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COLLABORATION & INNOVATION. A NEW LSTA GRANT PROGRAM Hosted by the STATE LIBRARY OF NORTH CAROLINA . TODAY’S VOICES. Cal Shepard State Librarian . Raye Oldham Federal Programs Consultant. AGENDA. Context Why did LSTA change? How is it the same? How is it different? WIIFM?.

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  2. TODAY’S VOICES Cal Shepard State Librarian Raye Oldham Federal Programs Consultant

  3. AGENDA • Context • Why did LSTA change? • How is it the same? • How is it different? • WIIFM?

  4. CONTEXT • What is LSTA? Library Services and Technology Act • Why? To stimulate use of local funds • How? Statewide programs and sub-grants

  5. WHY DID LSTA CHANGE? • New Five Year Plan • Emphasis on Collaboration/Partnerships • Opportunity to Innovate • OK to fail • Key is what you learned

  6. THE SAME • EZ and Project Grants • Eligible Libraries • Timeline • Match is required • Reimbursement basis http://statelibrary.ncdcr.gov/ld/grants/lsta/13_14/AnnPlan2013-14.pdf

  7. DIFFERENT • Focus on Partnerships & Collaboration • Increased EZ Grant Max • Decreased Match • Public School Partners

  8. WIIFM? • Improved opportunities for your • Library • Community • Current Users • Future Users • Strengthens position of library • Anchor institution • Valuable expertise • Connections in community

  9. YOUR QUESTIONS • Can this grant fund a combination of technology, staff, and training for staff and the public? • Does a library system still have to have Internet filters in place in order to qualify to apply for LSTA grants? • What grants are available to library systems that do not have filters?

  10. YOUR QUESTIONS • Explain more about multi-year grants. • Is there a maximum of years that a single project can span? • How many project directors can be named?  

  11. YOUR QUESTIONS • What is the purpose of each grant category? • What has changed with LSTA grants? • Are any grant categories education or Community College specific?

  12. YOUR QUESTIONS • Will the State Library inform other community agencies about the collaborative focus for LSTA grants, or will that be left completely in the hands of local libraries? • Can you provide examples of potential projects?  

  13. STILL AHEAD One Webinar • October 18, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Literacy & Lifelong Learning Four Workshops • November 14 - Murfreesboro • November 27 - Asheville • November 30 - Goldsboro • December 5 - Winston-Salem http://statelibrary.ncdcr.libcal.com/trainstation#!/month/2012/10

  14. ON THE WEB http://statelibrary.ncdcr.gov/ld/grants/lsta.html

  15. CONTACT US Raye Oldham State Library of North Carolina Federal Programs Consultant raye.oldham@ncdcr.gov 919-807-7423 Cal Shepard State Library of North Carolina State Librarian cal.shepard@ncdcr.gov 919-807-7410

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