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Your Case Title Goes Here

Your Case Title Goes Here. Presenter Name, Credentials Facility Name. the date. Case # 1. Event description EMS Care Scene time Describe care provided and pertinent information Mechanism of injury, safety equipment (seatbelts, helmets, etc), position in vehicle, intrusion, jaws, etc.

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Your Case Title Goes Here

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Your Case Title Goes Here Presenter Name, Credentials Facility Name the date

  2. Case # 1 • Event description • EMS Care • Scene time • Describe care provided and pertinent information • Mechanism of injury, safety equipment (seatbelts, helmets, etc), position in vehicle, intrusion, jaws, etc. • Describe injuries and condition of patient, if significant or numerous, use separate slide to describe

  3. Injuries- Example • List injuries by clicking and typing into the space

  4. Emergency Room - Example • ED – Click and type information into space • Arrival time – Level of trauma activation • VS & time of VS • Blood given, # units, time for each • Line placement, time • Images and results, include times taken • VS prior to departure and where patient taken to next. • If the patient is transferred, talk about the transfer.

  5. OR Example • If the patient goes to the OR at your facility, describe procedures that occurred & times • Describe any pertinent information, events and changes in condition, include times • Include time out of room and where headed next

  6. ICU Example • For facilities with ICU, describe the following in the ICU setting, if not, describe care and identify location in title bar. • Describe patient condition, LOC • Lines and tubes in place • Complications • Lab work, results, etc. • Continue to paint the picture of how the patient is doing • Both what is going well and what is not • Include information pertinent to each day • Ex: Day 1 – Describe information

  7. Medical/Surgical/Rehab Example • Describe events around recovery • Total # days in recovery • How is the patient doing post discharge? • Include significant information and outcomes

  8. PI/QI Opportunities & Discussion • What went well • What could have been better • Remember, it is about making it better for the next one.

  9. Case # 2

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