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There are several advantages of underfloor heating, not the least of which is that you donu2019t have to have radiators all over the place. Underfloor heating is out of sight, so it frees up space in every room.<br>
UnderfloorHeating Provides Many Advantages Compared With Radiators
Thereareseveral advantagesof underfloor heating, not the least of which isthat you don’t havetohaveradiatorsallovertheplace. Underfloor heating is out of sight, so it frees up spaceineveryroom. There are two types of underfloor heating, one of whichiselectricandtheotherawater-based system. Electric heating consists of a heating wire oraheatingmatwhichhastheheatingwires contained within it. It is cheaper to install than a water-basedsystem,andalsoveryquicktoinstall. If you use a heating mat, it just needs to be rolled out on to the floor and connected to the electricity supply.
Ifyouhavearadiator systemthe floor will remain cold, and even dampness can occur at ground level.Thiscanleadto the situation where you have dust mites which can then be spreadaround the room bythe convection thatradiatorscreate.Underfloorheating makes the floor too warm and dry for them to livein.Infact,studieshaveshownthat underfloorheatingreducesthe amountof dust mites by asmuch as80%.Thismeans that anyone who has asthma or allergies will bemuchsaferwithit.
Youcan alsoheat the rooms which you want to heat and leave other rooms unheated or heated to alower temperature, because each room has its’ owndedicatedthermostat. Whichevertype of underfloor heatingyouinstall, you will need to cover it with a screed upon which the final floor surface will be fixed. The advantages of a liquid floor screed in Wokingham are many, not the least of which is that it does not need to be as thick as traditional sand and cement, so it takes less energytoheattheroom tothedesired temperature.
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