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India. Homework. Due next lesson. Complete your presentation. If you choose to do a PowerPoint it should be e mailed to your Geography teacher by 08:00 on the day of the lesson: Mr Mutton: jmutton@featherstonehigh.ealing.sch.uk Ms Magner : nmagner@featherstonehigh.ealing.sch.uk
Homework. Due next lesson. Complete your presentation. If you choose to do a PowerPoint it should be e mailed to your Geography teacher by 08:00 on the day of the lesson: Mr Mutton: jmutton@featherstonehigh.ealing.sch.uk Ms Magner: nmagner@featherstonehigh.ealing.sch.uk Ms Patel: Apatel1@featherstonehigh.ealing.sch.uk Mr Webb: AWebb@featherstonehigh.ealing.sch.uk This PowerPoint is available at www.fhsgeography.weebly.com
To start Write one sentence to state what India means to you.
बड़े चित्र India is a huge country. It is diverse and a country that is changing rapidly. Rapid change means it is becoming a global superpower. This unit looks at how India is changing and the impacts this will have on the world. In this lesson we find out about the geography of India and research a state.
Coming up • Where is India? • The geography of India • India, a diverse place.
बुउ पाठ के अंत • All students will have located India. • All students will have described the physical geography of India. • All students will have planned a research task • Most students will be able to use data to identify differing levels of development across India. • Some students will be able to identify issues in India.
Where is India? Describe the location of India.
Peer assess your description of India’s location A good description will include: • Compass words • Continents • Borders • Appropriate use of capital letters • Correct spelling • Correct grammar
What is India like?Part 1: The relief. Task: Describe the relief of India.
What is India like?Part 1: The relief. Task: Describe the relief of India. This description should include: • Compass words • Heights in metres
What is India like?Part 2: Human Geography (the good bit!). India is made up of many states. Can you name all of them? Lots of languages are spoken in India. How many can you name?
27 States: Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal.
17 major languages and 844 dialects, some of the main ones are: English Hindi Bengali Telugu Marathi Tamil Urdu Gujarati Malayalam Kannada Oriya Punjabi Assamese Kashmiri Sindhi Sanskrit.
Task. You are going to research one of the states of India and present your findings to the rest of the class. Your presentation will consist of a visual PowerPoint or poster and a two minute speech to the class next lesson. You have the remainder of the lesson and homework to complete your presentation.
Research What do you want to find out about your state? In your exercise book write down 5 questions you want to answer in your presentation.
Research the following: • Where is your state? • How many people live in your state? • Which languages are spoken? • Which religions are represented? • How do people earn money in your state? • What is the climate like? • What is there to see in your state?
Research the following about your state: • Location • Population • Culture and religion • Economy • Climate • Use figures to assess the level of development. • What issues exist in your state?
और अंत में What will make a good presentation about your state?