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Applying Psychology At Sand Hill Elementary

Applying Psychology At Sand Hill Elementary. By : Lisa Cobb. Description. Sand Hill Elementary School Kindergarten 22 Students (13 girls, 9 boys) 90% White, 10% Hispanic and Black Age Range 5-6 1 Caucasian female teacher 1 Paraprofessional Whole and small group centers. Theories.

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Applying Psychology At Sand Hill Elementary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Applying Psychology At Sand Hill Elementary By : Lisa Cobb

  2. Description • Sand Hill Elementary School • Kindergarten • 22 Students (13 girls, 9 boys) • 90% White, 10% Hispanic and Black • Age Range 5-6 • 1 Caucasian female teacher • 1 Paraprofessional • Whole and small group centers

  3. Theories • Operant Conditioning • Positive Reinforcement • Type 2 Punishment • Motivation • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  4. Operant Conditioning • A behavior theory developed by B.F. Skinner based on a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior, and through operant conditioning ,an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior.

  5. Positive Reinforcement • Involves strengthening a target behavior, that is increasing and maintaining the probability that a particular behavior will be repeated by presenting a stimulus which is a positive reinforcer. • Ex: Praise from a teacher • Ex: An A on a test

  6. Type 2 Punishment • Time-Out weakens a target behavior by temporarily removing a positive reinforcer after the behavior occurs.

  7. Motivation • The process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes us to act. • Ex: Jimmy doing his work sheet after not going outside for recess.

  8. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  9. Pedagogical Implications • The use of rewards such as candy on a consistent basis can have a negative effect on the quality of the behavior. Also, candy is only a temporary fix for younger children. • The token system provides a tangible symbol of a reward . There should be a time limit or a specific number of tokens that must be acquired before the reward is given. • Encourage a child to state how they are feeling and establish a close relationship with each child.

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