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Louisiana Engineering Society Continuing Education Seminar on Fire Alarm Systems with Michael C. McLean Staff Fire Al

LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY. Louisiana Engineering Society Continuing Education Seminar on Fire Alarm Systems with Michael C. McLean Staff Fire Alarm Specialist.

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Louisiana Engineering Society Continuing Education Seminar on Fire Alarm Systems with Michael C. McLean Staff Fire Al

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  1. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY Louisiana Engineering Society Continuing Education Seminaron Fire Alarm Systemswith Michael C. McLean Staff Fire Alarm Specialist

  2. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY What are we going to discuss today? • Basic Fire Alarm Requirements • Successful Shop Drawing Submittals • Exemption Request Forms • Fire Alarm Design Exercises

  3. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY Basic Fire Alarm Requirements • NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code:Explains where to provide the fire alarm system (dictated by the occupancy chapter). • NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code:Explains how to provide a fire alarm system. • Americans with Disability Act - Accessible Guidelines (ADA-AG):Explains where to provide visual notification for the hearing impaired.

  4. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code • 101:9.6 Fire Detection, Alarm, and Communication System(this is how we are able to enforce NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code) • 101: Fire alarm system installation wiring or other transmission paths shall be monitored for integrity in accordance with NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code and NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code. • 101: Requires the building to be evacuated or a fire watch if the fire alarm system is down for 4 or more hours in a 24 hour period.

  5. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code • 101: Requires the fire alarm system to perform three distinct functions: • I. Initiation - The initiation function provides the input signal to the system.(i.e. manual pull stations, automatic detection devices,waterflow switches and the activation of any other extinguishing system) • II. Notification - The notification function is the means by which the system advises that human action is required in response to a particular condition. (i.e. horns, speakers, and strobes for building evacuation and off site transmission for Emergency Forces Notification) • III. Control - The control function provides outputs to control building equipment to enhance protection of life.(i.e. door hold open devices, smoke removal systems, HVAC shutdown, etc…)

  6. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Initiation Requirements • 101: A manual pull station shall be provided in the natural exit access path near each required exit. • 101: Requires fire alarm systems utilizing automatic fire detection or waterflow detection devices, to be provided with at least one manual pull station. • 101: Smoke alarms shall receive their operating power from the building electrical system.

  7. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Notification Requirements • 101: Notification shall be provided by audible and visual signals. • 101: The general evacuation alarm signal shall operate throughout the entire building.(NOTE: That there are some exceptions.) • 101: Audible alarm notification appliances shall be of such a character and so distributed as to effectively be heard above the ambient sound level occurring under normal conditions of occupancy.

  8. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Notification Requirements • 101:9.6.4 Requires Emergency Forces Notification (to alert the municipal fire department and fire brigade) to be accomplished by one of the following fire alarm signaling type: • a) Auxiliary • b) Remote Station • c) Proprietary • d) Central Station • NOTE: Cannot be a “Local” fire alarm system.

  9. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Control Requirements • 101: Where required by other sections of this Code, the following functions shall be actuated by the protective signaling and control system: • a) Release of hold-open devices for doors or other opening protectives. • b) Stairwell or elevator shaft pressurization. • c) Smoke management or smoke control systems. • d) Emergency lighting control. • e) Unlocking of doors.

  10. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Annunciation Requirements • 101: Alarm annunciation at the control center shall be by means of audible and visible indicators. • 101: A system trouble signal shall be annunciated at the control center shall be by means of audible and visible indicators. • 101: A system supervisory signal shall be annunciated at the control center shall be by means of audible and visible indicators. • 101: Where the system serves more than one building, each building shall be considered separately.(Therefore, each building shall be “zoned” separately.)

  11. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Supervised Automatic Sprinkler Requirements • 101: Where required by another section of this Code, the supervisory signals(generated by supervisory attachments that produces a distinct signal to indicate a condition that would impair the operation of the sprinkler system)shall sound and shall be displayed either at a location within the protected building that is constantly attended by qualified personnel or at an approved, remotely located receiving facility.

  12. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Supervised Automatic Sprinkler Requirements • 101: Waterflow alarms shall be transmitted to an approved, proprietary alarm receiving facility, a remote station, a central station, or the fire department. Such connection shall be in accordance with NFPA 72. • Note: That based on these two requirements that a fire alarm panel is required to monitor the sprinkler system even though the building may not contain or require a fire alarm system. Please be advised that if the building has a fire alarm system, then it cannot be a “Local” signaling system.

  13. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Elevator Recall Requirements • 101:9.4.2 Requires that all new elevators comply with the requirements of ASME/ANSI A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. • ASME/ANSI A17.1, Rule 211.3b requires that smoke detectors be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code. • Note: Be aware of the discrepancies about placement of smoke detectors in elevator shafts between ASME/ANSI A17.1 and NFPA 72! State Fire Marshal’s Office enforces the requirements of 72:3-9.3.1,, Exception that only allows smoke detectors in the hoistway if the top of the hoistway is protected by automatic sprinklers.

  14. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Elevator Recall Requirements • 72:3-9.3.1 Requires that if the building does not contain a fire alarm system, then a FACP would be required to tie in the smoke detectors for elevator recall. • Note: Very similar to the supervised sprinkler system requirements. Both require a FACP and both are required to be submitted for plan review!

  15. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Dissection of Chapter Occupancy Fire Alarm Requirements • Each occupancy chapter fire alarm section is always designated as “_-3.4.” • _-3.4.1 General - Identifies when a fire alarm system is required in that particular occupancy. • _-3.4.2 Initiation - Identifies what methods are acceptable to initiate the fire alarm signal.

  16. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Dissection of Chapter Occupancy Fire Alarm Requirements • _-3.4.3 Notification - Identifies what types of notification issues that are required. (i.e. occupant notification, annunciation, and emergency forces notification ) • _-3.4.4 Detection - Identifies what types of automatic detection is required and where to be located. Can include system type detectors (wired to the panel) and/or single station detectors (stand alone). Not always a requirement.

  17. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Rule of Thumb for the not so Obvious Code Issue • Remember that if the building is required to have a supervised automatic sprinkler system, then the building is still required to have a fire alarm control panel to monitor the sprinkler system (this distinguishes the difference between an approved automatic sprinkler system and an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system), even if the building is not required to have a full blown fire alarm system.

  18. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Rule of Thumb for the not so Obvious Code Issue • Also be aware that many of the chapter citations give exceptions if a supervised sprinkler system is provided.These systems are required to be submitted for plan review!

  19. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Rule of Thumb for the not so Obvious Code Issue • The requirements for asupervisedautomatic sprinkler system are not always in the Extinguishing Requirements of the Code. • 101: No dead-end corridor shall exceed 35 ft (10.7m). • Exception: In buildings protected by an approved, supervisedautomatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with 30.3.5, the dead-end corridor shall not exceed 50 ft (15m).

  20. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Rule of Thumb for the not so Obvious Code Issue • Remember that if the building is required to have an elevator, then the building is still required to have a fire alarm control panel to monitor the smoke detectors for elevator recall, even if the building is not required to have a full blown fire alarm system. Please note that ASME/ANSI-A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators requires thatallelevators be equipped with elevator recall.These systems are required to be submitted for plan review!

  21. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code • Chapter 1 - Fundamentals of Fire Alarm Systems • Chapter 2 - Initiating Devices(i.e. manual pull stations, smoke detectors, heat detectors and waterflow switches) • Chapter 3 - Protected Premises Fire Alarm Systems(requirements for a “Local” fire alarm signaling system type) • Chapter 4 - Notification Appliances for Fire Alarm Systems(audible and visual appliances)

  22. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code • Chapter 5 - Supervising Station Fire Alarm Systems(requirements for monitoring off site and/or transmitting an alarm signal off site) • Chapter 6 - Public Fire Alarm Reporting System (Auxiliary) • Chapter 7 - Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance • Chapter 8 - Fire Warning Equipment for Dwelling Units (mainly concerned with the placement of single station detectors and systems located within a single family living unit)

  23. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 1- Fundamentals of Fire Systems • 72:1-5.1.2 Equipment constructed and installed in conformity with this code shall be listed for the purpose for which it is used. (The Fire Marshal’s Office uses the UL Fire Protection Equipment Directory to verify this information and UL on line @: http://www.ul.com/database/menu2.htm • Do not assume that just because the device or the manufacturer’s cut sheet has a UL symbol that the device has been tested as a fire alarm device.)

  24. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 1- Fundamentals of Fire Systems • 72:1- at least two independent and reliable power supplies: • a) Primary Supply - typically the building light and power service on a dedicated branch circuit that is identified as “FIRE ALARM CIRCUIT CONTROL”. • b) Secondary Supply - typically battery back up and/or automatic starting engine generators.

  25. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 1- Fundamentals of Fire Systems • Secondary Power Supply for “Battery Back-up” minimums based on Fire Alarm Signaling Types: • Remote Station ------------------------------ 60 hrs. • Auxiliary-------------------------------------- 60 hrs. • Local------------------------------------------ 24 hrs. • Central Station------------------------------ 24 hrs. • Proprietary --------------------------------- 24 hrs.

  26. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 1- Fundamentals of Fire Systems • 72:1-5.3 All fire detectors devices that receive their power from the initiating device circuit or the signaling line circuit of a fire alarm control unit shall be listed for use with the control unit.(This is typically for all two wire smoke detectors and some heat detectors per manufacturer.)

  27. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 1- Fundamentals of Fire Systems • 72:1-5.4.10 Presignal Feature. Where permitted by the A.H.J.(also specifically allowed in certain chapters of NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code), systems shall be permitted to have a feature that allows initial fire alarm signals to sound only in department offices, control rooms, fire brigade stations, or other constantly attended central locations, and for which human action is subsequently required to activate a general alarm, or a feature that allows the control equipment to delay the general alarm by more than 1 minute after the start of the alarm processing. Where there is a connection to a remote location(supervising station),it shall activate upon the initial signal(the supervising station shall immediately contact the fire department because a presignal system rely on human action which can be unreliable).

  28. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 1- Fundamentals of Fire Systems • 72:1-5.4.11 Positive Alarm Sequence. Where permitted by the A.H.J. (also specifically allowed in certain chapters of NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code), systems utilizes a signal from anautomatic detectorto be acknowledge at the control panel by trained personnel within 15 seconds of annunciation in order to initiate the alarm investigation phase. If the signal is not acknowledged within 15 seconds then the system will go into alarm. Trained staff will have up to 180 seconds to investigate the fire condition and reset the system if need be. If the system is not reset during the investigation phase, then the system will go into alarm. If any other initiating device is actuated during the investigation phase, then the system will go into alarm.

  29. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 1- Fundamentals of Fire Systems • 72:1-5.5.4 Requires that all wiring, cabling, and equipment to be installed in accordance with certain sections of NFPA 70 -National Electric Code. • 72:1-5.6 Protection of Equipment. In areas that are not continuously occupied, automatic smoke detection shall be provided at each control unit(s) location to provide notification of fire in that location. • Exception: Where ambient conditions the installation of automatic smoke detection, automatic heat detection shall be permitted.

  30. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-1.3.1 Where subject to mechanical damage, an initiating device shall be protected. A mechanical guard used to protect a smoke or heat detector shall be listed for use with the detector being used. • 72:2-1.4.1 Detectors shall not be recessed into the mounting surface in any manner. • 72:2- Heat detectors of the fixed temperature or rate compensated, spot-pattern type shall be classified as to the temperature of operation and marked with the appropriate color code.

  31. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-2 Heat-Sensing Fire Detectors • 72:2- Heat detectors of the fixed temperature or rate compensated, spot-pattern type shall be classified as to the temperature of operation and marked with the appropriate color code.

  32. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-2.2.1 Spot type heat detectors shall be located on the ceiling not less than 4 in. from the sidewall or on the sidewalls between 4 in. and 12 in. from the ceiling.

  33. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-2.2.2 Line type heat detectors shall be located on the ceiling or on the sidewalls not more than 20 in. from the ceiling.

  34. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-2.4 Covers a variation of different ceiling type for spacing requirements for heat detectors.

  35. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-2.4.1 Smooth Ceiling Spacing for spot type heat detectors(see manufacturer’s specifications for recommended spacing)

  36. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-2.4.1 Smooth Ceiling Spacing for line type heat detectors(see manufacturer’s specifications for recommended spacing)

  37. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-2.4.1 Smooth Ceiling Spacing for Irregular Areas using spot type heat detectors( 30’ listed spacing)

  38. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-2.4.3Beam Construction. A ceiling shall be treated as a smooth ceiling if the beams project no more than 4 in. (100 mm) below the ceiling. If the beams project more than 4 in. (100 mm) below the ceiling, the spacing of spot-type heat detectors at right angles to the direction of beam travel shall be not more than two-thirds of the smooth ceiling spacing permitted under 2- and 2- If the beams project more than 18 in. (460 mm) below the ceiling and are more than 8 ft (2.4 m) on center, each bay formed by the beams shall be treated as a separate area.

  39. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2- Peaked. A row of detectors shall first be spaced and located at or within 3 ft (0.9 m) of the peak of the ceiling, measured horizontally. The number and spacing of additional detectors, if any, shall be based on the horizontal projection of the ceiling in accordance with the type of ceiling construction.

  40. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2- Shed. Sloping ceilings shall have a row of detectors located on the ceiling within 3 ft (0.9 m) of the high side of the ceiling measured horizontally, spaced in accordance with the type of ceiling construction. The remaining detectors, if any, shall be located in the remaining area on the basis of the horizontal projection of the ceiling.

  41. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-3 Smoke-Sensing Fire Detectors • 72:2-3.1.2 Section 5-3 covers general area application of smoke detectors in ordinary indoor locations. (Photoelectric or Ionization)

  42. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2- Spot type smoke detectors shall be located on the ceiling not less than 4 in. from the sidewall or on the sidewalls between 4 in. and 12 in. from the ceiling.

  43. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-3.4.4 Projected Beam-Type Smoke Detectors. Projected beam-type smoke detectors shall be located with their projected beams parallel to the ceiling and in accordance with the manufacturer’s documented instructions. The effects of stratification shall be evaluated when locating the detectors.

  44. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2- Spot-Type Detectors. On smooth ceilings, spacing of 30 ft (9.1 m) shall be permitted to be used as a guide. In all cases, the manufacturer’s documented instructions shall be followed. Other spacing shall be permitted to be used depending on ceiling height, different conditions, or response requirements. For the detection of flaming fires, the guidelines in Appendix B shall be permitted to be used.

  45. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2- For smooth ceilings, all points on the ceiling shall have a detector within a distance equal to 0.7 times the selected spacing. (Hint: Set your compasses to 21’. 30’X .7 = 21’.)

  46. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2- Flat Ceilings. For ceiling heights of 12 ft (3.66 m) or lower, and beam or solid joist depths of 1 ft (0.3 m) or less, smooth ceiling spacing running in the direction parallel to the run of the beams or solid joists shall be used and one-half the smooth ceiling spacing shall be in the direction perpendicular to the run of the beams or solid joists. For beams over 1 ft (0.3 m) in depth, spot-type detectors shall be permitted to be located either on the ceiling or on the bottom of the beams.

  47. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2- Flat Ceilings.(cont.) • For beam depths exceeding 1 ft (0.3 m) or for ceiling heights exceeding 12 ft (3.66 m), spot-type detectors shall be located on the ceiling in every beam pocket. • For solid joists, the detectors shall be located on the bottom of the joists.

  48. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2- Sloped Ceilings. For beamed ceilings with beams running parallel to (up) the slope, the spacing for flat beamed ceilings shall be used. The ceiling height shall be taken as the average height over the slope. For slopes greater than 10 degrees, the detectors located at one-half the spacing from the low end shall not be required. Spacings shall be measured along a horizontal projection of the ceilings. • For beamed ceilings with beams running perpendicular to (across) the slope, the spacing for flat beamed ceilings shall be used. The ceiling height shall be taken as the average height over the slope. • For solid joists, the detectors shall be located on the bottom of the joists.

  49. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-3.4.7 Peaked. A row of detectors shall first be spaced and located at or within 3 ft (0.9 m) of the peak of the ceiling, measured horizontally. The number and spacing of additional detectors, if any, shall be based on the horizontal projection of the ceiling in accordance with the type of ceiling construction.

  50. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm CodeChapter 2 - Initiating Devices • 72:2-3.4.8 Shed. Sloping ceilings shall have a row of detectors located on the ceiling within 3 ft (0.9 m) of the high side of the ceiling measured horizontally, spaced in accordance with the type of ceiling construction. The remaining detectors, if any, shall be located in the remaining area on the basis of the horizontal projection of the ceiling.

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