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Using Liquid Screeds With Force Drying Can Make Underfloor Heating Competitive

Underfloor heating is nothing new. Indeed, it goes back at least 7,000 years when people used to cut trenches into the floors and cover them with stones which were heated from fires placed at strategic points within the building. However, things have come on apace since then, and today we have underfloor heating which can be either electric or a water-based system.<br>

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Using Liquid Screeds With Force Drying Can Make Underfloor Heating Competitive

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  1. UsingLiquidScreeds With Force Drying Can Make Underfloor Heating Competitive

  2. The electric underfloor heating uses heating wires orheatingmatswhichhavewires contained within them. Theseare very quick and easy to install, but more expensive to run than a water- basedsystem.Thelatterusesheatingpipes through which hot water ispassedin order to produce the heat. The water can be heated by a boiler, by solar panels, or by a ground-source or air-sourceheatpump,andissimplypumped around the system.Forlargerrooms,a water- based system will be much cheaper to operate than an electric one, electricity being expensive andnotlikelytobecomeanycheaper.

  3. Whichever heating system is used, it will need to be covered using a screed, and there is no doubt thatamodernliquidscreedinBristolwill outperformthe oldersandandcementscreed everytime.Itischeapertouse underfloorheating with a liquid screed than with a sand and cement screed because the thermal conductivity of liquid gypsum screeds is nearly twice that of sand and cement. Not only that, but a liquid gypsum screed can be laid considerably thinner than sand and cement, soittakeslesstimetoheatup,andthususesless energy to attain the required level of heat in the room.

  4. ForceDrying Another very big advantage of liquid screeds is that theycanbeforcedried,providedtheright equipmentisusedandbest practice observed. Liquidscreedcanbedryenoughtowalkonwithin24 –48hoursafter laying,dependinguponweather conditions. So, from that point of view there is a big benefit because any other contractors who need to workonthesitearenotunnecessarilydelayed.

  5. Usingforcedryingcanbringthetotaldryingand commissioningtime down to just 28 days.The key to successfulforcedryingisusingthecorrectspecialist dryingequipment,totalcontrol oftheenvironment (including temperature and humidity), and appropriate moisture testing. On any construction project, time is money, so being able to cut the drying time down to four weeksrepresentsaconsiderablecost-saving. Underfloor heating is often thought to be suitable only for high-end properties, and this iswhy architects will often opt for a radiator system in affordable housing. However, when underfloor heating is used in conjunction with a liquid screed and force drying, the overall cost savings can put it on a par with a radiator system. The benefitsofunderfloorheatingwillgoonforaslongasthe buildingisinuse.

  6. Address 5 ThorpesField Alvescot England Bampton Oxfordshire OX182QF CONTACTUS PhoneNumber 01865660026 EmailAddress info@ukscreedsltd.co.uk

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