is grateful. http://www.acolor.net
to stand by 支持;袖手旁观; 遵守 当你的朋友受伤害时,你会袖手旁观吗? Will you stand by and watch while your friend is abused? http://www.acolor.net
to harden oneself against … 对······硬着心肠/ 冷酷无情 不要对老人们冷酷无情。要知道,你也会老的。 Don’t harden yourself against the aged. After all, you will grow old, too. http://www.acolor.net
coupled with 加上 英俊的外表加上幽默感,使他在周围的女孩中很受欢迎。 His handsome looks, coupled with sense of humor, make him popular with the girls around. http://www.acolor.net
to win over / round 把······争取过来/ 战胜 他深受种族偏见思想的影响,是不可能被争取到我们这一边的。 Infected with racial prejudice, he is impossible to win over to our side. http://www.acolor.net
新视野 - 短 语 应 用 to be stuck in 被叼着;陷入; 无法摆脱 由于无法摆脱女友的丑闻,这位银行高官只好辞职。 Stuck in the scandal of his girlfriend, the senior bank officer had to leave office. http://www.acolor.net
新视野 - 短 语 应 用 to leave sb. low 使······虚弱/低落 学业进步不大,加上考试不及格,使他情绪低落。 Little progress in studies, coupled with failures in exams, left him low in spirits. http://www.acolor.net
新视野 - 短 语 应 用 to direct at 针对/对准 你的批评,不论是针对谁的,都有失公允。 Your criticism, no matter whom it is directed at, fails to be fair and just. http://www.acolor.net
新视野 - 短 语 应 用 (使)缺乏······ to starve … of … 他用上网消磨时光;久而久之,他完全没有了上进心。 He passed his time surfing online; over time, he starved himself of the desire to advance. http://www.acolor.net
Summary 1 English Equivalents of Chinese Creative Application of Typical Expressions 2 Further Application of Typical Patterns 3 http://www.acolor.net
English Equivalents of Chinese to weep for a package of (cigarettes) with a cigarette in one’s mouth glowing eyes dressed in a black dress coat embarrassing to hear unnoticeable at first drag away / smoke like chimneys as in American inner cities at a family reunion http://www.acolor.net
English Equivalents of Chinese near the very end of his life to quit / stop smoking advertisement signs a form of self-battering over time be likely to a bunch of (flowers) no-smoking zone to sit by through the years http://www.acolor.net
Creative Application of Compatible Expressions close at hand tobe grateful for … tobe stuck in to leave sb. low tostarve … of … http://www.acolor.net
Further Application of Productive Patterns Sb. does not do sth. without doing sth. else. There is a quotation from … that sb. especially likes / appreciates: “…” Sb. does sth. But for what, sb. sometimes wonders; so that …? http://www.acolor.net
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 • in hand • off (one’s) hands • on/upon (one’s) hands • get the upper hand 在控制之中: 脱离,不再由某人负责:归某人负责/所有: 占上风: 我们队在比赛的下半场占了上风,这超出了所有人的预料。 in the second half / beyond one’s anticipation Our team got the upper hand in the second half of the match, which was beyond everyone’s anticipation. http://www.acolor.net
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 • be thankful for • be greedy for • be regretful for • be sorry for 因······而感激: 贪婪、渴望得到······: 为······感到后悔,遗憾: 为······感到难过,歉疚: 他为自己过去的行为感到后悔,决心重新做人。 regretful for / resolve to do sth. / turn over a new leaf Regretful for what he did in the past, he resolves to turn over a new leaf. http://www.acolor.net
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 爱上,迷恋于: 被······缠住无法摆脱: 因缺乏某物而停顿: 专注地工作或吃饭: • be stuck on • be stuck with/ over • be stuck for • get stuck in/into 一收到他的指令,我们立刻投入了工作。 upon / receive the instruction / get stuck into Upon receiving his instruction, we got stuck into the work immediately. http://www.acolor.net
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 不管: (把某事)搁置一边: 留下, 遗留, 超过: 千方百计, 想方设法: • leave … alone • leave aside • leave behind • leave no means untried 他们千方百计为这些无家可归的孩子们寻找父母。 leave no means untried / homeless children / in the search for They left no means untried in their search for the parents of these homeless children. http://www.acolor.net
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 • to starve for … • to starve sb. into … • to starve out 渴望; 极需; 缺乏: 用饥饿迫使······: 用饥饿迫使投降: 山区里的很多年轻人都渴望着能有接受高等教育的机会。 mountainous area / starve for / opportunity / receive higher education Many young people in the mountainous area are starving for the opportunity to receive higher education. http://www.acolor.net
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 他每天不上网心里就不踏实。 go online / feel very much relieved He does not feel very much relieved without going online every day. http://www.acolor.net
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 我特别欣赏温家宝总理的话:“多难兴邦。” especially appreciate / a quotation from Premier Wen Jia-bao / much distress / regenerate a nation There is a quotation from Premier Wen Jia-bao that I especially appreciate: “Much distress helps regenerate a nation.” http://www.acolor.net