GREECE WOMEN IN PHYSICSTeam: C. Kourkoumelis, Associate Prof., U. of Athens (hkourkou@cc.uoa.gr) E. Pavlidou, Lecturer, U. of Thessaloniki (pavlidou@physics.auth.gr) C. Petridou, Associate Prof., U. of Thessaloniki (petridou@mail.cern.ch) C. Solomonidou, Associate Prof., U. of Thessaly (xsolom@uth.gr) E. Stavridou, Prof., U. of Thessaly (estavrid@pre.uth.gr) E. Tsoulou, post-doc researcher (ktsoulou@mail.demokritos.gr) % OF WOMEN IN UNDERGRADUATE PHYSICS % OF WOMEN TEACHERS IN SECONDARY EDUCATION % OF WOMEN IN PHYSICS B.S. RECIPIENTS % OF WOMEN IN EACH ACADEMIC RANK IN GREEK UNIVERSITIES LECTURERS ASSISTANT PROFESSORS ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS FULL PROFESSORS % OF WOMEN IN PHYSICS Ph.D. RECIPIENTS TOTAL NUMBER IN EACH RANK ASSISTANT PROFESSORS ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS FULL PROFESSORS LECTURERS LECTURERS • Comments: • A big percentage of women (50%) leave after their first degree to go to high school teaching. • The % of women full professors or directors of research centers is extremely low. • Research funding is one of the lowest in Europe.