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Decadal simulations of the Mediterranean Sea ecosystem with a 3D Biogeochemical model

Workshop W10 Vector Rimini 10-11 Settembre 2007. Decadal simulations of the Mediterranean Sea ecosystem with a 3D Biogeochemical model CRISE ALESSANDRO 1 , LAZZARI PAOLO 1 , SALON STEFANO 1 , TREVISANI SEBASTIANO 1 , BERANGER KARINE 2 , SCHRÖDER KATRIN 3

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Decadal simulations of the Mediterranean Sea ecosystem with a 3D Biogeochemical model

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  1. Workshop W10 Vector Rimini 10-11 Settembre 2007 • Decadal simulations of the Mediterranean Sea ecosystem with a 3D Biogeochemical model • CRISE ALESSANDRO1, LAZZARI PAOLO1, SALON STEFANO1, TREVISANI SEBASTIANO1, BERANGER KARINE2, SCHRÖDER KATRIN3 • 1-Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Trieste, Italy • 2-Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA), Paris, France • 3-CNR ISMAR Sezione di La Spezia, Italy

  2. VECTOR Activity 8.6 6.3) Coupling of a biogeochemical-hydrodynamical model of the system describing the cycles of azote, phosphorus, and carbon with the general circulation of the Mediterranean Sea; 6.4) Analyses of datasets coming from in situ and remote measurements and preparation of initial and boundary conditions; 6.5) Sensitivity analyses of the impacts in changing forcing on the trophic web; 6.7) Synthetic analyses of the result of numerical simulations and estimation of carbon fluxes in pelagic systems; Overall objective: estimate the present export of carbon from the productive layer follow the fate of the export production

  3. General framework: biological pump estimate The vertical flux in nitrogen is supposed to be balanced on an annual scale integrated over the basin (Eppley and Peterson, 1979 revisited) Steady state Nitrogen export at the base of the euphotic zone Nitrogen input at the base of the euphotic zone sms= land input+river load+atmospheric input-Gibraltar budget unfortunately Biological carbon cycle is non linearly coupled with nutrient cycles

  4. Bacterioplankton Bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic) The BIOGEOCHEMICAL FLUX MODEL O Dissolved Gases O(2) Oxygen Organic Matter Z Mesozooplankton R O(3) Carbon dioxide Zi(3) Ri(1) Carnivorous Dissolved Zi(4) Ri(6) Omnivorous Particulate (detritus) Z N Inorganic Nutrients Microzooplankton Z Zi(5) N(1) Microzooplankton Phosphate N(3) (s.s.) Nitrate Zi(6) N(4) Heterotrophic Ammonium nanoflagellates N(5) L Photoadaptation Silicate N(6) LP(1) Red. Equivalents Diatoms Phytoplankton P LP(2) Pi(1) Diatoms Flagellates LP(3) Pi(2) Picophytoplankton Flagellates LP(4) Pi(3) Large Phyto. Picophytoplankton B Pi(4) Large Phyto. Bi Vectors (Functional Group or Ordinary State Variables) Scalars (Ordinary State Variables) Organic matter flow (C,N,P,Si) Inorganic nutrient flow (N,P,Si) Gas exchange Benthic-Pelagic flow

  5. Numerical tool: Mediterranan Sea eco-hydrodinamical coupled model 1/16 dynamical model Structure Temperature Salinity Radiative fluxes River runoff/load Mesh/masks (curvilinear coordinates) • V. Eddy Diffusivity • Velocity field • Wind speed Offline Dynamics interpolation interpolation 1/8° OGS/OPA Tracer Model Transport Physical source terms Biogeochemical source terms Lateral and surface BCs Biology ORCA2/PISCES (global) Biogeochemical Flux Model

  6. Ongoing work: mesh of the physical model PAM/PSY2v1 MED16 modelhttp://www.lodyc.jussieu.fr/equipes/mediterranee/project/med16 PAM (Drillet et al. 2001) CERFACS Code: OPA (Madec et al. 1997)

  7. MED16--ECMWF 1/16° degree resolution; 43 vertical levels Higher in Gibraltar Strait through curvilinear grid Initial conditions for dynamical model: T,S seasonal, climatology MODB-4 Atmospheric Forcing: ECMWF Analyses (0.5o) Daily fluxes 1/03/1998-2006 = 9 years Monthly runoff UNESCO FORCING AND I.C. USED IN THE DYNAMICAL MODEL SIMULATION

  8. Initialization of nutrients fields Medar Medatlas DATASET vertical profiles phosphates, nitrates, silicates, oxygen

  9. Diffusive attenuation coefficient from satellite SeaWiFS data http://seadas.gsfc.nasa.gov/PRODUCTS/SW_k490.html Data provided by Gianluca Volpe and Lia Santoleri 1997-2004 Climatological Seasons With coastal area Without coastal area

  10. Model qualification The qualification of the model is on-going. The procedures described in the MERSEA technical report MERSEA-WP05-MERCA-STR-0007-1A0 List of internal metrics, specifications for implementation are applied: here are presented Class 1 consistency tests Consistency test: comparison between patterns of chlorophyll content in the First optical depth obtained by satellite data and model outputs

  11. Comparison of OPA Model Surface Chla and Satellite data

  12. Comparison of OPA Model Surface Chla and Satellite data

  13. Comparison of OPA Model Surface Chla and Satellite data

  14. Comparison of OPA Model Surface Chla and Satellite data

  15. Comparison of OPA Model Surface Chla and Satellite data

  16. Hovmoller diagram for chl-a From DYFAMED station measurements (Marty et al, 2002)

  17. Hovmoller diagram for chl-a (shaded) and phosphate (contour) in the area of DYFAMED station 7° 52’ E, 43° 52’ N


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