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Asynchronous Calls. Standard COM+ model is completely synchronous Emulates standard procedure calls Problematic in distributed scenarios with high network latencies Use threads to handle multiple calls asynchronously Efficiency might be limited
Asynchronous Calls • Standard COM+ model is completely synchronous • Emulates standard procedure calls • Problematic in distributed scenarios with high network latencies • Use threads to handle multiple calls asynchronously • Efficiency might be limited • Synchronization of multiple threads may be difficult • Idea: support asynchronous calls by infrastructure • COM+ starts call and returns to client immediately • Call object can be used to obtain results later • Language constructs like futures support this approach • Works currently under Windows 2000 only
Defining Asynchronous Interfaces • New IDL attribute [async_uuid] • MIDL generates both, synchronous and asynchronous version of IF [object, uuid(10000001-AAAA-0000-0000-A00000000001), async_uuid(10000001-AAAA-0000-0000-B00000000001)] Interface IPrime : IUnknown { HRESULT IsPrime(int num, [out, retval] int * v); } • Methods are split into two for asynch. Interface • Begin_method accepts all [in], [in, out] parameters • Finish_method accepts all [out], [in, out] parameters
Asynchronous Interface generated by MIDL MIDL_INTERFACE(“10000001-AAAA-0000-0000-B00000000001“) AsynchPrime : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Begin_IsPrime( int testnumber ) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Finish_IsPrime( /* out, retval */ int __RPC_FAR *v) = 0; }; • New registry entries for asynchronous interfaces: • AsynchronousInterface subkey under IID of synchronous interface
Calling Asynchronous Interfaces • To begin an asynchronous call • Query the server object for the ICallFactory interface. If QueryInterface returns E_NOINTERFACE, the server object does not support asynchronous calling. • Call ICallFactory::CreateCall to create a call object corresponding to the interface you want, and then release the pointer to ICallFactory. • If you did not request a pointer to the asynchronous interface from the call to CreateCall, query the call object for the asynchronous interface. • Call the appropriate Begin_ method. interface ICallFactory : IUnknown {HRESULT CreateCall( [in] REFIID riid, [in] IUnknown *pCtrlUnk, [in] REFIID riid2, [out, iid_is(riid2)] IUnkown **ppv); }
IPrime * pPrime = 0;CoCreateInstance( CLSID_Prime, 0, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IPrime, (void **) &pPrime; ICallFactory* pCallFactory = 0;pPrime->QueryInterface(IID_ICallFactory, (void **) &pCallFactory); AsyncIPrime* pAsyncPrime = 0;pCallFactory->CreateCall(IID_AsyncIPrime, 0, IID_AsyncIPrime, (IUnknown**) &pAsyncPrime); pAsyncPrime->Begin_IsPrime(number); int result = 0;// do other work herepAsyncPrime->Finish_IsPrime(&result);if (result) printf(“%d is prime\n“, number );pAsyncPrime->Release(); pCallFactory->Release(); pPrime->Release(); Client makes asynchronous call
Asynchronous Calls (contd.) • A call object can process only one asynchronous call at a time. • If the same or a second client calls a Begin_ method before a pending asynchronous call is finished, the Begin_ method will return RPC_E_CALL_PENDING. • If the client does not need the results of the Begin_ method, it can release the call object at the end of this procedure. • COM detects this condition and cleans up the call. The Finish_ method is not called, and the client does not get any out parameters or a return value. • When the server object is ready to return from the Begin_ method, it signals the call object that it is done. • When the client is ready, it checks to see if the call object has been signaled. • If so, the client can complete the asynchronous call.
Finishing an asynchronous call • The mechanism for this signaling and checking between client and server is the ISynchronize interface on the call object. • The call object normally implements this interface by aggregating a system-supplied synchronization object. • The synchronization object wraps a Win32 event handle, which the server signals just before returning from the Begin_ method by calling ISynchronize::Signal. • To complete an asynchronous call • Query the call object for the ISynchronize interface. • Call ISynchronize::Wait. • If Wait returns RPC_E_TIMEOUT, the Begin_ method is not finished processing. The client can continue with other work and call Wait again later. It cannot call the Finish_ method until Wait returns S_OK. • If Wait returns S_OK, the Begin_ method has returned. Call the appropriate Finish_ method.
The ISynchronize Interface interface ISynchronize : IUnknown { // waits for the synchronization object to be signaled // or for a specified timeout period to elapse, whichever // comes first HRESULT Wait([in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwMillisec ); // sets synchronization object‘s state to signaled HRESULT Signal(); // resets synchronization object to non-signaled state HRESULT Reset(); }
Interoperability • Asynchronous and synchronous IF are considered as two parts of the same interface • Although they have different unique IIDs • What happens if component implements synchronous IF only? • If component implements synch IF only... • COM+ infrastructure automatically supports ICallFactory interface in the proxy (standard marshaling) • Maps async calls to synch interface (Begin_ ...) • Proxy holds values of synch call until client calls Finish_ ... • If component implements both versions of IF... • Duplication of code -> Components need only support asynch IF... • COM+ infrastructure maps synchronous calls to asynch version of IF