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Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure on Humans and Wildlife: Limit Values and Mitigation Measures

This study explores the impact of infrastructure on humans and wildlife, focusing on critical limit values for planning and mitigation. It highlights the similarities in effects on both groups, such as land loss and disturbance. Traffic noise is identified as a significant stressor affecting quality of life and behavior. The importance of setting careful limit values to address cumulative effects is emphasized, with preliminary values suggested for noise and barrier effects in natural environments.

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Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure on Humans and Wildlife: Limit Values and Mitigation Measures

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  1. J. O. Helldin Swedish Biodiversity Centre/SLU Lennart Folkesson (VTI, SE), Edgar van der Grift (Alterra, NL), Görgen Göransson (Kalmar University, SE), Mathias Herrmann (Öko-log, DE), Hansjörg Kunc (Zürich University, CH), Marianne Lindström (Kalmar University, SE), Mats E. Nilsson (KI & Stockholms University, SE), Rogier Powells (Alterra, NL), and Andreas Seiler (SLU, SE) Combining limit values for the impact of infrastructure on humans and wildlife

  2. Limit values for environmental impact support the planning process: • identifying critical impact • directing mitigation measures • Establishing limit values is of crucial importance when assessing cumulative effects • The concept of limit values is strengthened if critical limits for different criteria coincide

  3. Striking resemblance in how humans and wildlife are affected by roads and railroads: • loss of land that could be used for other purposes • barrier for movements perpendicular to the road • decrease in life quality due to disturbance • Separating the effects on wildlife and humans is artificial and irrational • Examples: • 1. Traffic noise disturbance • 2. Barrier for movements

  4. Traffic noise affects environmental quality anddecreases well-being for humans and animals alike • An undisturbed environment is • necessary for vocal communication • recreative (to people) • necessary to discoverhazards (for animals) • Traffic noise • causes stress • affects health and social behaviour • affects mental capacityand sleep (in humans) • decreases reproduction and survival (in birds) • Noisy environments are avoided if possible

  5. Percentage of people that was content with soundscape quality, in city parks and nature with different noise load Source: Nilsson 2007

  6. Eq24h Abundance of birds in natural environments with different noise load Grassland birds Forest birds Sources: Reijnen and Foppen 1995, Reijnen et al 1996

  7. Movement patterns for wildlife and outdoor recreation Source: Mattias Olsson Source: Alterra, NL

  8. Limit values must be applied with care: - Significant effects may occur already below limit values - Maximum tolerable level may not be the desired level In order to fully address cumulative effects, limit values are necessary Additional research is needed to better define critical thesholds, but… There is enough existing knowledge to suggest (and start applying) preliminary limit values for traffic noise and barrier effects in natural environments

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