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Effective High School Family Literacy

Effective High School Family Literacy. Youth Policy Institute ~ 2010-2011 Presenter: Cati Acevedo. Objective. Define Family Literacy Understand the importance of investigating Getting to know the services, organizations, and/or programs existing at your site

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Effective High School Family Literacy

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  1. Effective High SchoolFamily Literacy Youth Policy Institute ~ 2010-2011 Presenter: Cati Acevedo

  2. Objective Define Family Literacy Understand the importance of investigating Getting to know the services, organizations, and/or programs existing at your site Create a Family Literacy event/workshop Resources and templates

  3. Why is Family Literacy Important for our families and students?

  4. Family Literacy ServicesExamples of family literacy services that may be funded, but are not limited to the following: Reading and Literacy Classes Adult Education Classes GED Classes for Adult Family Members English Literacy Classes Employment and Interview Skills Classes Expanded Library Hours

  5. Investigate…what’s at your site • What are the needs at your site? • What services already exist? • Space and availability? • Is there a parent coordinator hired through the school? • Are there existing parent groups? • When/where do parent mtg’s take place? • Who is the College Counselor? • What other CBO’s do you have on campus? • Who can be your target audience? • Which parent(s) are already involved? • Are there hours that a parent must fulfill? • Who’s your Adult School Administrator?

  6. High School Model Hire a Parent Coordinator Tutor Led Workshops Tutors assigned to communicate with Parents Parent Coordinator and Tutor: Dual Roles Partnering with Local CBO’s Outsourcing /Program Partners School day teacher (must be bilingual) facilitating workshops

  7. Challenges/Adversity School does not have existing parent groups School has little to none, parent involvement Site Coordinator and/or site staff are unaware of the Family Literacy grant School is saturated w/ services No space! Parents and/or students do not attend events School administration is not taking full advantage

  8. Partnerships are KEY Hollywood Family Source Center Parent Institute for Quality Education Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Aztec Rising LAUSD/Adult Schools Charter Schools Local Community Based Organizations Americorps National Council of La Raza

  9. Family Source Centers in LA

  10. Family Source Center

  11. PIQE – Parent Institute for Quality Education

  12. Esperanza CommunityHousing Corp

  13. Little Tokyo Service Center

  14. KHEIR – Korean Education Information & Research

  15. Family Literacy Events • La Feria: Es El Momento • Cash for College Family Night • Cash for College FAFSA Workshops • SCORE High! • College Making it Happen • Job Readiness Workshops • Health and Wellness • College Access Information Workshops • Physical Education • Curriculum Centered Trip/Excursions • Program Partners • Summer Bridge Programs (Students and Parents)

  16. UnivisionLa Feria: Es El Momento

  17. Cash for College Family Night

  18. Cash for College Super Saturday

  19. Outreach • Phone Banking • Tabling w/ Flyers • Curb side • Home Visits • Site Coordinators • Tele Parent • Parent Volunteer Hours • College Counselor • Parent Groups • Facilitators must deliver • School Newsletter • Word of Mouth • After school program participants • Attend School Wide Parent Meetings • Information MUST be in school’s predominate native language… BILINGUAL!

  20. Best Practices • Targeted a specific group • CAROL AGUIRRE: lalahs@ypiusa.org • Hire a Parent Coordinator • RUSSELL COWEN: newvillagehs@ypiusa.org • Partner with Parent Coordinator • LICIA MELENDEZ: marcandevahs@ypiusa.org • Home Visits • RUSSELL COWEN: newvillagehs@ypiusa.org • Cash for College Super Saturday • LICIA MELENDEZ: marcandevahs@ypiusa.org • Partnerships • JORGE CORTEZ: jcortez@ypiusa.org

  21. Family Literacy: Intervention School lacks parent involvement and the schools ED and Principal expects that your Family Literacy component play a major role in creating an active parent committee…what would you do? You have a tutor who you have noticed has created strong relationships with the parents at your site. How would you use that tutor to work within your CORE and Family Literacy Grant?

  22. You have decided that you will hire a Parent Coordinator with your Fam Lit grant. How will you manage this new position? How will you strategically use him/her to work with the regular school and after school? Your principal has already determined how the family literacy grant will be spent. How will you approach the situation and how will you make it work so that your opinion is taken into consideration?

  23. The Benefits and Impacts Increased Parent Participation Collaborate with local agencies Provide wrap around service

  24. Curriculum Ready for Use College Access Workshops (ES, MS and HS) Effective Communication with Your Child The Importance of Early Literacy for School-Age Children PIQE The Latino Literacy Project Scholarship Information Financial Literacy Beginning Computer Use for Parents

  25. Attendance/EZ ReportsSite Coordinator Role • SC will enter attendance: • Parent Mtg’s • Special Events • College Fair • Parent Info Nights • Any parent event hosted by the SC , it is expected that SC’s will input attendance onto EZ Reports • Please adhere to Attendance Deadlines

  26. Family Literacy Event Sign-in

  27. Resources MALDEF: www.maldef.org SALEF: www.salef.org College Board: www.collegeboard.com Hollywood Source Center: www.ypiusa.org Community College System: www.laccd.edu/ CSU System: www.calstate.edu UC System: www.universityofcalifornia.edu/ PIQE: www.piqe.org The Latino Family Literacy Project: www.latinoliteracy.com/

  28. My contact info… Cati Acevedo School & Community Partnerships Family Literacy Project Coordinator Email: cacevedo@ypiusa.org

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