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School Community Councils

School Community Councils. Partners in School Improvement November 18, 2009. AGENDA. Horizon School Division Board of Education Activity – The Nature of our Work as a School Community Council Roles and Responsibilities Activity – Continuous Agenda

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School Community Councils

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  1. School Community Councils Partners in School Improvement November 18, 2009

  2. AGENDA • Horizon School Division Board of Education • Activity – The Nature of our Work as a School Community Council • Roles and Responsibilities • Activity – Continuous Agenda • Continuum of Development and Effectiveness • Self-Monitoring Process • Learning Improvement Plan • Role of the School Community Council • Communication • Future Planning • Reflection and Questions

  3. Horizon School Division Board of Education • Subdivision 1 – Dave Holinaty • Subdivision 2 – James Kolbeck • Subdivision 3 – Shirley Allan (Board Vice-Chair) • Subdivision 4 – Denis Bergerman • Subdivision 5 – Murray Proznick • Subdivision 6 – Eldon Van Den Bossche (Board Chair) • Subdivision 7 – WilLengyel • Subdivision 8 – Shelley Anderson • Subdivision 9 - Chris Weiss • Subdivision 10 -Jim Hack • Subdivision 11 -Herman Blind • Subdivision 12 -Ray Horney • Subdivision 13 -Albert Pinacie • Subdivision 14 -Wayne Desjarlais

  4. The Nature of our Work as a School Community Council • THINK • Fill out the sheet ‘The Nature of our Work as a School Community Council’ • PAIR • Discuss your responses with a partner • SHARE • Share your responses with the table group Note: Please hand in your sheets at the end of the activity.

  5. Roles and Responsibilities • Strengthen shared responsibility for the learning success and well-being of all children and youth; • Encourage and facilitate parent and community engagement in school planning and improvement processes.

  6. Continuous Agenda Activity

  7. Continuum of Development and Effectiveness

  8. Stage 1 - Informing • Reliant on principal leadership; • Members learning roles and responsibilities; • Constitution under development; • Learning Improvement Plan being developed; • Council learning to work as a team; • Establishing relationships with staff and principal, working to involve broader school community.

  9. Stage 2 - Involving • Active Executive leadership; • Members clear on their roles and responsibilities; • Constitution followed; • Council involved in implementing Learning Improvement Plan (LIP); • Communication tools in place to inform parents and community members; • Council experiencing successes in involving family and community members.

  10. Stage 3 - Engaging • Interdependent leadership between chair and principal; • Works effectively in supporting student learning and well-being; • Annual report prepared on activities, plans and results; • Outcome data is analyzed and used effectively in plans and reports; • Council knowledgeable of the social, health and economic conditions of the community and the needs, aspirations and abilities of the students and families; • Engages a diverse base of the school community.

  11. Food for thought … Where is our SCC in regard to: • Fundraising activities; • SCC meetings; • Reading Action Plan; • Math Action Plan; • Student Well-being Goal; • Communication; • Division policies and protocols; • School based policies; • Behaviour plan.

  12. Continuum of Development and Effectiveness Informing Involving Engaging

  13. Self-Monitoring and Planning for Improvement • Identify and understand strengths and areas for growth; • Identify promising practices; • Reflect on the progress and impact of the LIP; • Identify realistic directions and priorities for improvement.

  14. Resources for Self-Monitoring and Planning for Improvement

  15. Orientation to and Understanding of Roles and Responsibilities • Are we clear, individually and collectively, about our roles and responsibilities? • How do our roles and work connect to those of the school staff, principal, and school division?

  16. Focus on Outcomes • Are we being successful in accomplishing our roles and responsibilities? • To what extent are we achieving our goals? • What is our impact on the school/community? • What is working and what is not? • What should we do differently?

  17. Focus on Processes • How well are we working together as a team? • To what extent are we carrying out our responsibilities regarding the intended operation of the Council? • What is working well and what is not? • What should we do differently?

  18. ‘Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.’Benjamin Franklin

  19. Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity:‘Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’

  20. Learning Improvement Plan • Components include: • School and Community Profiles • Reading Goal(s) and Action Plan • Math Goal(s) and Action Plan • Student Well-being Goal(s )and Action Plan • Levels of involvement • Informed • Involved • Engaged

  21. How is your SCC involved in the Learning Improvement Plan?

  22. Communication • Communication plan • Who? • What? • When? • How? • Parent and Community Engagement • Building partnerships • First Class • Website

  23. Future Plans • Steering Committee • Conference • Elections • Survey

  24. Reflection • Celebrate! • Focus • Building community • Supports

  25. Have a safe trip home!

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