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If Patton Ran Your Business. Tom Shay, CSP. www.profitsplus.org.
If Patton Ran Your Business Tom Shay, CSP www.profitsplus.org
Most people attending a seminar will see several ideas that they can utilize in their business. Unfortunately as they get back to their office, these ideas get set aside. If not acted upon within 72 hours after your return to your office, the idea will usually be lost. However, if you will write down 3 of the best ideas that you got from today, I will send you this post card in 2 weeks. If you place this post card on your desk, you will then renew the 72 hour activation time period. When I get back to my business, I want to: 1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________ Can I be of further assistance to you? Please do not hesitate to contact me. Profits Plus Solutions featuring Tom Shay P.O. Box 1577 St. Petersburg, Fl 33731 Phone: (727) 464-2182 Fax: (727) 898-3179 Internet: www.profitsplus.org E-mail: TomShay@profitsplus.org www.profitsplus.org
It’s a war out there • Not just in this economy, but always • Who is the enemy (competition)? www.profitsplus.org
Competition • Anyone, any where, any business that your customer can spend money with that could instead be spent with your business • For retailers, other independents or ‘boxes’ • Anyone that can take a customer’s discretionary income • Vacation destination • They are taking the ‘bread’ off of your table www.profitsplus.org
On War by Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitzcirca 1832 www.profitsplus.org
Clausewitz said • What is fought over may change • The armies may change • Weapons may change • Two aspects will not change • Successful warfare is selecting the correct strategy and implementing the right tactics www.profitsplus.org
Our leader today • General George Smith Patton, Jr. • Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best. www.profitsplus.org
Only two characteristics required of successful warfare • Strategy - A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal, most often winning. Strategies are used to make the problem easier to understand and solve. www.profitsplus.org
Tactics - A tactic is a conceptual action used to implement a specific strategy and achieve a specific objective, or to advance toward a specific goal. www.profitsplus.org
Your battle strategy and the tactics you are using • What is your goal? (winning) • Apply numbers to the words www.profitsplus.org
Clausewitz identifies four possible strategies • Defend a position • Attack their position • Flank their position • Stage a guerilla attack www.profitsplus.org
How is a strategy determined? • Size of company? • Age of company? • Market share? • Money available? • Creativity? • Other considerations? www.profitsplus.org
When elephants fight, the ants take the beating.Patton • Are you the elephant or ant? www.profitsplus.org
5 aspects of defensive strategy • Only the market leader should consider playing defense • The best defensive strategy is the courage to attack yourself. Attack your weak spots and rebuild yourself anew. www.profitsplus.org
Strong competitive moves should always be blocked. Always counter an attack with equal or greater force. • Defend every important market. www.profitsplus.org
Be forever vigilant in scanning for potential attackers. Assess the strength of the competitor. Consider the amount of support that the attacker might muster from allies. www.profitsplus.org
Current defenders: • Hertz • Coca-Cola • Wal-Mart • Mercedes-Benz www.profitsplus.org
When a man is lying in a shell hole, if he just stays there all day, a German will get to him eventually. The **** with that idea. My men don't dig foxholes. I don't want them to. Foxholes only slow up an offense. Keep moving. And don't give the enemy time to dig one either. Patton www.profitsplus.org
Defend a position • Attack their position www.profitsplus.org
4 aspects of offensive strategy • Find a weakness in the leader’s strength and attack at that point. Consider how long it will take for the target to realign their resources so as to reinforce this weak spot. www.profitsplus.org
Launch the attack on as narrow a front as possible. Whereas a defender must defend all their borders, an attacker has the advantage of being able to concentrate their forces at one place. www.profitsplus.org
Launch the attack quickly. The element of surprise is worth more than a thousand tanks. • The main consideration is the strength of the leader’s position. www.profitsplus.org
If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.Patton www.profitsplus.org
Current offensive players: • Avis • Pepsi • Target • Lexus www.profitsplus.org
Defend a position • Attack their position • Flank their position www.profitsplus.org
4 aspects of flanking strategy • A good flanking move must be made into an uncontested area that is not the center point for the defender • Tactical surprise ought to be an important element of the plan www.profitsplus.org
The pursuit is as critical as the attack itself • Niche – advertising, customers, market www.profitsplus.org
Some fool once said that flanks have got to be secure. Since then, *** all over the globe have been guarding their flanks. I don't agree with that. My flanks are something for the enemy to worry about, not me. Before he finds out where my flanks are, I'll be cutting the ***'s throat. Patton www.profitsplus.org
Current flankers • Enterprise • 7 Up • Dillard’s • BMW www.profitsplus.org
Defend a position • Attack their position • Flank their position • Stage a guerilla attack www.profitsplus.org
6 aspects of guerilla attack • Find a segment of the market small enough to defend • No matter how successful you become, never act like the leader • Be prepared to bug out at a moment’s notice www.profitsplus.org
You invest time, energy and imagination – not necessarily a lot of money • Measured in profit – not sales • Viral marketing www.profitsplus.org
One does not plan and then try to make the circumstances fit those plans. One tries to make plans to fit the circumstances. Patton www.profitsplus.org
Current guerrilla attackers • Rent a wreck • Mountain Dew • Any specialty store • Volvo www.profitsplus.org
Once again: • Strategy - A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal, most often winning. Strategies are used to make the problem easier to understand and solve. www.profitsplus.org
Who do you think is the… • Fast food defender • Fast food offense • Fast food flanker • Fast food guerrilla www.profitsplus.org
Who do you think is the… • Beer defender • Beer offense • Beer flanker • Beer guerrilla www.profitsplus.org
“There are three ways that men get what they want; by planning, by working, and by praying.” Patton www.profitsplus.org
Tactics - A tactic is a conceptual action used to implement a specific strategy and achieve a specific objective, or to advance toward a specific goal. www.profitsplus.org
For the fast food providers, determine a tactic to: • Defend • Attack • Flank • Guerrilla attack www.profitsplus.org
For the beer producers, determine a tactic to: • Defend • Attack • Flank • Guerrilla attack www.profitsplus.org
You can’t beat them without knowing them • Rommel, you magnificent ***! I read your book! Patton www.profitsplus.org
In your market place, name the players: • Defense • Offense • Flanker • Guerilla attacker www.profitsplus.org
Which of the four is your strategy? • Defenders • Offense • Flankers • Guerilla attacker www.profitsplus.org
“A man must know his destiny… if he does not recognize it, then he is lost. By this I mean, once, twice, or at the very most, three times, fate will reach out and tap a man on the shoulder… if he has the imagination, he will turn around and fate will point out to him what fork in the road he should take, if he has the guts, he will take it.” Patton www.profitsplus.org
What are your tactics? • When you choose to defend, attack, flank or be a guerilla; how will you do it? What are your tactics? www.profitsplus.org
In competing for the customer’s dollars, how are the non-industry competitors asking for the money? • To know if you have ‘won’, how are you going to measure your success? www.profitsplus.org
There are four hundred neatly marked graves somewhere in Sicily. All because one man went to sleep on the job. But they are German graves, because we caught the *** German that was asleep before they did. Patton www.profitsplus.org
Let’s see if your efforts will work • Define the similarities to the competition • Define the differences • How long is the each list? • Your target customer is: www.profitsplus.org