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Large Synoptic Survey Telescope: Wide, Fast and Deep Survey of the Sky

This presentation highlights the history, capabilities, and funding timeline of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), which is designed to conduct wide, fast, and deep surveys of the sky. With its 6-band survey and frequent revisits, the LSST aims to provide unprecedented data on various topics such as dark matter, dark energy, gravitational lenses, gamma-ray bursts, and more. The LSST is ranked as a high priority project and will contribute significant insights into the study of dark energy and dark matter.

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Large Synoptic Survey Telescope: Wide, Fast and Deep Survey of the Sky

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  1. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Presentation to AAAC October 13, 2006 Anthony Tyson Director, LSST Physics Department, Univ. of California, Davis

  2. Large Synoptic Survey Telescope History: The need for a facility to survey the sky Wide, Fast and Deep, has been recognized for many years. 1996-2000 “Dark Matter Telescope” Emphasizedmapping dark matter 2000- “LSST” Emphasized a broad range of science from the same multi-wavelength survey data AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  3. Wide+Deep+Fast: Etendue Primary mirror diameter Field of view 0.2 degrees 10 m 3.5 degrees Keck Telescope LSST AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  4. LSST survey of 20,000 sq deg • 4 billion galaxies with redshifts • Time domain: • 100,000 asteroids • 1 million supernovae • 1 million gravitational lenses • gamma ray bursters • new phenomena AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  5. Relative Etendue (= AW) 15 sec exposures 2000 exposures per field All facilities assumed operating100% in one survey AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  6. Opening Time Domain AW/t AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  7. deep wide fast AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  8. LSST Survey 6-band Survey: ugrizy 320–1050 nm Frequent revisits: grizy Sky area covered: >20,000 deg2 0.2 arcsec / pixel Each 10 sq.deg FOV revisited ~2000 times Limiting magnitude: 27.7 AB magnitude @5s 25 AB mag /visit = 2x15 seconds Photometry precision: 0.01 mag requirement, 0.001 mag goal

  9. Massively Parallel Astrophysics • Dark matter/dark energy via weak lensing • Dark matter/dark energy via baryon acoustic oscillations • Dark energy via supernovae • Dark energy via counts of clusters of galaxies • Galactic Structure encompassing local group • Dense astrometry over 20000 sq.deg: rare moving objects • Gamma Ray Bursts and transients to high redshift • Gravitational micro-lensing • Strong galaxy & cluster lensing: physics of dark matter • Multi-image lensed SN time delays: separate test of cosmology • Variable stars/galaxies: black hole accretion • QSO time delays vs z: independent test of dark energy • Optical bursters to 25 mag: the unknown • 5-band 27 mag photometric survey: unprecedented volume • Solar System Probes: Earth-crossing asteroids, Comets, trans- Neptunian objects AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  10. LSST Ranked High Priority • NRC Astronomy Decadal Survey • NRC New Frontiers in the Solar System • NRC Quarks-to-Cosmos • SAGENAP • Quantum Universe • Physics of the Universe • Dark Energy Task Force + P5 AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  11. AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  12. LSST Funding Timeline • FY-2004 R&D proposal to NSF AST • FY-2005 $14.2M LSST R&D grant • FY-2006 DOE CD-0 Ground-based dark energy • FY-2007 LSST NSF MREFC Proposal submitted • FY-2009 NSB moves LSST to readiness phase • FY-2009 DOE MIE funding begins for camera • FY-2010 NSF MREFC award to begin construction • FY-2014 First light and commissioning AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  13. LSST Probes Dark Energy and Dark Matter • Weak lensing (multiple probes) • Baryon acoustic oscillations • Counts of massive structures vs redshift • Supernova cosmology (complementary to JDEM) • Mass power spectrum on very large scales tests CDM paradigm • Shortest scales of dark matter clumping tests models of dark matter particle physics The LSST survey will address all with a single dataset! AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  14. AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  15. Weak Gravitational Lensing Heritage 1983-2000 Weak gravitational lens experiments using Blanco telescope 2000 First detection of cosmic shear 2000-2005 Deep Lens Survey 1996- Emerging need for an all-sky deep multi-wavelength facility with controllable systematic errors Today, several distinct groups worldwide are pursuing weak lens cosmology on a variety of telescopes. 2-degree by 2-degree mass map of one of five Deep Lens Survey fields. All four clusters examined in this field have been verified with spectroscopy and X-ray observations (2005) AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  16. 20000 sq.deg WL survey shear power spectra z=1100 z=3.2 z=3.2 0.01 shear z=3.0 z=0.6 z=0.2 z=0.6 0.001 shear z=0.2 0.001 shear Blanco shear systematics floor LSST shear systematics floor Require: shear error < 0.0002 AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  17. Addressing DETF Critical Issues • WL shear reconstruction errors • Show control to better than required precision using existing new facilities  • Photometric redshift errors • Develop robust photo-z calibration plan  • Undertake world campaign for spectroscopy  • Photometry errors • Develop and test precision flux calibration technique  AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  18. Subaru 10 sec Exposures Raw de-trailed PSF corrected Single exposure in 0.65 arcsec seeing 13 arcmin (l = 1000) <shear> = 0.04 <shear> < 0.0001 <shear> = 0.000013 <shear> = 0.07 AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  19. Residual Subaru Shear Correlation Test of shear systematics: Use faint stars as proxies for galaxies, and calculate the shear-shear correlation. Compare with expected cosmic shear signal. Conclusion: 500 exposures per sky patch will yield negligible PSF induced shear systematics. Wittman (2005) Cosmic shear signal AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  20. Photometric Redshifts Calibration: angular correlation between photo-z and spectroscopic samples enables high precision photo-z: http://www.lsst.org/Science/Phot-z-plan.pdf Precision calibration plan: underway. Likely will exceed requirements. AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  21. 12-band Super Photo-z Training Set Using angular correlations this training set enables LSST photo-z error calibration to better than required precision Systematic error: 0.003(1+z) calibratable Need 20,000 spectroscopic redshifts AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  22. Baryon Acoustic Oscillations CMB (z = 1080) BAO (z < 3) RS~140 Mpc Standard Ruler Two Dimensions on the Sky Angular Diameter Distances Three Dimensions in Space-Time Hubble Parameter AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  23. LSST Precision on Dark Energy Zhan 2006 WL+BAO and Cluster counts give separate estimates. Both require wide sky area deep survey. AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  24. Dark Energy Precision vs time Separate DE Probes Combined More than 10x DETF Stage-IV FOM goal AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  25. Board of Directors President John Schaefer Director Science Advisory Anthony Tyson Committee (SAC ) Steve Kahn, Deputy Michael Strauss Project Manager Donald Sweeney Science Working Groups Victor Krabbendam, Deputy System Scientist & System Engineering Chair of Science Council William Althouse Zeljko Ivezic Ed & Pub Outreach Suzanne Jacoby Simulation & Data Philip Pinto System Calibration David Burke Camera Telescope/Site Data Management Steven Kahn, Sci. Charles Claver, Sci. Timothy Axelrod, Sci. Victor Krabbendam, Mgr. Kirk Gilmore, Mgr. Jeffrey Kantor, Mgr. LSST Project Organization • The LSST is a public/private project with public support through NSF-AST and DOE-OHEP. • Private support is devoted primarily to project infrastructure and fabrication of the primary/tertiary and secondary mirrors, which are long-lead items. • NSF support is proposed to fund the telescope. DOE support is proposed to fund the camera. • Both agencies would contribute to data management and operations. LSST Organization Chart AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  26. The LSST Corporation • The project is overseen by the LSSTC, a 501(c)3 non-profit Arizona corporation based in Tucson. • LSSTC is the recipient of private funding, and is the Principal Investigator organization for the NSF D&D funding. AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  27. Brookhaven National Laboratory Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Johns Hopkins University Las Cumbres Observatory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory National Optical Astronomy Observatory Pennsylvania State University Research Corporation Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford University University of Arizona University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine University of Illinois University of Pennsylvania University of Washington LSSTC member institutions 16 current member institutions. Google Corp. has applied. More pending. + Several foreign groups.

  28. Foreign prospective members • German university group (led by Matthias Steinmetz) • French group (IN2P3 Collaboration) • UK university group (led by Andrew Lawrence) • European Southern Observatory (Catherine Cesarsky, Dir)

  29. LSST integrates Astronomy & Physics communities particle physics astronomy LSST Project NSF DOE LSST Collaborations AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  30. LSST Science Collaborations • Supernovae: M. Wood-Vasey (CfA) • Weak lensing: D. Wittman (UCD) and B. Jain (Penn) • Stellar Populations: Abi Saha (NOAO) • Active Galactic Nuclei: Niel Brandt (Penn State) • Solar System: Steve Chesley (JPL) • Galaxies: Harry Ferguson (STScI) • Transients/variable stars: Shri Kulkarni (Caltech) • Large-scale Structure/BAO: Andrew Hamilton (Colorado) • Milky Way Structure: Connie Rockosi (UCSC) • Strong gravitational lensing: Phil Marshall (UCSB) 171 signed on already, from member institutions and project team.

  31. 2 2 Etendue = 319 m deg LSST optical design has a 3.5o FOV, 8.4m primary, <0.2 arcsec PSF from l=320-1050nm 54 Secondary 64cm focal plane 3 refractive lenses Tertiary Primary AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  32. Mirror Designs • Unique Monolithic Mirror: Primary and Tertiary Surfaces Polished Into Single Substrate • Cast Borosilicate Design Primary/Tertiary Mirror 8.4 Meters Primary Surface Tertiary Surface 0.9 M Secondary Mirror Mirror Cell (Yellow) • Thin Meniscus Low Expansion Glass Design for Secondary Mirror • 102 Support Actuators Secondary Mirror Baffle (Black) AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  33. The telescope baseline design is complete Camera and Secondary assembly Finite element analysis Carrousel dome Altitude over azimuth configuration AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  34. The LSST carrousel dome is 30m in diameter 30 meters

  35. The LSST will be on El Penon peak in Northern Chile in an NSF compound 1.5m photometric calibration telescope AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  36. The LSST camera will have 3 gigapixelsin a 64cm diameter image plane Raft Tower L3 Lens Shutter L1/L2 Housing Five Filters in stored location L1 Lens Camera Housing L2 Lens AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006 Filter in light path

  37. Camera body with five filters and shutter Back Flange Filter Carousel Filter Changer rail Shutter Manual Changer access port Filter Changer AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  38. 2d Focal plane Sci CCD 40 mm The LSST Focal Plane Guide Sensors (8 locations) Wavefront Sensors (4 locations) Wavefront Sensor Layout Curvature Sensor Side View Configuration 3.5 degree Field of View (634 mm diameter) AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  39. 4Kx4K Si CCD Sensor CCD Carrier Thermal Strap(s) SENSOR The basic building block for the camera is the raft tower 3 x 3 CCD Sensor Array Raft Assembly Flex Cable & Thermal Straps Electronics Cage Electronics RAFT TOWER AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  40. The LSST CCD Sensor 16 segments/CCD200 CCDs total3200 Total Outputs AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  41. The LSST Data Management LSST generates 6GB of raw data every 15 seconds that must be calibrated, processed, cataloged, indexed, and queried, etc. often in real time LSST Data Management Model Infrastructure Hardware Computers, disks, data links, ,,, Middleware Interface wrapper Device drivers, system management,… Applications Science Image processing, database queries, … AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  42. Data Management is a major part of the LSST mission The LSSTC partnership has DOE national labs (LLNL, SLAC, BNL), NSF centers (NCSA/UI-UC), US industry (Google, Inc.) and academic centers (Caltech, Stanford, Harvard) to create and operate a World-Class data management center AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  43. LSST imaging & operations simulations Sheared HDF raytraced + perturbation + atmosphere + wind + optics + pixel LSST Operations, including real weather data: coverage + depth Performance verification using Subaru 15 sec imaging AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  44. Project Management Status • Reference Design complete • Full WBS with dictionary and task breakdown • Task-based estimate complete • Integrated cost/schedule complete • NSF MREFC proposal for submission ~Dec’06 • NSF Concept Design Review planned in FY07 • DOE CD-1 review planned in FY08 AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  45. Requests (Then Year USD): NSF $15M $263M $15M/yr DOE $20M $109M $15M/yr Private/other $10M $ 66M $15M/yr Escalated task-based estimate with 30% contingency Timeline and budget for the LSST Submit NSF MREFC Proposal CD-0 NSF and CD-2a funding begins CD-1 Fiscal Years First light 51 months FY-06 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Design and Development (and early procurement) Construction Commissioning Operations AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  46. Why Now? • Broad science community interest • Synergy with 2013- multi-wavelength facilities • Multiple endorsements • Systematic risks addressed • Technically ready AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  47. Q&A slides AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  48. DE Science Drives Short Exposures • Weak lensing requires exquisite control of shape systematics. • One needs hundreds of exposures per filter per sky patch for chopping. • Short exposures allow us to optimally weight. • Many exposures with sky rotated on detector permit another chop. • These require high etendue and short exposures. AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  49. Near Earth Objects • Inventory of solar system is incomplete • LSST would get orbits of nearly all NEOs larger than 140m (per congressional mandate) • Demanding project: requires mapping the sky down to 24th magnitude every few days, individual exposures not to exceed 15 sec • Uses same sky tiling cadence optimal for dark energy AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

  50. Difference imaging Deep Lens Survey AAAC Presentation October 13, 2006

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