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The Importance of Software Testing

The Importance of Software Testing . Testing Solutions Group Limited 6 th Floor, Walbrook House 23-29 Walbrook, London EC4N 8BT email: enquiry@testing-solutions.com http://www.testing-solutions.com. A Necessary Evil. All project managers know that they must do some testing

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The Importance of Software Testing

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  1. The Importance of Software Testing Testing Solutions Group Limited 6th Floor, Walbrook House 23-29 Walbrook, London EC4N 8BT email: enquiry@testing-solutions.com http://www.testing-solutions.com

  2. A Necessary Evil • All project managers know that they must do some testing • The basic questions are; • How much? • What sort? • By whom? • When and by when? • All difficult questions.

  3. Why do we test? • Provide confidence in the system • Identify areas of weakness • Establish the degree of quality • Establish the extent that the requirements have been met, i.e. what the users asked for is what they got not what someone else though they wanted • To provide an understanding of the overall system • To prove it is both usable and operable • To provide sufficient information to allow an objective decision on applicability to deploy

  4. Another view – cynical? • To use up spare budget • To provide a good excuse why the project is late • To provide jobs for people who can’t code • To make the developers look good • To provide the project manager with some contingency in the plan and can be cut if if push come to shove!

  5. First up – How much? • How good does the product need to be? • How do we measure it? • How do we make a decision? • Are there any legal or compliance issues? • What industry are you in? • What will it cost? • Time and resource [human and machine] • Are we capable? • We know what we need to do but can we do it?

  6. How do we decide? • What matters to our users? • What does the system do? • Risk • Requirements • Money • Test Techniques - Coverage • Static • Dynamic

  7. Secondly – What sort? • Unit • Interface • Functionality • Performance • Usability • Security • Availability • Operability ………plus about another 20 ‘abilities’ 

  8. Do we need tools to help? • Automated test tools are often seen as a silver bullet • Some tests cannot be successfully executed or analysed without them • 80% of test tools end up as shelfware through: • Abandonment • Neglect • Banishment

  9. Thirdly – By whom? • Users: those who will ultimately use the system • Customers: those who define the system – are they the same as the users? • Testers • Analysts • Developers

  10. Are we capable of testing? • Is an experienced tester better than an experienced user at finding faults? • How can testers help themselves and users? • Working with the users to understand their systems • Providing testing skills transfer • Attending testing industry conferences • Attaining industry recognised software testing qualifications

  11. More information • Non-Functional test technique definitions and other standards: www.testingstandards.co.uk • STQE Magazine: www.stqemagazine.com • BCS ISEB Software Testing Certification • Foundation • Practitioner • http://www1.bcs.org.uk/ • Special Interest Group in Software Testing – SIGiST: http://www1.bcs.org.uk/ • EuroSTAR: www.testingconferences.com • ICSTest: www.icstest.com

  12. Lastly – When? • Once the code is complete? • As soon as the architecture is defined? • Once the system delivery is complete? • During development? • Once the business requirements have been defined? • As soon as the project is given the go-ahead?

  13. Test then Code Then test some more……………………

  14. By when? • Project deadline driven by: • Legislation • Arbitrary date • Financial year • Calendar date • Seasonal • Marketing window • Safety Criticality • Money

  15. Summary • Testing is an integral part of the system development function, not an afterthought: • Testing starts with the requirements not the code • Testing is a static and dynamic activity • Prevention is better than cure • The sooner you find the fault the cheaper it is to fix • Create re-usable ‘testware’ • Process first then tools • Not everyone can test well, use professional testers • Planned testing in a controlled environment provides objective metrics • To gain a Return on Investment you must first Invest

  16. The Importance of Software Testing Testing Solutions Group Limited 6th Floor, Walbrook House 23-29 Walbrook, London EC4N 8BT email: enquiry@testing-solutions.com http://www.testing-solutions.com

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