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Ch. 14.1 -14.5. Dr. Marchette. http:// learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/csRicin.html. Section 14.1 How is RNA transcribed from DNA?. Key Concepts Life depends on enzymes and other proteins. All proteins consist of polypeptide chains.
Ch. 14.1 -14.5 Dr. Marchette http://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/csRicin.html
Section 14.1How is RNA transcribed from DNA? • Key Concepts • Life depends on enzymes and other proteins. • All proteins consist of polypeptide chains. • The chains are sequences of amino acids that corresponds to genes—sequences of nucleotide bases in DNA. • The path leading from genes to proteins has two steps. Transcription and translation.
Cont. • During transcription, the two stands of DNA double helix are unwound in a gene region. • Exposed chains of one strand become the template for assembling a single strand of RNA. • Only one type of RNA transcript encodes the message that gets translated into protein. • It is called messenger RNA (mRNA).
cont. • In transcription, the first step in protein synthesis, a sequence of nucleotide bases is exposed in a unwound region of a DNA strand. • That sequence is the template upon which a single stand of RNA is assembled from adenine, cytosine, quanine and uracil subunits.
DNA A-T C-G RNA A-U C-G Nitrogen Bases http://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/dna_rna_compared.html
Three Classes of RNAs • Messenger RNA (mRNA) • Carries protein-building instruction • Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) • Major component of ribosomes • Transfer RNA (tRNA) • Delivers amino acids to ribosomes
A Nucleotide Subunit of RNA uracil (base) phosphate group sugar (ribose)
Steps from DNA to Proteins Same two steps produce all proteins: • Transcription- DNA is transcribed to form mRNA • Occurs in the nucleus • mRNA moves into cytoplasm
Transcription & DNA Replication • Like DNA replication • Nucleotides added in 5’ to 3’ direction • Unlike DNA replication • Only small stretch is template • RNA polymerase catalyzes nucleotide addition • Product is a single strand of RNA
Promoter • A base sequence in the DNA that signals the start of a gene • For transcription to occur, RNA polymerase must first bind to a promoter
Gene Transcription DNA to be transcribed unwinds transcribed DNA winds up again mRNA transcript RNA polymerase
Adding Nucleotides 5’ 3’ growing RNA transcript 5’ 3’ direction of transcription
http://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/rna_modifications.htmlhttp://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/rna_modifications.html snipped out snipped out Transcript Modification unit of transcription in a DNA strand 3’ 5’ exon intron exon intron exon transcription into pre-mRNA poly-A tail cap 5’ 3’ 5’ 3’ mature mRNA transcript
Base Pairing during Transcription DNA G C A U G C A T RNA C G T A C G T A DNA DNA base pairing in DNA replication base pairing in transcription
tRNA Structure codon in mRNA anticodon amino-acid attachment site amino acid OH
Ribosomes tunnel small ribosomal subunit large ribosomal subunit intact ribosome
Summary • In gene, transcription, a sequence of exposed bases on one of the two strands of the DNA molecule serves as a template for synthesizing a complementary strand of mRNA. • RNA polymerase assemble the RNA from four kinds of ribonucelotides that differ I their bases: A,U,C,G. • Before leaving the nucleus, each new mRNA transcript, or pre-mRNA, undergoes modification into final form.
Section 14.2The Genetic Code • Key Concepts • The nucleotide sequence in DNA is read three bases at a time. • Sixty four base triplets correspond to specific amino acids and represent the genetic code. • The code words have been highly conserved through time. • Only in a few eukaryotes, prokaryotes, and prokaryote derived organelles have slight variation on the code.
Cont. • The correspondence between genes and proteins is encoded in protein-building “words” in mRNA transcripts. • Three nucleotide bases make up each three letter code.
Genetic Code • Set of 64 base triplets • Codons • 61 specify amino acids • 3 stop translation http://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/genetic_code.html
Summary • The gentic code is a set of 64 different codons, which are nucleotide bases in mRNA that are “read” in sets of three. • Different codons (base triplets) specify different amino acids.
Section 14.3The Other RNA’s • Key Concepts • During translation, amino acids are bonded together in a polypeptide chain in a sequence specified by the base triplets in mRNA. • Transfer RNA delivers amino acids one at a time to the ribosome. • An RNA component of ribosome catalyzes the chain reaction.
Cont. • The codons in mRNA transcript are the words in protein building messages. • Without translators, words that originated from DNA mean nothing: it take the other two classes of RNA to synthesize the proteins.
Steps from DNA to Proteins cont. 2) Translation- mRNA with tRNA and rRNA at a ribosome is translated to form polypeptide chains of amino acids, which fold to form proteins, occurs in cytoplasm
Summary • Only mRNA carries DNA’s protein building instructions from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. • Transfer RNA (tRNA) deliver amino acids to ribosome. • Their anticodons base pair with codons in the order specified by mRNA. • Polypeptide chains are built on ribosomes, each consisting of a large and a small subunit made of tRNA and proteins.
Section 14.4The three Stages of Translation • Key Concepts • An mRNA transcript encodes DNA’s information about a protein enters an intact ribosome. • There, its codons are translated into polypeptide chain – a protein primary structure. • Translation of the protein building message proceeds through three continuous stages called: initiation, elongation and termination.
Three Stages of Translation Initiation Elongation Termination http://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/translation_v2.html
http://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/ribosome.htmlhttp://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/ribosome.html Initiation • Initiator tRNA binds to small ribosomal subunit • Small subunit/tRNA complex attaches to mRNA and moves along it to an AUG “start” codon • Large ribosomal subunit joins complex
Binding Sites binding site for mRNA A (second binding site for tRNA) P (first binding site for tRNA)
Elongation • mRNA passes through ribosomal subunits • tRNAs deliver amino acids to the ribosomal binding site in the order specified by the mRNA • Peptide bonds form between the amino acids and the polypeptide chain grows
Termination • Stop codon into place • No tRNA with anticodon • Release factors bind to the ribosome • mRNA and polypeptide are released mRNA new polypeptide chain http://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/protein_synthesis.html
Summary • Translation is initiated when a small ribosomal subunit and an initiator tRNA arrive at a mRNA transcript's start codon, and a large ribosomal subunit binds to them. • tRNA delivers amino acids to a ribosome in the order dictated by the linear sequence of mRNA codons. • A polypeptide chain lengthens as peptide bonds from between amino acids. • Translation ends when a stop codon triggers events that cause the polypeptide chain and the mRNA to detach from the ribosome.
Section 14.5Mutated Genes & Their protein Products • Key Concepts • Gene mutations introduce changes in protein structure, protein function, or both. • The changes may lead to small variation in the shared traits that characterize individuals of a population. • When a cell taps its genetic code, it is making proteins with precise structural and functional roles that keep it alive.
Cont. • If a gene changes, the mRNA transcribed from it may change a specify an altered protein. • If the protein has a critical role, the out come will be a dead or abnormal cell.
Gene Mutations Base-Pair Substitutions Insertions Deletions
http://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/base_pair_sub.htmlhttp://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/base_pair_sub.html Base-Pair Substitution a base substitution within the triplet (red) original base triplet in a DNA strand During replication, proofreading enzymes make a substitution possible outcomes: or original, unmutated sequence a gene mutation
Frameshift Mutations • Insertion • Extra base added into gene region • Deletion • Base removed from gene region • Both shift the reading frame • Result in many wrong amino acids
http://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/frameshift.htmlhttp://learning.mgccc.cc.ms.us/jd/science/carter/chapter14/animations/frameshift.html Frameshift Mutation mRNA parental DNA arginine glycine tyrosine tryptophan asparagine amino acids altered mRNA DNA with base insertion altered amino- acid sequence arginine glycine leucine leucine glutamate
Transposing • DNA segments that move spontaneously about the genome • When they insert into a gene region, they usually inactivate that gene
Mutation Rates • Each gene has a characteristic mutation rate • Average rate for eukaryotes is between 10-4 and 10-6 per gene per generation • Only mutations that arise in germ cells can be passed on to next generation
Mutagens • Ionizing radiation (X rays) • Nonionizing radiation (UV) • Natural and synthetic chemicals
Summary • A gene mutation is permanent in one or more bases in the nucleotide sequence of DNA. • The most common types are base pair substitution, deletion, and insertion . • Exposure to harmful radiation and chemicals in the environment can cause mutations in DNA. • A protein specified by a mutated gene may be harmful, neutral, or beneficial effect on the individual’s capacity to function in the environment.
Ionizing Radiation Fig. 14-12, p.227